Monday, February 16, 2009

Why is Man Miserable?

One should not let one’s mind suffer in any circumstance or happening. If the mind does suffer in spite of one’s efforts to prevent it from suffering, one should pray to God, ‘Lord! Save me from this world full of sorrow and lead me to the Light of Self knowledge. Deliver me from attachment and delusion and lead me to my Eternal Self.’ Praying thus your heart out to God or the guru, you should give vent to your sorrow rather than suppressing it.

What is the real cause of man’s misery? The reason is that he doesn’t appreciate what he has nor does he feel the joy of having it; he just complains comparing himself with others. It reminds me of a parable: A baby peacock was crying. Mother peahen enquired, “What makes you cry my son?”

The baby peacock said, “See how beautiful the parrot baby is!”

“Well, I will take you to him.” And the peahen took her baby to baby parrot only to find the latter crying.

The mother parrot was asking, “What makes you cry?”

The baby parrot said, “See how beautiful the peacock baby looks!”

The peacock baby thinks the parrot baby is more beautiful and the parrot baby thinks that the peacock baby is more beautiful. The Seth thinks the Babu is enjoying life and the Babu thinks the Seth is having everything in life. Men think women are better off and the women think men are all joy.

In the Sri Yogvasishtha Maharamayana, Kakbhushundiji, “O great save! All the beautiful objects, all the marks of luxury are unreal. Emperors on the earth and Gandharvas, Vidyaharas, Kinneras, gods and their consorts and gods’ army etc. are all subject to death. Men, demons, gods mountains, ponds, rivers and all other objects including the biggest ones will get destroyed sooner or later. All the sense-enjoyments on earth or in heavens or in the netherworlds are transient and inauspicious. Nothing in the universe is desirable or felicitous – neither sovereignty over the earth nor the form of gods nor the worlds of serpents etc. It is profitable neither to live long nor to die foolishly; neither to fall in hells nor anything else in all the three worlds. Only the Existence-Knowledge Bliss Absolute, where the saint’s mind reposes is most desirable and propitious.” As you get up in the morning, settle your mind in God, the Bliss absolute and say, “My Beloved Lord is Eternal existence, Pure Consciousness, Bliss absolute and Knowledge Absolute. O Lord!

‘Live up to Your reputation of being merciful to the distressed and deliver me from my grave situation. O Lord! O Vasudeva! I bow to thee.”

Take your mind to the Lord and make your mentation Divine. The mentation of enmity will make your heart burn in the fire of envy. Similarly, the mentation of of fear, malice, attachment or delusion etc. entangles us in the world. Such states of he mind cause fear, attachment, aversion, and worry etc. and deplete our energy. So, what should we do? So, what should we do?

‘I belong to God and God is mine. He is my supreme well-wisher, my most benevolent friend. Be firm in your ownness with God and be a dispassionate witness to the happiness and sorrows that come your way. Conduct yourself in a manner appropriate to the situation at hand. Set a lofty goal before yourself. Thus you will learn the art of trampling all the sorrows.

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