Friday, September 30, 2011

Gave up the perishable, got imperishable

It is from the childhood days of Swami Days of Swami Vivekananda. Then his name was Narendra. Due to values formed in him due to the effect of impressions gathered in previous births, he used to give away anything whenever any poor person used to come and beg in front of him. If he could not give money then he used to give away utensils. If he could not find utensils then would give away anyone’s clothes.

One day someone came to beg and he had nothing give. Mother knew that he will give to the one who came to beg so kept everything in boxes and locked them in the room. When Narendra could not find anything in the house then he took off his clothes and gave them to him. He became naked like like a child. Well, was indeed a child anyway? Shouted at him with sham anger and hidden love, ‘’O my naked son! You are grown up boy of9-10 years of age and coming naked! Where are your clothes?’

Narendra Said, ‘’he was asking… poor Fellow did not have anything to wear to, I gave him for his kids.

Mother said, ‘’Come with me. ‘’ she caught his hands and took him and locked him in the room above and: ‘’You will not learn! Now I will not release you; then you will know.

Mother went away. He was sitting. The beggar saw and he saw the beggar.

"O Child! O Giver! Salutation to you! Will I get something? The giver thought now he had nothing. But then he saw that the mother’s box lying there. Mother had forgotten lock it ‘Thank god! How Kind you are!’ thought he. He opened the box and saw mother’ silken saris in it He threw them to the beggar through the window. The giver was filled with joy and the beggar was happy. Glory be to God! Be to the giver!’ Mother heard the voice and wondered what her son must have done now. She came outside and saw.

"Oh who gave all my saris?.

The beggar said: ‘’your son has thrown them from upstairs. Mother saw from the window and remembered ‘Oh, I left the box unlocked.’ Mother should have been angry but she opened the door and said lovingly: ‘’Son! You will not let up without giving everything; such is your nature. Now who can make you understand! Vivekananda gave away everything and the whole universe became his. Same used to happen to me also and I did give everything away many times, some time to the extent that gave I gave away even my mat, my dhoti and my kurta and walked away in the underwear. God is not far, not impose Siebel to attain, not separate, not different from the one who believes that everything belongs to God and uses everything gor the welfare of people for God’s sake. This does not mean that you should give your jewellery and your clothes but is does mean that you should not be attached to them. These things were not yours in the past and will not be yours in future. So make use of them and if you find somebody needs them more than you do give them to him. Don ‘t identify with the body neither believe it to be mine; Take care of your body like someone else’s body manage body, eat, drink, cover your body with clothes but don’ do it for the sake of enjoy ment. If you want real joy, drown yourself into. If you want real joy, drown yourself into divine and divine knowledge.

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