Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Abandon selfishness, Elevate Yourself

-Pujya Bapuji’s –
One should never inhibit one self in the mesh of selfishness. Self centered inclination to nurture one’s own nundace desires and passions turn one faculties dim and imperceptive. He who hankers after worldly pleasure can’t under take nay selfless actively. He how succumbs to worldly vices can’t evolve himself properly. Any one how submit himself to personal gains cannot attain blissfulness. Person interests will set off discord in the family.

As a chain reaction the self centered interests of a family will lead to bluntest in the neighborhood and of a neighborhood will cause conflicts in a village. Similarly the selfishness of a village will take its toll in tehsil and form a tehsil it will trigger off to the respective state. The regional interested will further set off to engulf the entire nation. The national interests agisn will create turmoil in the whole globe. Not only this the global interests will finally over how the being form the supreme lord’s vicinity. By no means have I under gone any disgust for those who remain motivated by self interests and ignorantly indulge in the acts defaming and damaging my image.

People talk and discuss over phone that revered Bapuji’s patience is exceptional such an ill propaganda one after the other ruthless spite is being Carrie out but revered Bapuji is free form all sorts of afflictions. One can behold Him ever smiling whereas few expertise deep pans on account of all this malevolence.

May dear child You might be right from your perspective but the reality is far away form the apparent one. Those who are bent on disintergarinating the unity of India wish that we should fight amongst ourselves but our acumen guides us:

‘Had we not fought amongst ourselves, We would not have undone a successful effort.
It is perceived that struggle is vital for any development tand is required achievement. My dear friend The aliens dwell in the maze of huge misconception of Divide and rule policy. Their soft targets of vilification are various faction pro hindu governments and governments and hindu instruction. As a matter of fact the proselytizers and other who harbor ill intentions of exercising dominance over the hindus by creating confiscates and divergence among them have by and large created a schism between the Hindu saints and the police between can only succeed when we, guided by out selfish motives prefer to enter dispute and discord can’t bring harmony. To the contrary, benefits gained on account to ture knowledge can never be diertimtal. The yield of conflicts will turn you indulgent. Consequently you struggle for more attainments and up exploiting your dejected fellow beings.

It is only the provincial modest of self centered and narrow minded people which advices the assertion to fulfill the purpose by means conflict.

As a master of fact objects hived through struggle can’t help eradication one woes and worries vices or unrest. On account of these vicious turbulent and spiteful feelings. God know hw takes who mortal sheath to settle his accounts with others even after his death.

Ignorant and selfish being fight amongst them selves like wild dogs but the percept ones are height judicious and discreet. People comment Bapuji ha innumerable disciples on his behest these followers can even quak the entire county or can go much beyond that . My answer to their remark is for thigh, No not at al Any attempt to create upheaval in the country is obviously our own loss.

Many imprudent beings misled by schemers keep unhitching conspiracies. It is a proven fact that he who thinks foul natures rancor and acts wicked for others inadvertently ends up doings terrible for himself. For harboring may unpleasant feelings for other it is essential to changes your won heart with obnoxious thought which nonetheless deports your own acumen to extant. It hears out that on account of the divestment your own acumen to some extent. It bears out that on account of the digested mind only the person does not refrain form uttering unbearable words for even an enormously venerated great being ultimately harvests curses form aggrieved heats out scepters state that:

Where honored parent and sad guru are not gives due respect but the wicked one are well regarded there dread and destitution inevitable casts it might mare. Unjust decision prevail upon unconsciously. Truculence and disturbance leads to untimely death heart attacks and fatal accident.

The incident in ganister where status of lord Buddha were knocked down and aversion for great men was stirred up evidently validates this fact. One can distinctly –perceptive the amount of disaster being faced by that county today.

Self interest turns a person astray. Those who are busy digging out the roots of their own cherished culture are verily crazy to the highs extent. Scuh people go off track. Driven by their selfish motives they set themselves to amass wealth by hook or by crook and finally after death they find them selves in low births.

Doomed are those who foster ill will towards saint and begins the ture pioneers of peace and happiness in the socially. God knows for how many birth they will becomes dogs and forgs to settle up the account of the sins. It is stated in the Ramayana.

‘A reviler of shankara or his guru takes the form of a fog after his death and retains that form throughout a thousand lives.

Not only for one birth but of thousands of consecutive views they have to take births as frogs, camles and bulls. People in ac chorus of disapproval make an out cry for punishment for these will doers. What punishment can we impart them they themselves are being subjected to the sentence of unrest castgion an accusation. Nonetheless such wicked beings are already generating impressions designed to give out condemnation for innumerable btihs . Now what else punishment you or I can subject then to?

Much is already over only title is lift. O mind do not be impatient . Patience is verily everyone supporter Do not lose al that you attained.

It is better to chant the affable lord name repetitively by turning the beads of rosary for a couple of rounds. Like a solder on the frontier, always maintain a vigil to safeguard your interest to uphold your inhaul cutter. Do not fall a prey to these self seeking conspirator who have been duly blindfolded by their selfishness. Try to conceive an al encompassing gaze and listen to divine discourse of great saints with listen to divine discourse of great saints with rapt attention.

Reversely give practice to his divine remembrance alertness to maintain poise I a cirucmatcnes unruffled divine serenity steady gaze in the sky and arriving at blissful brat in add-on to revert ail japa of soham. Avail some moments in solitude to contemplate that what after so much of accumulation?
Safeguard yourself form egotism. A single selfless task riders the supreme lord indebted to you where as a self entered action turn human it no a traitor. He who perom selfless service to the fellow begins contemplates on ture self in solitude an enter the celestial realm by supreme embrace truly attains magnitude of greatness.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Protect the Treasure of the Heart

-Pujya Bapuji
In order to guard yourself against the impulses of lust anger greed and attachment that arise in your heart think thus: What should I do and what should I not do in response to the impulse of desires? For this you should be virtuous enough? For this your should virtuous enough. First know (the justifiably). Know then according to the scriptures. Then perform the action. Usually you perform the action first. The senses indulge in action. The mind follows then and compels the intellects to follow it. As a result, gradually the intellect becomes tainted with attachment and aversion. If a desires arises then think should I perform the action impelled by my desire or should I perform I ton relational ground? A desire has arisen I mind has supported it and if the mind wants to perform the action to satisfy the desire then in due course of time the intellect will get suppressed. The intellect will be dominated by attachment and aversion and it will desert the equanimity of mind. If we straighten the intellect with due Guru and our Dharam, and we equanimity of mind leading to liberation the intellect and equanimity will get enhanced. On the other hand it we perform the action impelled by the desire of the mind then the intellect and the equinity of the mind are gradually destroyed. What then is the difference between dogs donkeys horse cats, reptiles and human beings?

Vasishthaji says: O Ramji at one times these creatures were human binges but their minds indulged in satisfying their desire their intellect supported then and with time, gradually they become wicked minded. Hence they are born as earthworms, snakes and reptiles.

One who is filled with intense hatred is born as a snake in the next life this there are many other species to the same type. This life is very short: If you don’t regulate it then you will have to suffer the pains of births in 84 lakh species.

‘Protect the treasure of treasures the treasure of your heart protection of it ensure the protection of all.
To charge illegal commission in commercial transactions to commit theft to commit dishonesty at the time of death what will you take along with you? Where will you take it along with you after all? Whatever you are destined to get you will get even unasked. And however dishonest action you perform sooner or later, the effect of these karam will have to suffer the consequence of your doings when satiate their hunger by deceit. Os when an impulse of greed arises in the intellect an impulse of lust excite the sense (the body) think about the consequences to the action on the basis of the scriptures to strengthen the intellect and with and the impulses. With the impulse of greed. Think over of what use is the wealth earned by dishonest means? Of what use are immoral enjoyments? First discern what is justifiable and what is not just cable on the scriptural goudas. When the desire incite you to perform certain action but the intellect says. It is actually not justifiable Then while some.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Even demons do not eat the flesh of ungrateful person

One who doesn’t acknowledge a favour given him or express gratitude to the one doing him a good turn is called ungrateful. In the Mahabharata, Grandsire Bhisham says to yudhithira, There is no expiation for an ungrateful person in jureer of one friends slayer of a woman or one Guru.’

There was a Brahmin named Gautama. He was a Brahmin only by descent other wise he as destitute of Vedic learning and lived the life of a low caste person. Earlier he used to life on alms but in the course of begging for alms he went to a villages of low caste people an settle there marrying a widow of that village. In the company of base persons he also acquired the similar nature. He stated earJustify Fullning his livelihood by slaughtering wild cranes and animals.

One day a learned Brahmin passed thought that forest. He was filled with compassed at the sight of a sacred thread wearing Gautama, Shooting birds like a fowler. He asked Gautama to give up that sinful act. His started of in search of an alternative occupation. He proceeded with a caravan of merchants but while the caravan was passing through a valley some infuriated elephants assailed the caravan. Many merchant were killed. Gautama ran for his life and lost the ways. Wandering in search of the way he journeyed on till he reached a forest abounding in flowering threes bearing fruits. In that forest lived a crane. His name was Rajdharaman and he was a son of a sage ashtray. Per chance Gautama sat under the three which was Rajdharaman home.

As he was came back form lord Brahma’ abode in the evening Rajdharaman noticed his guest. He saluted Gautama in human laganguage an introduced himself. He offered food to Gautama and after feeding him made a soft bed of leaves an flowers for him. After the brahamna had eaten and he had lied himself down, Rajdharaman began to fan him with his wings.

One with the good of others at heart Rajdharaman asked him, o Brahmin where are you going and with what purpose.
Gautama said I am very poor and am going to the sea for earning wealth some of my companions were killed by an elephant. I have come here to save my life.

Rajdharaman said god to my firend viriprpaskesh the king of the Rashes he will hope you.

