Friday, July 17, 2009

Bad is the Wicked’s Compassion

Sri Vasishthaji says: “O Rama! If a sadhu associates himself with the asadhu, he too becomes an asadhu and if an asadhu associates himself with the sadhu he too gradually turns into a sadhu.”

Those striving for the supreme goal are sadhus and those devotion their time to this transitory world, are asadhus. When we stay in the company of he asadhus for an extend period of time we too begin to feel, ‘We should also do at least this much, we should also build our house here we should not miss this chance. By working 2-5 hours daily if I get Rs. 100, I should go for it’. O Brother! Even a daily earning of one million rupees is of no use to you.

We happen to commit self-deception because we live in the company of the vile. If you ponder you will realize that you have wasted so much time of your life. After Self – relazation you will be astonished at the way you have spent your life that far. You will feel disgusted thinking, ‘Oh! What a great treasure I had and how I wasted my life in just counting and keeping pennies. Oh! I did what even a blind person would not do.’ A person like King Janaka was astonished and exclaimed – ‘Oh! This is simply amazing. Supremely amazing!’ He was an emperor and not an ordinary person who would get amazed at ordinary things. King Janaka says – ‘Alas! I have been spending so much time in sheer delusion!’ when you achieve the wealth of the Self, you happen to be greatly amazed. This amazement itself is called ‘samadhi’ (the state of super consciousness).

‘Being steadfastly established in the Knowledge of the self, He did not come to senses
for two days and a half.’

How could have I come to senses? What was I before? A wholesale trader of sugar this and that and what I am now! How have I been wasting time all these days? O how I great! Just as on coming from pitch darkness into light, one instantly closes his eyes, so also on attaining the realization of the supreme Light, the supreme atman, one realizes – ‘Alas! What had I been doing till now! And I was considering my self smart.’ When I was running my shop, I never considered myself silly. Now, you may be a businessman, doctor, lawyer political leader or anything. Do you ever think that you are doing anything foolish? No, you rather consider yourself to be doing the very right thing. You might be patting your back thinking that you are using your hard and honestly earned money in the service of others though in a small way. Ion realizing the Supreme Atman, you will come to know that this was a benighted outlook. The mahapurushas, who know their true glory and have realized the real grandeur of God, are our supreme benefactors. Hence, when we do something silly they even get a little angry with us. In their anger they do appear to be taunting us. However, these taunts are not inspired by any sense of enmity, but sheer compassion and kindness. Thank the great should that they shower their blessings on you even in this way. Naradji also used to scold and taunt the general people and even the kings and emperors for their own good. My Guruji too would make used of reprimand. Kabirji too used to taunt the people and they would get irked. This might have prompted Kabirji too compose this couplet:

‘Bad is the wicked’s compassion, better the Master’s wrath.’
Even if I torment you, scold you or exercise my veto power of being your Guru, do not leave me because.
‘Bad is the wicked’s compassion,
better the Master’s wrath.
The scorching sun is the sign of the impending rain.’

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