Saturday, November 22, 2008

Science Concedes the Power of Shaktipaat

I started to study the science of analyzing aura in 1992AD. It took me six years to complete the study of this science. Thereafter I carried out research on this subject for several years. I am the first person in the world to receive ISO 9001: 2000 Certification. I have delivered lectures to students at Moscow Medical University six times.
A person’s aura extends to an area of 3 inches to 30-40 meters around him. Even insentient objects have aura. I have so far studied the aura of about seven lakh people including some one thousand distinguished people - like saints, VIPs etc.

As I studied the aura of Sant Sri Asaramji Bapu, I found it so powerful that anybody coming near him would be overwhelmed by his luminous aura and would always remain under its compelling influence. (Aura photo on title page 2).

One of the colours of Bapuji’s aura is violet, which shows that Bapuji is at acme of spirituality. This type of aura is found only in Rishis, in perfected Masters. The red in the aura indicates that Bapuji transmits spiritual energy into others (Shaktipaat) ; takes away their negativities, weaknesses and replaces them with his divine energy. The sky blue colour in Bapuji’s aura indicates the high celestial regions to which Bapuji’s aura extends.

Of particularly great important in Bapuji’s aura is the potency of transmitting divine energy. In other people’s aura I found the capacity to receive energy from others. But the notable thing I found in Bapuji’s aura was the potency to destroy the negative energy on him. Another peculiar feature of Bapuji’s is the potency to transmit energy to nay body even from far off.

When I went to Bapuji’s satsang, I found that Bapuji’s aura gets stretched like latex and envelops the entire gathering.

The study of a person’s aura reveals his previous births as well. A research on Bapuji’s aura revealed that for the last ten births at stretch, Baupji, has been doing the pious work of serving the masses – like inclining them towards spirituality by transmitting divine energy to them through Shaktipaat, ridding them of addictions, making them healthy, purging the society of evil practices, distributions the Prasad of Knowledge and Self-bliss etc. I could read only last ten of Bapuji’s births. The machine didn’t have the capacity to read further.

Bapuji’s Sahasrāra charka and Ājnā charka are so highly developed that the machine could not record them fully. He has reached the zenith of perfecto. None of the auras I have studied so far was found to be so highly developed as Bapuji’s.

I hope and wish that I will get another opportunity of studying Bapuji’s aura. I would like to study such highly developed aura again and again.

-Dr. Hira Taparia Aura expert
Pujya Bapuji is a master of infinite potencies. The above information is based only on what the machine could read. As a TV antenna with its limited capacity can receive waves only within its range not beyond it, the machine could study Bapuji’s aura to the extent of its capacity. It is not possible to gauge the aura and the divine powers of Self-realize saints n full.

‘Who can estimate the knower of Brahman? Only a Brahamajnani can know the divine spiritual state to the Brahamajnani.’

Even Vasishthaji, Lord Rama’s Guru, says, “The glory of Self-realized saints cannot be described in full.” The sage Ashtavakra says to King Janaka. Whom can the Self – realized saints be compared to?’

· Remember that even if all the world’s journalists and critics unite together to criticize you, they cannot harm you. O Eternal Atman! Remain established in your True Self.
· Some regard you to be good while others have an altogether negative opinion about you. Some people praise you while others slander you but both of them only strengthen the sense of your distinctive existence. Fortunate is the one who is able to stand up against such delimiting notions imposed upon him and assert the Divinity abiding within him. He realizes his true self. He, who constantly experiences his inseparable oneness with the supreme Self and fearlessly declares it to the world and the entire creations God Himself.
· Who on earth has the power to disturb the tranquility of the Supreme Being? Once you become established in that Supreme peace, it cannot be disturbed even if the whole world turns against you.

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