In the morning Gautama left for virupaksha places. When virpaksha came to know that has friend Rajas Harman had sent gaurtam to him he treated him very will and sent him back with lot of wealth.

As Gautama came back to Rajdharaman, The latter treated him with all love an respect. In the night Rajdharaman too slept on the ground. He had lit fire beside Gaurtam so as to save him for attacks of wilds animals. In the night the greedy and ungrateful wretch of a Brahmin happened to wake up and though, I have a long way to travel heavy is this load of god I have no food by which to support my life on my way. Why not kill this fat crane?
With this thoughts in mind he killed Rajdharaman his sleeping host. He pilled the feathers and roasted the flesh in the fire. Then taking it up with the gold he had broths he left quickly for his home.

The next day Virupaksha addressing his son said Dear son I do no behold Rajdharaman today. Every morning he repairs to the regions of Brahma for adoring the grandsire. While retiring he never goes homes without paying me a visit. These tow day have passed away without his coming to my abode. I greatly fear the ignitions of that Brahmin Gautama. My mind therefore is not I peace let my friends be unwired after.

When the prince accompanied by other Rakashasa arrived at the abode of
Rajdharaman he saw the remains of Rajdharaman. Weeping with grief he ran with great sleep for seizing Gautama. The Rakashasa had not to go far when they succeeded in catching gaurtamn. They brother the mutilated body of Rajdharaman and gaurtam to the king of Raksansa.

Beholding the remains of his friends the king fainted with grief. Virupaksha when gained back consciousness and let this sinful wreath be slain. Let these Raksansa here feast merrily on his flesh.

Raksansa expressed their unwilling aces to eat the flesh of that sinner. They sad let this vilest of men be given away to the chandelles the lowest of the Aryan Commutes.

The Rakashasa backed the Gautama into pieces and gave them away to the Chandelles. Even they refused to eat the flesh of that vile man. This is the flesh of an ungrateful wreath. That coral and vile man who injures a friends and becomes ungrateful is not eaten by the very cannibals nor by the worms that feed on carrion.

The Rakashasa king then caused the funeral to be made for that price of crassness and adorned it with jewels and gems perfumes and costly robes and placed his friends body on the same with great hounoured. At hat times kamdhenu the celestial along with the king of gods Indra appeared in the sky above treacle where the pyre had been set up. Form her mouth froth mixed with estuarine milk fell upon the funeral pure of Rajdharaman. At this and altruistic Rajdharaman was halide while the Ungrateful Gautama was subjected to death in Amy and terrible torments of hell.
History is replete with accounts of calamitous for example learnt the art of producing fire form lord mohair and used it agisn lord mohair himself. No harm was caused to lord Mahavira but goshalak was reduced to ashes.

Saint remain established in their own quaniounms state they do not have aversion for anybody but mother neuter punishes then with repeated blows like a washer man betas the cities agisn a hard stone.

Times away and explain to the mind or engage the mind the some other task. Then the force of the desire or hatred will subside. If an impulse arises to do an action. The mind and intellect also endorsed it and it is justifiable then perom the action. Desiree entices to don an action but the intellect does not endorse it then that cram is against the Dharma. In such a case let some times elapse. Just a as wave comes in the sea When you are swimming in it and sit down for a while the wave passes away. The impulse arise be calm for a while keep patience and the impulse will subside. During the impulse on likes his flatterers.
So protect yourself form attachment and aversion. Protect yourself form impulses and have faith in God. God is endowed with divine attributes. He is Antaryamin pray to god with dee yearning god purify me with your make me absorbed in your ecstasy by force.

Whatsoever you may be it you pay to god with intense yearning then god immediately removes your defects and you get divine bliss.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

What should you d when you cane across a fool?

Birbal used to do japa of saraswatya mantra since he was eleven years old. By the japa of saraswatya mantra, that child had developed his intellect so much, at such young ago only that Akbar had appointed him as his Minster. Whenever Akbar tried to make fun of Hindus, Hinduism or the religious beliefs of Hindus then Birbal would hive such a witty reply that he would have to suffer a severe reverse.

Birbal was a believer of sangatan religion. He gave due respect to saints scriptures and parents. Once Akbar was sting kin his royal court. He said with a view to a make fun of Birbal, “Birbal How intelligent world your father be when you are so sharp wetter? I want to meet your father. Birbal understood that something was wrong and definitely this was a conspiracy of someone who is envious of me. He must be bent on insulting my father. Birbal said, “Alright I shall bring him here tomorrow.
Birbal said to his father, Father The king wants to meet you. Go troyal curt tomorrow mooring but maintain silence and don’t utter a word how ever much a person may as you anything. He reached the court in the morning. Akbar had never seen him before. This was their first meeting. Birbal had purposely not come along.

Akbar asked sir who are you.’

He remained quiet. Are You Bilabial’s father? O are you deaf or what?
Say something.
What is you name? Where have you come form?
He stood asbnosulte speechless. Akbar what a strange man have I bumped into the court then Akbar said, Birbal.

Yes my majesty. What should one do if he encounters a foolish person. My majesty He should remain quiet. Akbar as himself proved to be a fool. Everyone burst into laughter. Heads of Akbar and his sycophant were lowered with shame.

In him alone. Isn’t there the Existence of that in the water who holds the person hand and puts to shore.

He is capable of doing anything restricting even the inevitable or doing some thing contrary to what is destined. Aspiration for that supreme self trust I him and reliance on him is supremely benefic and auspicious. This doesn’t mean no make effort. But do not rely on your ego. Rely on Eternal self supreme self The desire for the perishable test in the perishable and realice on the perishable will lead you towards ruin. Reliance on eternal self supreme self aspiration for That and trust in That will make you united with that.

Friday, June 25, 2010

This Is what satsnag Teaches Us

Pujya Bapuji’s
People say that Desire doesn’t leaves us it difficult to let got of desire but saints say that it is impossible to fulfilled a desire deepens. A tasks that is difficult can be done but a takes that is impossible cannot be done. Desire pull us. Hence we becomes distant form the ture thing (god). Desires related to what king of subject pull us. Those related to sight or earring or smell or taste or touch. Speech tough form taste and smell desire related to these five kings of subjects drag us. We are responsible for the state or condition we are in today. It is our desires that by and by sinner or later assume the form of the condition we are in Desire arrive and give us the situation we are in . They don’t get erased. They get transformed into some other desires.

Our desire are very troublesome. That is why we becomes sad. A desire of as simmer kind arose and it got fulfilled. So this desire has deepened. A desire got fulfilled for a whole joy was felt for some time. Btu the object which was the cause of our happiness etched a deep line of attachment with in us and the object which was the cause of our sorrow etched a deep line of fear with us. Desire did not get fulfilled but they made our consciousness get fragmented in to smithereens. Now what should we do?

One is ture object is an untrue object. Agitation in the mind the imagination of our mind which are as follows: If I do this will be happy If I do that I will become happy. The desire to acquire object through these fancies fragments our mind into pieces an if we increase our sattiva qulites through the medium of satsnag then we acquire the ture object our ture sell for nature. There are tow things. One is eternal and the other is temporary. Instead of liking a temporary objects for himself a wise man prefers the everlasting on he prefers ture object over an untrue object. Appreciate the eternal and use the impermanent.

The body is temporay id did not exist initially it will not exist in the future and it is changing even now. The object that you now have was not there initially and if were have got if we will have to leave it. There is no such object which you have got that you can keep for ever either you will have to forsake it or it will forsake you be it your job, your house your family your husband your can or your body
If will leave you, You will have got old age it will leave you. You will come by death that will also leave you but you will not go away become you are immutable Atam you are sell established you are Truth consdsciunes Bilks personified. You cannot keep on object that you have acquire and you cannot leave yourself. What a simple truth how immemorial and anural is!

People say it is difficult to leave the world but the expertise of saints an what I have came to realize for satsang is that it is not difficult to leave the world. It is immobile to keep the world. Not difficult, impossible it is imposable to leave God. You cannot leave god level God an you cannot keep the world see what a simple traction this is.
Did you put I efforts to leave childhood?
It let you automatically I should leave childhood Did you keep repeating you I should leave youth…. I should leave youth… Did you worry abut that? It left you even if you try and keep it is will still leave you. Similarly, I should let go of insult of praise No have are on their own leaving. A year ago any incident of your praise or insult is now old inferior. The insult you faced looked very dangerous the first day the praise that occurred flit very sweet initially but look now. Everything has becomes the past. There is not circumstance in the world which you can hold on to. You don’t have to leave is Sir it is constantly in the process of leaving you.
It is impossible to hold on to the world and it is impossible to remove yourself. What ;you cannot remove is the ture object and what you cannot keep is an untrue object. Satsang is there to make your aware of the ture object and till you have not becomes untruth is not eternal. So unutilized untioruth and becomes enlightened to the truth. That’s it this is what satsang teaches you.
This would is a large inn. While staying in a hotel or darshan on use the materials provided us per on requirement. He doesn’t the thing home. Similarly his body to is merle a means given to you my son just make use of it.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mahendra Chawla has been exposed as a liar and a traitor

The truth of Mahendra Chawla who publicized a volley of fabricated allegation through the media against Ashram, becoming a puppet in the hands of the foreign conspirators, was in front of the justice D.K. Trivedi Inquiry commission. The fraud Mahendra had alleged that tannic practices were going on in the Ashram but later while admitting the reality he said, Whenever I have visited sant Sri Asaramji Ashram Ahmedabad and for whatever times I stayed there I have never seen any tantric pracits beings done.’
Mahendra who had falsely alleged that there were hidden crypts (tunnels) in the Ashram accepted the fact saying it sis ture that I used to call that place bhoyra (crypt) where things of the Ashram are stored the store room. The land over which the Motera Ashram of Ahmedabad has been built is uneven condition of pits and hilloks. The rooms which are reconstructed over the pits were referred as bhoyra by me. These rooms have entrance doors touching the floor. I used to call the rooms of the basement also as bhoyra.’
Mahendra was used to forge fake documents in the name of sir Narayan sir admitted that it is true that what the help of a computer. A letterhead of any name, of any type of any size, of any organization can be prepared. I keno that fake signatures can be forged.

