Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Right Conduct

Understand three things in order to be successful in devotion in practical life.
1) Treat yourself masculinely. Just as a man’s heart is disciplined and stern, so also treat yourself sternly. Restrain your mind if any mistake is committed.
2) Treat others motherly. Just as a mother is lenient and forgiving towards her child, be lenient towards others. There may be a bad son (or daughter), but never a bad mother. Similarly, you should treat others motherly.
3) Be childlike in your devotion to God. If there is artlessness, spontaneity and innocence in your life, God-realization will be easy; and the more there is deceit, fraud, guile, complexity and duplicity in life the more distant will God be from us. Lord Rama says,

‘I have an aversion to duplicity, wiles and censoriousness.’
Therefore, stay clear of these. Just as an innocent child remains carefree in the lap of its mother, you too at times, lie peacefully in the lap of the Mother Lord Naryan while meditating on Her and contemplating, ‘I am reposing in that Supreme self, the divine Bliss… I do not worry… God will take care of everything.’

Rishi Patanjali has enunciated four principles for a successful life:
1) Maitra (friendliness and fellowship): Cultivate an attitude of friendliness and fellowship towards the noble ones, towards those who avail themselves of satsang, tread and make others tread the path divine. Work shoulder to shoulder with them in their divine endeavors.
2) Karuna (compassion and kindness): Be compassionate and kind towards your inferiors, children, servants and those who are ignorant.
3) Mudita (approbation): approbate and encourage those who are engaged in good works, in divine endeavors.
4) Upeksha (indifference): Be indifferent towards incorrigible persons. If you try to reform them you will only waste your time. Consider such people as non existent for you. Neglect them.

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