Saturday, March 28, 2009

Suppose I ask you, “What day is today?”

Suppose I ask you, “What day is today?”
And you reply, “Sunday.”
I say, “No, it is Monday.”
“No Swamiji! It is Sunday.”
“How do you say it is Sunday? Have you seen Sunday roaming in the market?”
“No Swamiji! The almanac says so.”

You believe what the almanac says; you believe what the astrology says; why don't you believe what the Vedas say? Believing the almanac, the astrology, you assert it is Sunday; why don’t you believe the Vedas, the scriptures, the Gita? Gita says:

The eternal jivatman in this body is a particle of my own being.
The Gita says you are eternal. Your Real self and God are one. Your Real Self is un-ageing imperishable. If God is imperishable, you too are imperishable. If God is Knowledge personified you too are the same. If the Lord is absolute Consciousness, then you too the smaller self is gone, the shackles of bondage are broken. Troubles and sorrow affect the smaller Self, not the pure ‘Self’. Anxiety, sorrow, fear, ego–all these affect only the smaller Self. Believe this doctrine of scriptures as well. One who knows himself to be Pure Consciousness, eternal, and without beginning and end, attains Self-realization and becomes free. One, who considers himself to be a sinner and miserable, remains miserable. It isn’t difficult to attain God but it is difficult to find the company and stay at the feet of saints, for whom God-realization is n

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