Mahendra confessed that he arrived in Ahmedabad form Delhi on 5-8-08 taking a flight where Avin Verma Chauhan and Rajesh sloanki were as invited. These four a had collectively leveled a shower of false allegations against the Ashram at a press conference hale in a hotel. The point to be noted is that how come Mahendra Chawla who belongs to a middle class family started flying. Form where did he get the money pay airfares? This point establishes he fact of his being associated with a big gang of conspirators.

His brothers told in an interview given to the journalists, Though our financial condition was not his studies in Paniat. He fell committing thefts. In he ran away form home stealing 7000 Rs. He had even orchestrated hi sown kidnapping and later admitted the truth. After that he went to the Ashram. We thought he world get reformed but there also he did not change his nature and how he is uttering such nonsense after becoming a puppet of the proselytizers. He must have definitely received some 10-15 lakhs. The irrelevant things that he has uttered against Narayan sir are absolutely false and fabricated.’
Brothers of Mahendra continued An F.I.R. was also lodged against Mahendra for appropriating some one’s money after he left the Ashram. He is quarrelsome and violent by nature. Actually there is gang of 4-5 people working with Mahendra who copy other arsons speech and conspire in several ways saying I am Narayan sir speaking I am and so speaking I will do the is and that..”
Finally the evil doing of Mahendra Chawla have been exposed. This deceitful compotator has been abdoandoned by his family. Along with this he is also facing reproof of the leading men of the society. May god grant a wise sense to all . It is good if they reform them selves.
The puppets dancing’s to the tune of agencies are proves to be liars. Some one is in jail while another is surrounded by problems. Still others have faille victims to the wrath of nature. And finally their master are facing stung opposition form their own community. This is a unique sport of nature. In several conspires hundreds of innocent children were abused by the clergy for so nay years. The deaf dumb and physically challenged children wren sexually harassed and that too on such a large scalawag. The nature exposed the secret an the problem becomes so insurmountable that the opposition did not stop by any means. At lat these religious leaders had to publicly apologize. The entire group of advocates of Europe opposed the child abusers. The ones conspiring the child abusers. The ones conspiring to divide India are the sleeves facing spills because of shier own misdeeds. They carry out servile kinds of calumnies but how can the dark clods cover the sun end for how long? Their conspiracies agisn Swami Ramtrirtha swami Vivekananda, Swami Ramsukhadas etc. Failed similarly they have failed in this encounter also an invited the wrath of nature which is brining a disaster to them.

-Dr. P.K. Makwana, (M.B.B.S.)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Reliance on one trust in one aspiration for one…

We offer our respectful obeisance’s unto lord sir Krishan who is the embodiment of truth, consciousness and Bliss absolute and the primeval cause of all causes of the serration substance and destruction of the manifested universes who annihilates the three types of torments viz. (1) Caused by other beings, (2) caused by extrinsic supernatural influences (3) pertaining to one body and mind (sirmadn Bhagavate)
The reliance on the poorna supreme self aspiration for and trust Consciousness and bliss Absolute Will make you poorna (limitless) established in perfection The reliance aspiration and tarts in the perishable will continually perish you. Saint Tulsidasji says that reliance on god alone aspiration only for god. And trust in he belief that the supremely auspicious lord is our sole benefactor frees us form sorrows, anxieties and fears. The desire of the world reliance on it and trust in it entangles us in the world. One cannot remove trust desire and realice they are always there but really fortunate and blessed one are those who divert that form the perishable to the Eternal Tulsidasji says:

I do not desire for emancipation wisdom or wealth I do not even desire for the psychic powers or acclaim.
I wish to aspire for you and please you remove my ignorance. The desire for the perishable and the on it and trust in it in is the instance of the human beings. O Lord you are immortal and are our very Atam (soul). Instead of relying on you testing you and aspiring for you this is our ignotace to aspire for place reliance on and Trust the things people cirecustances relationships and wealth which were nonexistent in the past will not exist in future and even priestly they are ever changing. lord take away our ignorance.
One aspires for perishable objects I shall comfortably do devotional practices when I would get pension. O brother the real repose lice in our indwelling lord Rama. The confront oriented devotional practices will make you weak. The support of pension firend cottage or environment will weaken you.

I had also committed this mistake my Guru ordered me to go and stay at Dia. The sadhana cuter was located in a slum area. I didn’t feel like staying there or even a single day. I stayed there for a few day end then wrote a letter to my Guru kindly grant me the permission to say independent in a vice of my friends saint on the back or River Narmada. There I would be able to do anushitaha etc. Comfortably. May I go there”

My gur sent a reply no stay where you are somehow I managed to stay her for a month or tow restraining my mind and again wrote a letter. “Gurudev I open my heart to you. It comes to my mind to lack the curie and the boundary and throw away the keys in he boundary and flee to the River naramda. It is a queit and secualded place fits for doing peance. Here the children living in the slum keep shouting throughout the day, utter abuses amongst them and also keep writing on the walls Guruji replied if they say abuses then they get dispersed in the space. When the dogs bag at night why don’t you take is as if they are chanting keep staying there only.

I spent seven years over there and Gurudev made me so indomitable and strong that I cannot even imagine that amidst such huge crowd such active life I could enjoy and remain so blissful with the realice on desire of and rust in that in that ever detached Narayan.

We aspire to cherish our beliefs we rely on our possessions intelligent and our friends and relatives but they are all them selves helpless. Rely on That one supreme self ashore for that and keep trust in That.

Saint Tulsidasji says that other goddesses are pleased when you worship then but you becomes absolutely happy when you given up worship of the goddess desire.
Give up worshipping the goddess of desire don’t trust her. Don’t becomes a savant of Asha but becomes the lord Rama of desire that it.

You should aspire only for Rama do not desire anything else,’
If you get Ram It is a read attainment. Other thing s even if you are bound to be separated form you. This is the ignorance of man that he cannot give up desire. He is bound to some one he has to put reliance on someone. So really on supreme self who is beyond nature.

He is untouched by whatever he sees in that state for this infinite bign is unattached.
If you aspire for him rely on him. And trust Consciousness Bliss personified supreme self will sport in form to you in the same form acceding to your behave for him. But you steer clear of your insistence that lord meet me in this and that form no you simply pray god I don’t know your nature but you know about me very well. My heart is your abode my lord l your are an embodiment of Truth , Consciousness and Bliss we don’t know this we just believe init thorough the worlds of scriptures and Great Men.

Please destroy my desire of seeking favorable things residences selection and sadhan in order to start devotional practices. You are omnipresent you are in all conditions.
Swami Rama Tirtha after knowing the glory of that supreme Being to certain teen sung like this.

Some one is happy in certain condition some one is happy with his possessions some one is happy with pet birds.
Some one is happy withdelious foods, Some on is happy with any dress some one is happy in singling melodies…

Shake off the delusion I world be happy in such a condition I world be happy in I get so much wealth and property.. Such desire lead us astray. We get entangled when we exact and put reliance on such petty things. Even with out these things. Even without these things we can live completely happy within ourselves.

Nanakji says.

I worship and adore the lord the perfect tone perfect is his name. O have obtained the perfect one I sign the grouts praises of the perfect lord.

If you seek happiness son attaining any state in future which is not present at his times you desire for perishable you trust perishable and you really on perishable.
Once there was a violent storm in the sea. The boat started swinging on the waves. Seeing the sea stomp the travelers were terrified. Now what to do whom to desire, on whom to really or have trust? All were screaming and crying out. Amongst the travelers there was her husband looking surely at the sky.
She spoke such a storm is raging what will happen now nobody knows. Everyone is screaming o lord save us. And are absolutely inconsiderate.
The bridegroom drew out his sword form the scabbard and placed it on her neck. The dire kept looking at her husband.

The husband asked don’t you fear? Death is imminent.
Why should I get frightened? Though the sword is on my neck but is in my lord had. What haram this sword can do to me?

You have trust in your lord so you are unconcerned. Similarly I have turst in my lord. So I am worrying I have faith in may lord my whatever he will do will be for my good. If he causes this boat to sink then he wants to give me a new body which world b effort give me a new body which world be fore my welfare . And in case He wants to life new to a highest state of satsang sadhana in this very life then he world put this boat to shore. It is not my hand to prevent the stomp but I aspire for him rely on him and trust him. Whatever He please he will do.

One is my hope one is my strength my realice is on one I trust one For on drop form Rama sky blue form life charak Tulsi ever waits.

Just as the pied cuckoo which is supposed to drink only droop of rain Has its gaze fixed on one thing similarly o lord Fix my gaze upon you. If you real yon God than is it on God than is then is you would not fall sick or would not grow old or world not die? O brother if you real on your body on circumstances the n you will growl sooner get perturbed on slightest provocation and can even face untimely death. If you really on god then also you will grow will old and die but sooner later, You will attain liberation after becoming on with the one on whom you rely. If you rely on the perishable the n you will get perished again an again.

If you aspire for god you will attain him and if you desires him and if you desire for anything sales you will lender. The Moth expects joy form the burning fame, trusts it relies on the same. What does it get? It burns to death.’

Don’t be proud about your beauty and chamr. It shall away.
Don’t desire do not trust do not reel y on the external beauty external wealth external certifiable certificates rather aspreire of That Antaryamin, Supreme self trust him and rally on Him. You will cross the ocean of Samsara and be saved for rebirth and those coming in you contact will also get the same.

Aspire for one seek ruge tin one and rely solely on one. Always remind absorbed in Divine consciousness and help others attain the same. Be yourself in peace and make others peaces. Abide by this divine law.

