Thursday, March 12, 2009

Celibacy: The Third Pillar of the Body

Celibacy is the third pillar of the body. (The first is food and the second is sleep, explained in the earlier issues). The body, mind, intellect and the senses get nutrition from food, rest from sleep and strength from celibacy respectively.

‘Abstaining from sexual indulgence in the physical, mental and verbal form, always and in all circumstances and situations is brahmacharya.’

Observance of celibacy helps in the conservation of semen and the seven vital elements of the body. Persons rich in shukra will have excellent health, strength, intelligence and longevity. They will have a keen and pure intellect, strong memory, good discriminative and decision-making ability, great power of resolve, firm determination, courage, pure and noble thoughts, and a joyful temperament. All their sense organs, teeth, hair and eye-sight remain strong till old age. They are not easily affected by diseases. Though very rarely, even if they get affected by they get cured very quickly and with minimal treatment describing the glory of brahmacharya, Lord Dhanavantari has said:

Observance of celibacy is the best of all solutions to destroy diseases, sorrows, untimely or premature death and premature old age. I state this fact that like ambrosia, it is the source of all happiness.”

Just as the butter content present in curds is separated by the process of churning, the essence of the seven dhatus – ‘ojas’ present in every cell of the body is separated from the body by the process of sex ( copulation or masturbation etc). The loss of this ‘ojas’ makes a man charmless, weak, diseased, sorrowful, fearful, angry and worried.

Symptoms of Loss of Shukra ( Charak Samhita):

The loss of shukra will lead to the appearance of certain symptoms in a person, which are as follows:

Debility, dryness of the month, paleness, enervation of the body and the senses, getting tried after only a little effort, and impotence.

Ailments Caused by Overindulgence in Sex:

Fever, difficulty in breathing, cough, tuberculosis, anaemia, debility, stomach pain and convulsions.

Measures to Preserve Celibacy:

A firm and auspicious resolve to maintain celibacy, pure and simple living, intake of sattvik, fresh and moderate quantity of food, breathing in fresh air sun bathing, sun bathing, austerities and fasting, yogasanas, pranayam, chanting of ‘Ñ’ aryamāyai namah’, reading the shastras, being continuously engaged in noble work, keeping the company of well-behaved and self-controlled people, going to bed early and rising in the brahma muhurta (two and a half hours before sun rise), bathing in cold water in the morning, bathing of genitals with cold water both in the morning and evening, wearing the loin cloth(langot/kaupeen), not having any vices, giving up bad company, giving up seeing bad sights and hearing bad words men considering all women other than wife as mother and women considering all men other than husband as father or brother-these are the measures that are helpful in observing Brahmacharaya. Sitting in solitude with other men, having a secret conversation, roaming around as one pleases, wearing gaudy and provocative clothes, moving around with provocative make up-all these will cause obstacles to women who want to observe celibacy. The more we lead a life full of sadhana, altruism, duty and justice, the proportionately lesser will be our attachment to the body. When this happens, the observance of celibacy becomes easy and natural to us. Absolute and dedicated celibacy is absolutely necessary to attain self-realization.

Brahmacharya in married life:

‘Having sexual union with one’s wife only in the time permitted for sexual activity is Brahmacharya in married life. From the first day of the menses to the sixteenth day is considered as ritu kaal (appropriate period). During this period, the four nights of the menstrual cycle and the eleventh and thirteenth nights are considered as inappropriate. Out of the remaining ten days, the man who has sexual union with his wife on the two most appropriate nights is a ‘Brahmanchari in married life.’

“Men who are self-controlled in the matters of women (sex) are long-lived and they get old very late. Their bodies will not only be handsome, lustrous and strong, but also have stable and strong musculature.

Thus, wisdom in taking food, sleep and in observing celibacy can help a person in attaining a healthy, happy and respectable life.

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