Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What a Charisma in your love.

There lived a their in a village. Once for a number of days he could not snatch an opportunity to steal any thing. As a result he became hard up for each meal. A desperate man leaves nothing to chance. At about 12:00 in the night he intruded a b\hut of a sadhu situated at the outskirts ff the villages. He knew that the sadhu was an ascetic who kept mothing with him. Still the thief thought, if not more, perhaps I a shall something to subsist no for a couple of days.
As the thief was breaking in the hut the sadhu got up the answer the call of nature and both of them happened to comes face with each other. The sadhu recognized him as he had seen him earlier also. But the sadhu didn’t know the fact he was a their. He was astonished to see him at affectionately. Son what brought you here at midnight what do you want?
The their said Great sire. I’m hungry as the whole day I could not got anything to eat.
The sadhu said, Alright Come and make yourself comfortable here. I the evening I had buried a few pieces of sweet potatoes in the fire. I hope those would be roasted by this time. I’ll serve them to you and this help satisfy your hunger. Had you arrived a little earlier. I would have shared my meal with you. Dear child one needs no more to satisfy his hunger. A person can remain happy any contented with whatever hefts. This is the purport of the techighing in Ramcharitmanas. He who cultivates the eights type of devotion remains contented with what ever he gets.’
The sadhu lit lamp. He spread an asasn on the floor of the their to sit, offered him water and saved some roasted sweet potatoes on a leaf plate. He sat beside the thief and fed him affectionately just as a mother would feed her child. The sympathetic behaviors of the sadhu gratified the their. He contemplated, what a remarkable difference between this sadhu baba and me I burgled his hut but he is serving me food so affectionately. Apparently he too is a human being as I am Aptly it has been said, There is a difference between man and man. Once might be a jewel while the other a mere pebble. I am worse then even a pebble as compared to him. The good tendencies also exist along with the evil tendencies also exist along with the evil tendencies in the human mind They surface in due cause of times. Just as a dormant see germinates upon setting appropriate supply of water and ferilizetes in the same manner the virtuous tendencies spring up when one comes in the vicinity of or saint. Al evil tendencies present in the thief’s mind cashed. Blessed what the darshan, vacantly and gracious glances of the revered saint.
Tulsiasji says.
The company of a saint for even a single ghadi;
Or even one half of is or even. Quarter destroys millions of sins, (one ghadi is twenty four minutes)
Several evil tendencies of the thief’s mind glad elevated with the effect of half
An hour’s vicinity of that Brahamnaishtha sadhu. His mind was anxious to confess his
Crime to the sadhu. Then he thought if the sahdubada will come to know that I had burgled his hut what impression he will person who doesn’t even spare a saint like him. He father contemplated, He may think anything about me I’ ll seek repentance by confession my crime to him. Then saint is so kind that he will certainly forgive me. Repentance in front of a saint reduce al sins to ashes. When the their finished his meal the sadhu. When the thief finished his mela the sadhu said, Son where will you in all dead hour of the night? Take and spread this mat an sleep her itself comfortably. You may leave for your destinations in the morning.
The thief was becoming lover whelmed by the shower of beneficence. He could no longer control his pent up feelings. He lay prostrate at the sacred feet of the sage and broke into tears. The sage could not comprehend the situation still he affectionately helped him recover. Caressing his head tenderly, the sadhu asked him the reason florins lamentation.
The crying thief was choked, With great difficulty he controlled himself and said Mahraj I am a great sinner.
The sadhu replied. The lord is the forgiver of sins committed by all. If we seek ferule in Him he fogies even the graces sins committed by us. Seek refuges in him.
The thief said Maharaj There is no emancipation for sinner like me.
The sadhu said o man The lord has said Even if the most sinful worship Me with single pointed ness he too should indeed be regarded as righteous for he has rightly resolved.
No Maharaj I have committed big theist. Today also I intruded your hut with an evil intention of burglary only because I was overcomes by n\hunger . But your compassionate demeanor has transformed my life. Today I pledge before you not to comfit theft of distress any living being in future. I seek refuge in you. Please accept me as you disciple.
The charm of the sadhu love transformed a thief into a saint. He surrendered his whole life at the sacred feet of the revered sage an dedicated his whole priceless human life to the purity of the most enviable supreme self.
The great man levee taught us to treat every being as our self because happy life thrives only on pure and selfless love. The entire universe is yearnings for such love alone. So love all. Do not suppress the spiritual love in your heart. Gives it to others generously. Thus you will help will help eradicating much affliction of the world.
With That (Gaudiness) just as in front of a fish and at the back of it above it and below it on the sides of it. An expanse of water exists. That same water element raisers in the abdomen of the fish and in it blood. Similarly in you abdomen, in front of you and behind you is that same ethereal space. Pervasive consciousness, God and only God. When there is a confines of such a feeling such wisdom and broad vision a liberal heath and divine wisdom them EH is always manifest He is never distant not a stranger. But because of pettiness, ignorance we consider Him distant and alien and take ourselves to be orphas. Yu are not an orpah. The commander of the world the Father raises with in you as soul. He Himself has assumed varios forms of you. The would globvernot is creating farcical situation ll of joy an sorrow before you as an effort make you relics the Truth about yourself.

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