If you resort to falsehoods false allegations deceit and trust then sooner or later you will get destroyed but if you take refuge in the Truth trust the Truth personified lord an rely on Him then your boat may swing but will not sink. Even if he ends your life by drawing you still. H must have arranged for giving you’re a divine birth because you have reined on him . You have aspired for him and have tested him That all.

Don’t worry about your subsistence or you footer. One you have started your journey to him why get worried?
Akhandanandji Udiya Baba had sets out. They were provided with foods etc. At even scuh wild uninhabited regions. Whenever they world get lost someone world show them the path. Suppose some one is drowning and calls god with trust and complete reliance.

Satsang News

(Rishi Prasad Correspondent)
30th March 2010 poonam Vrata Dharis were endowed with darshan and satsnag by pujya Bapuji at three places Haridwar Delhi and Ahmedabad on a single day on 30 the march 2010. Instructing people in the art of living on the occasion of Human Jayanti pujya Bapuji said in the Ramayan lord shiva is considered to be the master of the path of knowledge kahbhuhsuniji is considered to be the master of the path of Bhakti; yajnavalkyaji is considered to be the master of the path of karam; Tulsidakji is considered to be the master of the path of self surrender. But Hanumnji is acknowledged as the master of all the four paths. He use of all the four paths according to the requirement of the situation and gests going. While dealing with the world we are overbearing at times while at other times we may approach in a friendly manner. At times we resort to requesting the others one or evoking sympathy; and at times we may simply wait for the right times. We cannot apply the same approach everywhere. Likewise there should be balanced use of the paths of karam Knowledge and Bhakti;’

Pujya Bapuji incarnation day, 4th April: An illustrious saint once said Darshan of a god realized saint is as good as getting a glimpse of a the ultimate Truth and imbibing his pious vibes is like reflecting on the ultimate Truth. The worship of the saint is worship of the ultimate Truth singing the saint’s praises is singling the praise is singing the praises of God the Ultimate Truth. The human form that is full of supreme knowledge’s diving love of aloofness equanimity fearless beatitude sweetness and Pease the incarnation of such saint on the earth is certainly propitious for making The sadhakas got the opportunity to celebrated the incarnation day of such saint as a festival and to thereby express their gratitude and their blessedness and also to develop saintliness in their own selves. The incarnation day of world renowned sant sir Asaeramji Bapu the darling of the masses was celebrated by all sadhakas around the globe in the form of seva sadhana Diwas.

Samkirtan Yatras were taken out and activates like distribution of grain clothes and other necessities of life among the poor, recitation of s Shir Maharamayana distribution of fruit in the hospitals distribution of butte milk and sherbet distribution of Rishi Prasad and Ashram books and bhandra feasts were under taken by samiti and Ashrams all around the country. This year pujya Bapuji incarnation day was celebrated on an extensive scale. On the occasion of incarnation day. Pujyashree’s said in his satsang which as usual was nectarine and capable of taking one across the ocean of Samsara The material body dies not know that is born not the Atman or self. Between the tow is subtle body or the mind principle . Life is to subtle body what it thinks it si. It the mind thinks one is a sinner on lives a sinful life and if the mind thinks one is a virtous person one live a life and if the mind thinks one is a virtuous person one life a life of virtue. If the mind thinks one cannot understand one lives a life of ignorance. Steer caler of all these yarning thoughts and move towards a divine life.

All actions are done by the material body as per the metal makeup one has. The knower of all this I ma the knowledge principle and form birth and death. One who know this becomes liberated. Becomes great his life and action are divine. Pujyashree’s enjoined people to celesta the day so as to make it a means of saving the world and working for its ultimate good. Pujyashree’s said today day is service day. It is the day of service and sadhan. And I am not content with even this much. I want you to cerebration this days as the day of seve sadhan satsnag and reposing in the Tue self.’

Devotees congregation at Hardware the city of god other occasion of Kumbha from 12 to 18th April came by the golden opportunity of attending mediation yoga and sadhana shibir in pujyashree’s pious company. In addition to pious feelings of Bhakit and with knowledge. Pujya Bapuji said to devotes present there when the sadhaka site mediation on God he attains Dharam media Samadhi a state of Samadhi in which his intellect is drenched in Dharam. As the clods shower vast quaites of water on attains limitless about of religiousness by mediating on God.

Taking a dip in hold revivers gives you only one benefit that religiousness if you come by a saint you get four benefits the four goals of human life righteousness wealth desire and liberation. But if you have the blessed fortune of coming by a sadguru you attain infinite benedict untold virtue. This is the conclusion Kabirji arrived at after careful thoughts.

As the clouds shower vast quantities of water. One attains limitless amount of religiousness Peace and bliss in Dharam Samadhi on chives by mutation in sadguru pious company. Fatality thoughts desires and ignorance are automatically washed away.

Heavy risen makes theater of drains etc. Cleaner and wash away even the stains of diesel and mud etc on the roads miscarry Dharam meha seamed washes away the desires and lusts accumulated over past livers. One becomes blessed one becomes worthy of respect and reverses. One attains bliss. He gets delivered and without even knowing he becomes capable of delivering others. He attains the yoga of self repose.
As Bhagirath in ancient times was successful in bringing the holy Ganga to the earth through his determined efforts people of hilly Uttraakhand through their perseverance were successful in brining the Ganga of pujya Bapuji satsnag to Uttraakhand. Mammoth crowds devotees congregated at roadway on 18th and 19th April for pujya Bapuji’s darshan. Elucidating the gorily of satsang Pujya Bapuji. Said let your body be healthy let your mind be cheerful let your intellect be illuminated by the sun of knowledge’ may the secrets of mantra scicne be revealed to you may you be able to trample over the stores and to make the most of trample over the sorrows and to make the most of fortunate situations even after I depart may you be able to tame and conquer death even without anybody help and to thereby attain God realization this is what is known as satsang.

Satsang programmers were help in one single day on 19th April at katwa poacher were unprecedented by al counts you endow us with bliss Grant us the knowledge of ultimate Truth May were never critics even by mistake May we never be malicious of malicious to anybody May we shun falsehood and be truthful my we be amicable mayor be divine may we ever sign your praises.

This message of Mutual cherishing was give by pujyashree’s. The adorable mountain people were filled with the feeling fo healthy living and mutual cherishing. Giving a wake up call to people of the hill pujya Bapuji’s said the people of those hill should refrain form watching obscene films consuming fast foods and using mobile phones. They should recall their glorious past and should work for the brilliant future that awaits them.

At signage giving people the technique to cultivate an attitude conducive to success in life pujya Bapuji said This world is an abode of sour. One who wants to be happy with the helped of worldly things and worldly people is utterly foolish. The trick is to seve the world and go to your True self for joy. This is what Shabri did.Btu those who want o be happy by adopting the means that were adopted by Hitler Ravana, Alexander etc. Fail miserably.
In the evening of 20th April and the morning of 21st April people of Tihi had the good fortune of availing of satsang. Warning people against the false logic of people who are out to promote asceticism towards the customs and traditions of Hinduism pujya Bapuji’s said, Those who announce that the hilly people are fools because have to many gods and they are wise of they have only one god are themselves foods. They do not know the gory of this place. The lord himself says among the mountains himalaya am in the Himalayas are blessed with vibes in eth atnomophere that are conducive to concentration and mention. Secondly from immemorial ascetics saints sages and Rishi have been residing here. Thirdly this land is blessed by the scriptures. Everywhere on this land people have been engaged in sadhan. When people do sadhan and worship God the dive element in them becomes manifest. In the hills the divine element of many people become manifest. There fore there have been many gods and goddesses in the hills. That is the reason why the hilly people have tradition of believing in a numbers of gods and goddesses. This is their foolishness. Those who proclaim hilly people to be fools should med themselves and should reform themselves . The time is conducive to such reformation.

There aging was a Mahumbha (huge gathering) of devotees at Haridwar form 24th to 28th April with each passing day the crowds of devotees cantoned to swell in the yoga sadhan shibir orgainsed here and made the arrangements looks woefully inadequate. In the Poornima day mammoth crowd of devotes gathered here. The chief Minster of Uttraakhand Dr Ramesh pokariyal nishank and uraban development minister, Shir Madan kaushik too came to the shibir and received blessings form pujya Bapuji’s. The people accompanying the tow misters were amazed to see how lakhs of people were listening peacefully to pujya Bapuji’s . Bapuji said and this is the first day an the gathering is about 25 percent of what it will be on 27th and 28th of April.

Chief Minister pokariyal said I have been blessed to have the fortune of getting darshan of sant sir asramji’s Bapu. I pay my obeisance at the feet of pujya Bapuji and welcome him in this and of gods Uttraakhand in the godly soul himalaya and in the territory of Ganga I also applaud and welcome you al present here in the satsang who have arrived here form different regions of the country and world at the bank of ganga to anvil yourself or Bapuji vacantly.

Pujya Bapuji it is solely because of you that this massive Kumbha programme has been condoled in a very pleasant manner. We have received form you your blessings guidance and all the strength refried for its conclusion. For this I offer my salutation at you lotus feet. I would life to make a request that you may arrive in this state which is the incarnation place of vedvyasij who divided the vada of the great teacher of Ayurveda charak of Bharat in whose name this county was named Bharat and of Ma Ganga and that we may continue to get your billings. This part of the earth is the land of gods. Whatever massage you would convey form here would reach the entire world which will give us streght.

Once agisn I would life to welcome you on behalf of the Uttraakhand Government and public. I bow to thee.

