Saturday, November 8, 2008

Mad is the one who says ‘I have gained’

This morning I happened to meet a number of people and they met me. Yet I have never met anybody, nor was I separated from anyone. So now tell me the secret of this. You will claim, “Bapuji, you met us yesterday and then went away in the evening, and so became separated from us. Now you are with us again. We are telling the truth.”

What you speak is true in your world of illusion. It is not the Absolute Truth. The Absolute Truth remains constant in all the three times and relative truth is coloured by the imagination of the individual. Every nation has its own constitution. One cannot claim that the constitution is universally valid because it belongs to a particular country. In the US they dive on the right, whereas it is exactly the opposite here. The US laws are different and our laws are different. What is true there need not necessarily be valid here. The relative truth changes but the Absolute Truth, Consciousness and Bliss, which keeps the heart of an American beating, is the same that regulates the heart-beat of an Indian as well. That the Americans do this and that is not in the realm of Absolute truth, but in relative truth. However, the Soul of an Indian and that of an American is the same Absolute Truth. The Absolute Truth is constant and never changing, while the relative truth and sentiments vary from person to person.

I never meet anyone. One can meet a previously non-existent or separated individual. What was not present previously is met and then separated. On the other hand, realize the Soul which always existed, is present now, and will remain forever as your Self; then you will never be separated from anyone nor meet anyone. _Space does not meet anyone, because in the first place it is never separated from anyone. It is never separated from any person because it never met any person. If a person dies, space does not die. If person is born, the space is not born. Space is ever-existent before the birth of man, during his lifetime and even after his death. Similarly, one gets rid of al delusions when he realizes that is even subtler than space.’

One says, “I just don’t know that even the power of saying this is sanctioned by Him. What is there that is hidden from Him or unknown to Him? It is a misunderstanding on our part that only after doing a specific number of japas or observing certain vratas will we attain God. God is ever united with us and is inseparable from us. However, due to our notion of, ‘ I am the body’ and folly of seeking pleasure in worldly objects, we feel God is separated from us; and the ever-separated samsara appears to have been attained.

The body is in a continual process of separation. Did not your childhood part with you? The cells of your body are not the same as they were in childhood, but the Supreme Self, the Absolute Consciousness which was a witness to childhood, is the same. Whatever you attain except god, will not last, and even if it does persist for sometime, it will fail to provide you with the Absolute Bliss. ‘I am happy. I have my wife.’ But you won’t get total happiness. You may enjoy your worldly happiness for a few day.’ but for how long? You will only end up wasting your time in this. If you set your mind on anything other than God, it will invariably lead you to distress in the end. You may cry even in the present, any not only in the end.

God Himself is the Absolute Truth and actually He alone is the supreme Bliss. Set your mind on Him. But, how to set the mind on Him who is neither attained, nor ever separated from us? O my dear! Just knowing God as not being subject to attainment or separation, the mind will repose in Him, relinquishing desires and the hankering after external objects. The repeated rising of waves on the surface obstructs the perception of the depth of the water. As and when the waves subside, the depth of the water becomes visible. Similarly, when we become calm in mind, we come to experience Divinity.

‘None is poor.
Everyone has the gem of God within;
The foolish ritualist does not open the inner treasure. He remains engaged in Karmakanda, he remains destitute.’
Fools don’t even try to open the inner treasure, and the intelligent ones end up as paupers by getting entangled in worldly affairs.

If I intend to meet Asaramji Maharaj, I won’t have to wait at all. I will never meet Him, or ever get separated from Him for he is none but Me. Likewise, when you realize God – the Atman, all your foolishness will be gone. It’s as simple as that.

‘A person who says that he has gained is foolish, and one who says that he has lost something is a liar. In fact nothing has been lost or gained, the fundamental whole (Existence) stands completely full.’

This is a Brahmic state! Freedom from all miseries and troubles by realizing one’s pure ‘Self’. On attaining this state, the ever-new joy of the Supreme Soul, divine knowledge and Supreme bliss become easy of attainment.

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