Friday, October 23, 2009

The supreme Vow

(Continued form the previous issue)
(Excerpts form Pujya Bapuji’s satang)
The best of all vows is to become selfless, to be free form desires.
‘I love your flowers; I love your thorns. Grant me whatever you wish-
Happiness or sorrow pleasure of pain.
I shall accept all circumstances give by my Master.”
This outlook will make you fire form all burdens and designs. It is not that your son or daughter gets married only if you desire for it dreaminess unmarried if you don’t Marriage or other relationships do take place at the time destined for them. By desiring we only hinder them. When we worry about something like a plot not being sold we actually delay the thing happening.
You have a desire that your plot should be sold out. You give up this desire. It is only when you let go the desire that it fructified. The condition of course is that you should not let go the desire for the sake of fructifying it. That will not be real abandonment. If you genuinely let go a desire the desired event takes place; for your heart becomes pure the moment you let go desire and a heart is endowed with the power to fructify its resolves.
The difference between saints and other people is that the later are anxious to get their wishes fulfilled an beg before saints to the end. Thousands come to them and are delvered of their troubles. Common men have a family of only 4-5 people; yet they always with thousands of families who get importation and blessings form them; yet inspiration land blessings form them who yet they have no personal desires or tersest; they have no personal desires or interest; they have no thirst for pleasures for them selves. They think their personality to body to be composed of five great elements of nature. I am letting you the secret of how to become a saint and how to fulfil your desires. The Lord says to Arjuna:
“It is desire it is anger born of the quality of rajas all sinful and all devouring know this as the foe here (in this world).
Desire is a voracious eater. That is desire in never satiated. However many desires you may satisfy more desires will spring up. They will squander your life but will persist them selves. When there is no end to desires better abandon them.
Desires arise like that of a good bungalow good clothes and other pleasures. Even if they are fulfilled and one enjoys the pleasures the desires becomes stronger and deep rooted. Such a person harms himself. His behavior is self injurious for he depends on sense objects killing his own self nature. Secondly those deprived of those objects naturally feel humiliated by one who possesses them. Thus by enjoying pleasures one hurts others people mentally.
There are needs and there are desires. God is well aware of our needs. We need milk after birth and we get it in propagate manner and duality it is neither too hot nor too cold neither too sweet nor tasteless.
We need to breather and the air for breathing is provided. We need water and it is easily available. We need land to walk on and it too is available. The sunrays are very essential for us and they are available to everyone rich or poor. We need winters and summers at their respective times and they are available. We need food and with a little effort we can get enough to eat. But if we want to have variety of dishes or pelicaies in meals, it is desire. We need to cover the body and we an wear clothes as per our capacity. But if we are impressed by others’syntheic fashionable clothes and want he same for us even if we cannot afford it is is desire.
Needs can be satisfied easily but there is no end to desires. Is there anybody on earth who has fulfilled all his desires? Desires arise when we look at those who are superior to us in material possessions and not at our inferiors. If you look towards your superiors their is no end to it. And if you peep into their lives closely you will find that they are not able to take rest in the day nor are they able to get sound sleep in the night. Those who appear to be superior to you or happier form materialistic point of view are not happy in fact. If they consider themselves to be happy they are mistaken. But the others who consider them to be happy and forfeit their own peace of mind are doubly mistaken.
The great men reveling in self bliss don’t pose to be big by virtue of external objects. They make use of their body min and possession for making others happy. Therefore their wealth splendour and radiance do not suppress others nor does it give rise to egotism and desire in others’ minds. It rather develops their divine live and self repose by erasing heir ego.

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