Pujyashree’s declared faith in god to be the mainstay of life and inculcated sadhakas heats with discrimination and with faith and belief in god don’t think that your body will to fall ill or grow old or die if you belie in god. Dear ones if your believe in the body and material things the body will grow old and will die sooner rather then later. You will be deprived of peaces of mind when you believe in god the body will still grow old an will die but sooner or later you will realize the one you believe in. And if you believe in the material world you will be born and destroyed agisn like matter. If you cherish god you will realize him end if you cherish something else you will hanker after that. The moth cherishers the fame what does it get,?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer season special Nutritious Mango

Mango is nature’s blessing for curbing dehydration and feebleness bron out of summer season. Ripe mango of native origin is sweet. Fatty an nourishing. It boosts up semen and digestive fire. It is beneficial for hearts, glows complexion nurtures the body and the mind and takes away gastric problem. It is a rich source of calcium, iron vitamin A,B,C, an D. intake of native mango is highly beneficial for old and feeble people.

They should consume mango juice with honey to get instant energy. A little ginger juice and saintly (dried ginger) when added to mango juice makes it easily digestible. It is better to suck mango orally and tastefully rather then sipping its juice. Native quality of mango with diluter form of juice is more beneficial as compared to the one with thick juice.

Health giving Bel (Aegle Marmelos)
Bel fruit is extremely beneficial in varios ailments of stomach e.g. dysentery diarrhea with blood acute and irregular from of chronic diarrhea indigestion pies with blood boils and chronicle constipation etc. Syrup made from its fruit or d dehydrated pulp of bel fruit is an excellent remedy for the above cited ailments. It syrup helps incurring mental agony, dizziness and faintness. It also provides coolness and vigor to the body.
Method for preparing Bel syrup:
Cook 500 gms of fresh and Bel fruit in 2 liters of water on a slow flame. Sive when reduced to half. Mix tow kg of mihir (sugar candy) for preparing thick syrup. Store it in a glass bottle. Add 4 to 6 spoonful (20 -40 ml) Syrup in cold water to make an healthy drink. Use its one of twice a day.

Caution: Use of Bel on Panchami day brings about disgrace.

Sugarcane: An endowment for summer season

During summer season the body becomes arid and dehydrated sugarcane juice acts as immediate remedy an supplements. It maintains the life force as well as moisture of eyes. Its regular intake is a complete cure for thin and bonny body. It also acts as an antibiotic gives relief in sharp and acute pain of heart and general body weakness.

Its is good to chew the sugarcane stick after washing it properly. Regular use of sugarcane in the morning helps in removing stone form the body. A mixture of sugarcane juice and honey gives instant relief i9n vomits due to excessive heat. One cap of sugared juice mixed with half cup pomegranate juice helps in curing diarrhea with traces of blood. Sugarcane juice with a dash of lemon and singer a juice is beneficial for stanch and heart.

Caution:: Person suffering form diabetes cough and worms are prohibited form the intake of sugarcane.
Special Attention:; These days many people use juice extracted by machines or juice. According to sushrut sanhita juice extracted by machines is tough to digest. It can cause burring sensation constipation. It may also bring infection. There fore is better to savor it chewing.

For 100%pure and Natural Bath Multani Mitti (soft Clay)
Soft clay is an excellent remedy for skin related problem ailments boils and ulcers. Its use in bath clears out the body pores. Use of any bath soap cannot provide even one hundredth of the befits of soft clay. Use of various oats an poisonous chemicals e.g. (soda khar) in commercial soaps proves harmful for the skin and its pres. Those who wish to remain vigorous and healthy should avoid the use of soap and prefer soft clay instead.

The paste this clay should be kept smeared on the body for 10-15 minutes to give immense benefits. It helps cleansing and clearing pores of the body and extracts the defects of hear dirt etc. which in turn safeguards the body soft and smooth. In case of excessive oily skin mix soft clay lemon curds beaten curds to prepare a paste to keep aside for about 10 minutes. Apply it on body remain coated for 10-15 minutes and then take hearty bath. This is a good cure for the acne or boils of the face.

It is better to avid the use of soap and avial the immediate advantages of this therapy.

(Mhantra for applying clay.)
O noble earth Horse and carriages move on our blessed surface. During his incarnation as lord Vaman god Vishnu had measured your light and breath by his holy feet. O sacred clay kindly eradicate the innumerable sins I had committed during my millions of births.

See with your own eyes and be sensible

For the last ten years I have been associated a with the media. I have examined the Maida from close quarters. There was a theism when journalism was mansion but today it has been completely commercialized. Today news is sold. Journalists are freely miscuing the freedom of press. Making allegations agisn any great personality and maligning him I child’s play for the journalists. Going to the root of the matter to find out the truth is foolishness to them. Some time ago TV channels and newspapers carried out the ignoble task of furthering the singlet campaign of character assassination of the premier saint. Sant Shir Asaeramji Bapu. Upon investigation all the allegations were proved to be false calumniators were apprehended. Why didn’t the TV channels and newspapers publish this news? Is it impartiality they claim to adhere to?
No sir This is the ignominious reality of today’s media. What a superb good pujya Bapuji’s is doing to people today! People worship him life god. What is the reason behind this? The reason behind this is the spirit of altruism welfare of all good be to all The reason behind this is pujya Bapuji’s love for all an his truthfulness an piety to the bone. The entire media should honor this great saint and should make amends by giving wide publicity to altruistic actives being carried out under his auspices. And I exhort the people who tend to see with the eyes of others believing the false and baseless news of these TV channels and newspapers to see with their own eyes and be sensible.

-B.R Sinha, Chief Editor Tension Times Newspaper Group Rajnandagaon (Chhattisgarh) contact:: 9407782731.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sex scandal and dominion of pope

Dainik jagran, new Delhi (Vishnu Gupta.) The truth of the compassion peace and feeling of well being of pone Benedict 16 and of catholic church was at last revealed in from to the world. When their cruel immoral face was laid bare then the shield of special rights was raised.
The catholic church created a new definition that neither could there be may legal preceding instituted against their religion preceptor nor could he be arrested. Reason being that he is to only the religious preceptor of the Christians but also the National president of Vatican city. Being a national president the arrest pf pope Benedict 16 was absolutely impossible. Though a massive campaign is going on in America and Europe in order to arrest the catholic church and pope Benedict 16. Dozens of case have been fielded against them in the courts and pope Benedict 16 is being asked to present himself in the court and give replies to the allegations.

It is true that pope Benedict 16 has the shield of being the National President of veteran city because of which he would be saved form presenting himself in the courts or form suffering the results of his guiles but this incident has definitely spooled the image of catholic church and pope. Apart form this fact has also came to light that instead of arousing the fallings of compassion peace and welfare of evil acts. No steps have been taken for the enlistment of children who were victims of sexual harassment by the church priests and so action bas been taken against the prestos involved in sexual harassment. The American and European median has given the name Vatican sex scandal to his entire sequence of incidence.

Only a few days back when this matter was exposed then pope benedict 16 had begged pardon for this sinful act of harassment of the children by the church priest Ireland.

Allegations on pope.
No superficial but serious and proved allegations have been made against pope Benedict 16 which completely ruin this status of a religions preceptor and National President. Now the question arises as to what are the allegations on peope Benedict 16? He is begin accused to have give shelter to the criminal priests and of getting them dielvered from legal proceedings. Peope Benedict 16 has done the evil acts such as that of shielding many purists form the offices of sexual harassment. But the most inhuman dreadful and famous incident is that of priest Lorene Marfi. Lorecne marif was a priest of a catholic church of America in the year 1990 A.D There was also an ashram for the orphan disabled anemically retired children in that catholic church.

Priest lorence marfi has been accused of sexual harassment of more than 230 children. All of these 230 children are either physically or mentally disabled. A amongst them most of the children were even deaf. The whole of America was shaken up when this incidence of sexual harassment of mentally and physically disabled children came of tlight. The reputation as well as credibility of catholic church was at risk. There was to only resentment in the population believing in the catholic church but their faith was also wavering.

The catholic church should have collected compete information about the sexual harassment of the children and should have helped in implementing the criminal penal code on the alleged priest by unfolding the touch. But the catholic didn’t do this. The catholic church got the help of American government. As the candal spread it disturbed the sleep of catholic church which there after forwarded the Vatican city and pope for action on alleged presort Florence marfi.

At that times the name of peope benedict 16 was cardinal Joseph and he was the president of that branch of catholic church on which lay the responsibility of investigation of sexual harassment of the children b y the prestos. Peope benedict did not show any interest in getting pest lorence marif punished. Matter was not only that much. All efforts were made to dismiss the incident. Obstacles were made to dismiss the incident. Obstacles were put in the arrest of lorecne marif an punishment for the offence in accordance with the American law.

Vatican city was of the view priest Lorene marif was a noble person put was malicatiouly framed under the charges of sexual harassment. The ones who are a catholic church are involved in this though the investigation of the charges on Marif was carried out by 2 senior Arch Bishops of catholic church. It is to so that such matter of sexual harassment has been raised up in America alone rather there have been several such case reported in Vatican city also.

Vatican city is flooded with case of male prostitution also the secret of male singer of Vatican religious music group. Thomas and pope Benedict personal assistant Angelo Bald chi were alleged to have sexual relationship with male prostitute.
Criminal Priests in India also.
The name of she prestos alleged of sexual harassment were changed. They wren scent outside America Europe and concealed so that they could be saved form coming in the orbit of criminal laws. Dozens of such priests on whom were changes of sexual harassment with children were sent to Asia Africa form America Euroe.One such priest is staying in India several years A priest by the name of Reverend Joseph flanivael japipal works India.

There are charges of sexually harassing a gilt of 14 years on him along with tow other similar changes jaipal had reaped one another village girls in the yeas 2004 in a church of America. By the grace of vativan and pope jaipal fled and came to india so that he could be saved from being punished for the office of rape. The American administration had to labor hard in order to search for him. Vatican under pressure form American administration had to disclose japial whereabouts. Seeing the matter getting exposed father, Vatican had recommended to suspend jaipal form catholic church but the arch bishop cuneal withheld the suspension.

The American administration is trying for jaipal extradition because there is huge pressure rights activists on the American administration. But jaipal refused to face the sexual charge after going to America.

Can to be considered right for the Indian arch bishops of catholic church to give refuge to rapist preset jaipal? Shouldn’t the precise pricey of the indain arch bishops be criticized? Didn’t jaipal becomes any issue for the Human Rights institution spread all over like toadstools?
Public campaign will bring about a change.
The demand of resignation of pope Benedict 16 is being heavily realised in America Europe. Exhibitions have as been organized at places. Vehement portions have been done at the processions of the peope Benedict 16 in England along with other European countries. A public opinion that the pope should give resignation and thereby express repentance for giving shelter to immoral actives is quickly gaping. The pubic desire against the pope can hardly be successful there is no prescribed rule for resignation of pope. But there are certain facts connected to resignation but they are not caller. In 143 pope pies 12 had made a written constitution that if the pope is kidnapped by the then if should be considered that the pope has gives resignation and the procedure for selection of new pope can be initiated Until now neither the Nazis nor any body else has dapped the pope. Thus the principle laid down by pious 12 cannot be brought into effect. It depends on pope Benedict 16 whether he will give the resignation latter or not but there is rage with in various braches of Vatican the various braches of Vatican vita and of chtholic churches of different cosntires. Emphasis is being laid upon the principle of giving sacrifice s in orders to protect the images of catholic church. German Roman church ahs also stated campaign against Pope benedict 16.

German Raman church holds the view that Vatican city and pope benedict has not done anything for the children who were victims of sexual harassment and for their family members.
Even in the Vatican city the relatives of the children who are victims of sexual harassment have carried out demonstrations against the pope. Along with criticizing the conducts of pope Benedict at the press conference they have challenged them to face justice .

Catholic church in mire

R.L. francis. Nowadays the people sitting on the catholic religions positions are preoccupied with some deep contemplation. The main reason of their concern is the pervading sexual behavior in the priests of the present time churches because of the thriving sexual frustrations within the prestos they have started Turing away form the essential seva of the ashram mentally. It result is apparent. In the from of increasing rage amongst the catholic believers. The demand to maintain the dignity and decorum of the church by the beavers is continuously increasing and this movement has take the from f international issue. The catholic youth section is playing the leading rolle in this movement.

There are 6 crore 30 lakh followers of the Ramón catholic church of America which means that one fourth part of the total pupation of America is of catholic followers.

Moreover the Bishop and cardinal here have maximum influence upon the vativan. Wherever selection of a new pop is being done the influence of the cardinals of this place can clearly be seen. The catholic believers here are more vigilant of the activates of the church officers. In the present times three wine wealth and woman are per eminent amongst the catholic regions offers. This kind of immoral conduct is constantly finding a home with in catholic churches.

Vatican which is getting surrounded on all siders by sex scandal has made yahudi lobby and Islamic organization its target for defending itself . Now tips question has arisen that whether vativan is a state or simply a head office of a worshipping sect? Why is pope give the status of nation president along wit being a religious leader? Why is vativan a supervisor in the united nations orgaimiaiton? Why has vativan got the right to appoint its ambassador in tower counties?
Why is vativan above the law of any country?

Now the times has arrived when vativan should priced towards self expiation while halting its imperialism. It should accept the faults committed in the past and should resolve not to repeat them in It should keep itself restricted to religion matters instead f national issues.


Friday, June 18, 2010

Except Devotional Practices

Saroj was ascending the stairs to the temple, absorbed in deep thoughts. Suddenly she felt as if someone was calling her. She tuned back to find her satsang mate kanta. Kanta came near her and sad, for last several days you are not attending satsang. Had you been out these days. Saroj said I have been suffering from unremitting fever since last Tuesday. Moreover our servant Ramu has gone to his village. He was of great help. He would at least wash utensils clothes, etc. and would fetch vegetables etc. from the household chores a one. I send the children to school after giving them breakfast. My husband goes to office at 9:00 AM. I sweep the house clean the utensils and wash the clothes. As I get a little times to relax, the children return home. Then I serve them food I help them in their homework etc. Thus the times fleets. At night same drudgery cooking meals serving it… When at last at 10,o clock this vehicle get relief. This last one and half week was really tough. Ramu also went during these days.

Listening to Kanta story Saroj turned a bit serious and said, yes sister the treadmill of householder’s life is like this. We do not like doing it and we cannot abandon it. But sister even we are not completely faultless, There are many great households devotees also. They also have children relatives just as we have but still they give more importance to devotional practices. We people on the others hand remain entangled in the household chores and when we get some spare time we are not in a mood to meditate on God. Take for example your own self. Your servant was not there and on top of that you had fever still you carried out all the household works excepts devotional practices.”

Talking thus they reached the door of the temple and afar paying salutation to lord sir Radha Mahav they entered the satsang hall.
When the satsang was over all the listeners happily went off to their homes but the last sentence told by kanta reverberated in Saroj eras except devotional practices she pondered yes she sir right. In fact during those days of illness which household work I didn’t perform? Served food to the whole family, helped the children in there home work. On the arrival of guests I somehow to show hospitality and I myself took meals 2-3 times a day. I did everything excepts practices the words of the devotes surdas echoed in her ears:
“Who is as devious and vile as l am I forgot the one who gave me this body I ma such an ungrateful wretch.’
This human body has been gifted to us for devotional practices but man fritters away a his precious time in flutes activisms worthless takes and is filet with no times for meditation of God. None of the persons on whom he wasted up al his life, accompanies him at the time of death and he goes empty handed. Man uses up and he goes empty handed. Man uses up,

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Secret of success

(Excerpts from pujya Bapuji Satsang)
I am such a supreme consciousness whose authority makes all Yama, Kubera, gods and goddesses sun moon winds etc work in their destined roles. Wake up in this reality. Why to consider yourself a body or a person of any caste tire? Taste the experience of salvation by considering Yourself as supreme braham. Don’t get entrapped in the thought what the world will think about you. See and contemplate what and Upanishads sat, what the Vedas and scriptures say. Reach the sate of immortality by assimilating the supreme knowledge and blow the immortal trumpet for other also.

Lord Krishna the knowledge personified, had taken a vow to hold any weapon during the Great war of Mahabharata. But when he perceived Arujna entr4apped in a precarious situation then instead of wielding sudasahan charka he ran with the wheel of chariot in had. The old Bhisham could not help laughing at the awkwardness of kanhaiya. We cannot visualize lord Krishna who is the personification of knowledge, dancing and playing on flute running after calves and playing with cow’s horns. Because sir Krishna remains in the eternal trace of his highest consciousness whereas today’s man ramins soiled in the mire of differences egotism and utter sensuousness.

Rise wake up transcend the limits that I am body the real cause behind every good or bad is our own at am our Krishna. We unnecessarily blame others for our downfall and believe thane to be the cause of all misfortunes. In reality sensuousness is the root cause of our downfall. Nobody in the world can make other fall. It is the beings own ill desires that cause him to fall in the ditch. Our own truthfulness love towards the love incarnate pure an pious behaviors keeps us happy an delegated.

We at times say these faculties were given to us by s and so person poor being These material things come to you by your luck but it is in you hands whether you want jot run after these materialistic perishable things or not. It is true that wealth come by fate only but the wealth never force you to accept it servility.

You fate can give or stake earthly faculties form you but it is in you own hand get allured to them or not whiter the coming or going of these worldly objects makes you happy or sad solely depends on your own self.
Endeavor is better then fate. In can only help you in transforming or falsifying your fate. The slow fate can be changed or crushed whereas the acute fate can be falsified. Now it depends upon you whether you wan to help upon you grown inner strength or to rest against the destiny of the will.

When you are without ego without the Big “I” the radiance of the self luminous shines like a chandelier. The more you are free from ego or possessiveness the more is the effulgent spark and glory the self luminous and rather it illuminates others also. Your also does not let you cut the terrible net of attachment. Instead of pulling run underneath others if you think of showering petals on the path of others will automatically tun into love failure will be transformed into joy of success. If anyone plays something wrong to you and if you try to return him with more goodness. You will certainly succeed But if you think in term of doing more wrong to him you will face failure in life. You will also become one like him. In order to correct an egotist person if you also seek refuge of egoism then where lies the difference between him and you?

By being one with the indweller if you have set yourself for the uprightness other the He will certainly side with you.

In order to correct others though worldly means you becomes one in its favors whereas by being one with. The supreme lord when you used worldly means to some extent is not cindered wrong at all. But first be one with the indweller do not spoil your intimacy with him. Do not ever wish for your enemy. If someone behaves extremely untowardly you may reprimand him order to teach him a lesson but that should not be done with a feeling of jealously rather is should be for the sake of his betterment only. How do you punish your only son? If the father says that either the son will love or I will live then certainly it is the bankruptcy of his wisdom he surely lacks true knowledge and equanimity in his personality.

He who possesses equanimity never complains and he who complains does not have equanimity virtue vice joy affliction all manifest though you. They borrow the light form some source or the other whereas you are self radiant they are sentient. You are insistent. Surprisingly you yourself being insentient are afraid of sentient things. We have created this huge mansion then why to fell afraid of it? In the same ways all these happiness miseries virus vices al are creations of our consciences. Why to be afraid of these?

If your life is blessed with sacrifice and love believe that you have attained felicity in you life. Selfishness and hatred bring all sorts of woes and miseries .If you abide yourself in the supreme harmony who is the cause of all things then these joys an afflictions will appear to you nothing but a mere play. Fix your self firmly to the fact that this mundane world and it s perishable things dare not defy your order. You show your non dual behavior with the lord and all these mundane faculties will set themselves in your servitude in order to make their own fate.

The circumstances will change their color and side only with you. If the flume of the forte start moving downwards and the sun starts rising from the west keen the these words of lords veda can’t prove to be wrong.

Those devotes however who knowing no one else constantly think of me and worship me in a disinterested way to those ever united in thought wish me I bring full l security and personally attend to their needs.

Those who think that they will set themselves to prayer after earning or attaining a sum of amount give more heed to supreme lord. There are many people in hardwar and Rishikehs who keep the money in fixed depotes and take a room on recant for praying to the supreme lord. There benefactor is to the lord Almighty rather they bank upon the interest or pension money. They subsists on the money of the interest and contemplate about money only what world becomes of the money after then and consequently die in this very thought and worry. Those who first amassed huge heaps of wealth and after weeds started doing mediation could never succeed in finding him. Rather those who kicked away the protection of this mundane world surrendered themselves entirely at his lotus feet got all the faculties automatically. The supreme lord arranged for their subsistence and a result the meditation bore the desired fruit. Those who seek the sole refuge get more faculties then those who subsist on the interest money.
(Excerpts form jivan Vias a book published by the Asharam) Continued…

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Towards Sattvic Faith

(Excerpts from pujya Bapuji satsang)
The faith of each of is in accordance with his nature, O Arujna The man consists of his faith as a man faith is so is he.’
“Sri Bhabavadgita the world acclaimed scripture enfolds the lord sir Krishna divine song which is meant to redeem the entire world,. The sacred Bhagabadgita is acknowledged as the realization of the lord mine. In the 3rd verse of the seventeenth chapter the lord himself elucidates o Arujna o Bharata Bha a means knowledge Rut means the country where the populace remains absorbed in true knowledge, is known a Bharat Even Arujna was named as Bharat! Arujna who remains ever absorbed in true knowledge The faith of each being is shaped to his own inner consciousness.

The outer appearance of a person may be varied but his notions are formed according to his faith and devotion an his action become impacted accordingly. The progeny of a couple possess different notions and hence seem to perform diverse acts. One can even perceive different behavior parterres in the people of one section with their dissimilar views and deeds. People belonging to the same religion oreed or faction express their faith by their actions depending upon their established beliefs and convictions.

As a matter of fact faith is a supreme thought wave of the immaculate lord an embodiment of the supreme truth the supreme consciousness and the supreme blissfulness. But in relation to is virtues it can be classified into three sections Sattvic. Rajas and Tames faith.

Those who possess Sattvic faith will have inclination for pure and Sattvic food righteous actions, patronage of the Guru and the scriptures. As a result of sativa character the suspiration for God attainment will definitely and absolutely get awakened in their hearts.
If the demigods kinners (mythical being with a human body and the head of horse or vice versa) And celestial musicians inclination for wealth or power such a faith can be named Rajas will be just an opportunist faith that can cross any limit for his selfish motives. If he holds faith in religion and God in spite of the that he longs for power and opposition he will refrain form indulging in committing murders or other evil deeds. The person who enjoys tam sic and raja sic faith eventually indulges in various wikded activities like drinking wine eating neat entering in brawls and slashes. His all endeavors will lead to individual wish fulfillment only I’m the king of lank even thought if sita has to be abducted I’ll certainly fulfill my cravings such a statement only depicts Raja sic mixed Tamasic disposition.
The faith does not dwell perpetually in rajas and Tamas. The one with Rajas faith will carry out misdeeds but later or repents. His repentance is part of his sattiv tendencies. He customarily imparts recognition of superior takes to his own account where the inferior ones are mostly passed on to the lord by saying What to do brother your decently worked against you it is the will of the lord such a comment comes form a being with Rajas disposition to the contrary the one with sattiv character will know and comprehend way ahead of times. For higher tasks he naturally express gratituade to the lord and for the poorer he take the blame on his own shoulders or he may consider his sins being eradicated by the supreme power in order to cleanse him. Hence such a man considers every act as superb and outstanding.

The being with Sattvic faith will remain indebted to the Amighty in every approving or disapproving situation. Where as a person with Rajas disposition will fell conceited in wining situation and point the finger at the supreme lord during vanquished ones. The one with Tamas tendencies will not only hold himself accountable for the unpleasant happenings but also work untiringly to harm others him. The supreme consciousness dwells absolutely in every being but in disparity in types and intensity faith creates variance in the being.

One how dwells in Rajas faith will wail and whine at any bereavement. The being with Tamasic faith will even become desperate to depart his own life or maybe he prefers to lie in an intoxicated state to avoid dejection. To the contrary the sattvic being will remain composed and say not much difficult

Rajas and Tamasic faith drive the being into extremes of pain or pleasure but sativa and religions person deems both pleasure and pain as mere dreams. He shares but his happiness to march ahead on the truthful path.
Neither happiness nor sorrow is pleasing wherever the lord positions.

Wonderful is that condition. We don’t have any aspiration or aversion. We’re happy and delighted in your accord.

Thus the being replete with Sattvic faith by considering the episodes of pain pleasure esteem censure admiration castigation. Birth death as mere means for aching the cherished aim, succeeds in the ultimate objective of equanimity and god attainment. In this world that comprises of tri fold virtues faith is of three ways similarly food is also of three categories. Barley wheat rice, ghee milk vegetables etc. Juicy and oily diet will always be liked by the person of static character. Those who relish bitter sour aside, sizzling hot pungent parched and seared food that is bound to reign about worldly sorrow and sickness are verily the possessor of Rajas faith. On the other hand he who is found of half baked, desiccated racking stale impure and impious food to devour food form irregular sources is know as a person of Tamasic character.

Devrishi Naradji says: Faith is the basis of all religions (righteous elations as ordained by scriputes) In order to succeed in any technique of accomplishment whether tams Rajas or Sattvic one verily requires faith only. Even in various mundane activities like earning a livelihood doing a job or receiving education etc. Practically every sphere of life demands faith in one form or the other That I’ll study well and celar the exdan to become an L.A.S. officer people foster such a faith in order to attain the coveted post of L.A.S. Though each L.A.S. officer cannot become a District Magistrate. In a nutshell nobody can do without faith. As a matter of fact faith is the embodiment of the supreme lord. Those who remark that they nothing to do with any faith or do not believe in any form of god, actually dwell in an illusion. As a matter of facts faith precedes each activktily whether Raja Tamas or Sattvic. Faith acts as foundation and performs the task of an engine. Only then the person carries out his various mundane activates. What is you undertaking at the moment? Minimize the effect of Tamasic faith to make over Raja. Reduce the Raja sic effect to take it towards Sattvic faith. Thereafter when you succeed in attaining Sattvic faith you gain competence in availing the blissfulness of the self realized Guru dev your journey towards perfection will inadvertently gain accomplishment with supersonic speed.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The sadhana of Resolve for Guarding Ourselves Against sensual Attractions

-Revered Swami
Sri Lilashahji Maharaj
Sensual Pleasures are more danger our then even the poison of a snake. They should not be taken for granted. What will you expect to happen if you add a drop of poison to 100 mounds of milk? Why, the whole 100 mounds of milk will surely be spoiled! One will be affected by poison only on being bitten by snake but sensual pleasures defile the mind merely on being recollected. The mind becomes impure by listening to dirty words.

Hence no kind of sensual attraction should be considered trivial. Always keep yourselves out of the range of sensual allurements. A black bee is powerful enough to pierce through even a piece of wood but the poor thing meets it won doom due to its attachment towards the fragrance of a flower. An elephant throws itself into a pit, enamored by the sense of touch. The fish gets caught in a hook due to its madness for taste. A moth itself to death being enamored by the sight of a flame. Each lone of these has a weakness for one particular sense object whereas man is afflicted with all five sensual vices. You can imagine what his fate will if he don’t remain careful.’

Hence dear brothers Be cautious. Resolves to guard yourself against the attraction of the since which you are purticautly attached to. Take a deep breath and chant the paranoia while increasing you mental power. Chant is as many times as you can, with power. And then d japa in silence for the same period of times. Resolve, I will not fall prey to that particular sense pleasure ever again or at least for a weak or for a month. Take a deep breath again and chant. Hari …

His entire life in collecting stones and pebbles rather than earning the jewel of devotion to God. What an irony.

Therefore it is give in the scriptures; one should put aside a hundred assignments to have his food on times a thousand assignments to take a lakhs a bath a lakhs to piracies charity and meritorious deeds an a crores of assignments to engages himself in attaining God realization. Satsang grants innumerable merits. We get his discrimination as to what is the ture purpose of human life.
‘Discrimination dawns not without association with saints and such association cannot be easily had without the grace or Rama .’ Therefore one should never forsake the nectar of satsang. One should attend satsnag even at the cost of leaving crores others words.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Truth and Untruth

(Excerpts from pujya Bapuji’s Satsnag)
‘There is no panance greater then the truth, no office greater then falsehood. In whose heart truth resides, there resides good.
Whether you look after wealth or whether you interact in relationships, you must be able to discriminate between what is the truth and what is the untruth. Many times the truth is apparent yet its result is not truth and many times the untruth is apparent still its truth. A lack of understanding transform truths into untruth. If someone says, I speak the truth but as a consequence someone loses his life then such truth will get transformed into an untruth. Just as a cow chased by a butcher somehow crossed trails in a jungle here and there and while rerunning passed by hut of a sage. Even the butcher passed by the hut and asked the sage, Did you see a cow passing by? The sage was an on server of silence so he signaled that the cow went this way. The botched reached there and killed the innocent cow with detachment. A voice in the sky sad. Oh foolish truthful sage you changed this truth into an untruth.

So let out speech be truthful for the welfare of the other be and to the point. Sometimes in order to protect out country religion our lives an innocent cow and an innocent life untruth also gives the result of truth.
There was a dangerous man. Early in the morning he spread fishing net across a lake near the banks either as a hobby or for his business. When a sage saw this he remarked, why are you committing an office just to earn your food or for the sake of your hobby?’

He replied, Maharaj will you feed me I am not married and I have committed so any offences I have killed so any people Make me your disciple.

The sage said I will make you a disciple later but this karma of yours will create more karma you kill fish to earn your living so do some serives in the ashram and you will get your food.

After rendering some service in the ashram his wisdom in the ashram his wisdom awakened and he said Baba Give me Diksha (mantra initaion by an enlightened master).
The sage replied no the time is no ripe yet. God on a pilgrimage. If you have ceased suffering then on a pilgrimage you will endure suffering for the sake of God thus erasing your offence. Baba how will I know if I ma ready for diskha.

The sage broke a branch for his ashram and gave broach from his ashram and gave it to the man saying This si green stick The and this turns yellows and dries up then understand that your offers have been caressed and you are fit for diksha.
He was an ace at wielding the stick. He set out on his pilgrimages. He curse tow to four villages. At night he rested on the platform of a temple. Some terrorists discussed the following. From the right side so and so from the left side so and so, form the west dies so and so like this form all form all directions under the charge of the above appointed people this villages will be set to fire.

He listened to everything while lying down. The man himself was of violent temperance. He thought in this innocent villages many cows will be killed many houses will be brunt down and many helpless woman will become victims of the fire. I have committed many offices and Guruji has sent me on a poilgrimage for my offices to be erased. Now what should do?

They of course were drunkenly making their plan. That was it He picked up the stick and made tow to four chief ones of all down. So then how would the remaining people have nay guts?

Then he thought I have committed so many murders in the past. Now more have occurred when will this green turn yellow.

In the morning he observed that he stick had turned yellow and had dried up. He said Guru Maharaji had laid a bet that the green stick will turn yellow by doing good deeds but this has turned yellow by committing an office. Where has Guru Maharaja mad ea mistake.

He ran back and declined Guruji I hadn’t even reached the banks of the Ganges river. I had crossed only tow to four villages when I foiled their plan of destroying the villages. Whater then were killed or six died I don’t remember by the whole village got saved.

Guruji said this appears contrary to the Dharam but in order to save lives of many you killed a few terrorists this is in accordance with the Dharam.”

Just as while you are doing japa and meditation on the banks of the Ganges River in case someone is drowning in the save him then this good karma while sitting at a place of Truth becomes a negative deed.
The nature of action is very profound Even to be able to understand truth and untruth a very refunded intellect in needed. I am telling the truth indeed he is telling the truth but are sure he isn’t telling the truth to demean the person just as Daksh Prajapati in the course of his pancake did says the truth about shivji. Shiv wears a garland of snakes and skull. He wears an ugly attire and is the lord of ghost spirits and demons. But Daksh Prajapati spoke with hatred and thus his head got cut off. Perfuming yajna is a good deed. The people who performed rituals for Daksh were also skilled but a karam that gets is motivation form an intellect of hatred also yields a result of untruth.

Truth cases the well being of person but don’t unitize it in such a way it works negatively for the person. So let there be truth and let it also be favorable for the person. If you perform karma without and aversion then your liberation your life will be favorable for you and others.

So someone can say is truth right or is the welfare of the person right? Something a contradiction can occult. TI should be for the welfare of the person concerned. So if it is favorable and not ture then what do you do? If it is truthful but not favorable for the person the what do you do?

According to the Ramayan There is no other religion like truth. The highest religion is truth. Then again in the Ramayan there is reference to religion which increases your curiously to relict. There is no religion like caring for the welfare of others. Now which is the better one lout of both? Out scriptures give strategies to solve this also. Where there is delusion about the truth, then check if truth is for the welfare of others or does it nourish our own ago? If there is a delusion about it being for the welfare of others then challenge truth. It there is a delusion about truth then challenge it being for the welfare of others. Then the path will become clear by itself.]
It should be truthful and factorable. It is okay if at this point of time the well being of the person in question is not apparent but we should tell the person the truth without being motivated by liking and aversion and also the feeling of harming his self respect. Sooner or later that individual will, will and will respect that truth.

Someone has committed an error. Being the Guru or the person’s parents your heart takes the support of truth in order to explain to in and to remove that particular flaw in him. So he may feel sleigh bad about his assent to it.
So only the truth is favorable for a person and not be untruth. Truth always nourishes protects, enhances love and hence while saying the truth if there is no hatred, arrogance felling of superiority and revenge then the truth proves to be beneficial for the person. In truth is indeed favorable for the person. In reality ins indeed favorable for the person.
What is the nature of truth? According to the Shanti parva chapter of Mahabharata in the explanation of truth, there are thirteen classification of truth excluding that of truth.

Truth equanimity control of the senses lack of jealousy forgiveness dignity tolerance over looking faults in others sacrifice meditation highest conduct patience non violence compassion. All these form nature of truth.
Truth lacks negativity and is pure. A truthful person has equanimity has the ability of controlling his sense and is free of jealousy. A person how speaks the truth has the quality of compassion dignity i.e. has the quality of being a peaceful soul as regards his mind and speech. A truthful person is tolerant and doesn’t feel jealous when he sees others progress. He has the eighth quality within the ability to sacrifice. The ninth quality is to repose as result of meditation on God The tenth quality is notable behavior not to want or commit any ill will towards anybody. A truthful person has the eleventh quality of being patient and the twelfth quality is enriched with non violent habits. The thirteenth quality is compassion. A truth full person is one who is filled with these thirteen virtues. It does not take time for him to attain one with God. We try to speak the truth built we also take the support of a little untruth. We implement the means prescribed but we also do the forbidden. To form group to form a lobby is untruthful behavior. Speaking falsehood ins untrue but forming a lobby is the falsest of the false. This suppresses our abilities.
To the extent we understand this form satsang a honestly and quickly as possible we can never understand it or implement it to that extent truth out peance. Therefore it is very elevated act to render satsnag and to facilitate then for others to listen to satsang and to make to others listen.

Those who want to extort money by organizing satsang invite colossal disaster for them selves they are taking the path of rendering their as any as seven futre generations paupers. To the contrary those who organize honestly and not for it misuse their seven generations attain liberation their parent sere really blessed.

Now days in some small satsang programs the organizers try to fill their pockets. This has eddied invites their huge loss. Such organizers cannot show them selves before me. They search for others orators.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

What should we give to our children?

(Excerpts from pujya Bapu’s satsang)
Great injustice is being done to the children of India. They are exposed to absence literate and movies. Still out children and youths are much better as compared to their counterparts in other counters. They are very had working. They go to foreign cultures and make some money bearing hardssihips. They are mot pleasure loving like the youth of other countries. This is because of the assuterity of their parents who in turn are blessed by the great Indian culture and satsang of supremely ascetic Indian saints which is capable of eradicating all sorrow for all times. It does not eradicated sorrow by going to other world (heaven) or by removing or gaining something. It does teach that you will get rid of sorrow by attaining something (unpleasant). The (spiritual) knowledge of Indian culture makes you be your happiness does not depend upon your circumstances. It teaches you the art of raining undisturbed in all situations. But unfortunately, in fulenduced by the western culture, out countrymen do injustice to themselves and to their children. A police officer came to my satsnag in Delhi. If felt pity for his tow children who accompanied him I said, they will not develop properly; their digestion is impaired.’
He said yes they eat chocolates.’ I said why do your give them so much of chocolates? Don’t you know harmful the chocolates and fast foods are they upset the stomach.’
When people get money and power, they give to their children whatever they want. Children in misguided by advertisements ask for the things they see advertised on television. This is spoiling the children health and damaging the glory of India. Children are losing reverence for their parents. This is the result of convent education. It the parents do not avail of satsnag in their lives. They too are deprived of the necessary wisdom. Happiness or knowledge is not enhanching ignorance, in sense enjoyments or in struggle for power. The solutions to all problems is found only in the knowledge of non duality. This knowledge is taught only in Graduals.
In convent schools, children are taught to have hindu sadhus, Hindu gods and goddesses are ridiculed. They prove hanumnji to be a monkey. They draw a picture of an animal with tail and ask the children what is this the children say in is an animal.;

How do you know that?
It has a tail.
Then they make a picture of Hanumnji and say similarly this too is an animal.’ Such derogatory traces are included in children. When these children grow up and become high rank officers., they harbour hatred towards Hindu saints. Hindu religion and hindu scripture even thought they are hindus themselves. They take to drinking. Drinking impairs their judgment. They take to drinking. Drinking impairs their judgments. They in avoiding discord with own wife and parents. I know many such youths. A sadhaka came and spoke tome cryogen bitterly, my daughter did gradation she got a job with a salary of Rs. 3000 per month. Her thousand also earned RS. 35000 per month. I spend 42 lakhs Rs. On their wedding by my daughter is pregnant with four months of gestation and they are split up. She lives with me.’
What is the cause? The education and training give to the youth today is eat drink and enjoy I have seen many such couple There is a manager in a company with a handsome pay. His wife too is a manager with annul income of Rs. 12-15 lakhs. Still they are miserable because of the attitude of pursuing sense enjoyments that has been inculcated in them and the perverse training they have receive We don’t care for other. We enjoy our own life The pursuit of external pleasure deprives one of inner joy and stimulates animal instances. The children who have received good traits tight form childhood, do not give much importance to external pleasure. They are happy and contented in whatever condition they are Even those coming into content with them learn something form them. It does not matter if we are not able to provide to out children wealth big house cars or bank balance but we must instill in them good traits, It you have inculcated good tirades in your children, you have given them great in you children you have given them great wealth you have given them big assets. This wealth of good traits will make your darling children successful in every walk of life so much so that this wealth will make them capable of attaining to God, the master of infinite opulence. It is the bounden duty of all us to inculcate good trains in children. We should not be negligent in this.