Monday, August 18, 2008

Enhancement of Life Energy

Life energy is intimately connected with our mental and physical health. It is also known as Pran Shakti. Our life energy is raised or diminished depending upon our mode of living. Through their yogic process, intuition and a minute study of life our ancient seers and sages discovered the most profound secrets governing life energy. It is mentioned in the ‘prashnopanishad’: There are 72, 72, 10, 210 nerve channels. The word ‘approximately’ is not given here. The last digit ‘one’ shows how deep the analysis is! We eat approximately one kg. of food, drink two kilos of water, and breathe 21,600 times inhaling 9,000 liters of air. Those 9,000 liters of air provide us with energy equal to that derived from 10 kilos of food. Which is the most nutritious food for the body? Ghee, milk, pistachio nut, almond, saffron, musk or any costly eatable is not as nutritious as the air produced by fumigating the atmosphere with a spoonful of ghee poured on a burning cake of cow-dung. This produces one ton of highly life-nourishing air. If the people of the family and neighborhood sit and practice pranayama in such an environment, they would derive indescribable benefits. Maharshi Patanjali’s illustrious works on yoga philosophy and spiritual science give a brief account of great psychic powers and divine riches one can attain and lofty spiritual heights one can scale by raising this life energy through a pure, sattvic, and righteous living and systemic practice of yoga. The practice of yoga and other spiritual routines will develop the life energy to such an extent that one will not be suppressed by sorrow or become indulgent in pleasure. Rather one will utilize both sorrow and pleasure and through self-restraint and devotion to the self, become a jivanmukta. Man who is worthy of divine love, divine repose and jivanmukti which is superior even to heaven or beholding god in his manifest form, is tormented by miseries. Therefore, beware!

In order to enable the common people get the benefits, even unknowingly, of these profound secrets (laws) of yogic and spiritual sciences, the supremely wise rishis laid down a system of life suited to the realization of the eternal truth and composed scriptures and smritis to teach the code of conduct delineating the positive commands (injunctions) and the negative commands (prohibitions). If man sincerely leads his life as ordained by the scriptures, he will naturally enhance the life energy being protected against factors that cause diminution of life energy. Thus one progressively evolves and finally attains the exalted suite of self-repose.

Man of ancient times possessed a pure heart abounding with implicit faith. He would spontaneously embark on the exalted path of spiritual elevation shown by the guru and the scriptures. Modern man has a rational and scientific mindset. Many intelligent, scholarly and courageous scientists of foreign countries have, through their extensive research works based on experiments rediscovered that spiritual treasure of our ancient rishis, thereby proving its veracity as well as utility in human life for the world. Diamond has carried out intensive research and experiments on the subject of biokinaesiology. While expounding on the causes of raising and reducing life energy, he has enumerated the following factors influencing our life energy:
(1) Impact of emotional shock, stress, tension and anxiety:-

After conducting a number of experiments, Dr. Diamond came to the conclusion that when an individual hears a loud noise suddenly, his life energy is diminished instantly. He becomes dreadful. When the lion roars in the forest, the life energy of animals like deers is diminished. Panicked, they start fleeing helter-skelter. That makes it easy for the lion to catch its prey.

Suppose a patient whose prognosis is not good and he wants to see his doctor, the doctor’s life energy is reduced simply on hearing the patient’s request for appointment. Even after coming to know that it was only an experiment being conducted on him, the diminution of his life energy is observed. Through his instruments of B.K. testing, Dr. Diamond found that if the doctor touches the tip of his tongue to the palate about half a centimetre away from the teeth, the life energy is not diminished.

The life energy becomes centralized when the tip of the tongue is in contact with the palate. This seems to be the reason why the yogis have been practicing this method since time immemorial to conserve their life energy. Dr. Diamond carried out experiments upon the sadhakas who centralized their life energy through this practice found their vital force increasing, while other sadhakas who engaged in japa and meditation without recourse to the said practice felt weaker in comparison to the former sadhakas.

The touching of the tongue to the palate brings both hemispheres of the brain into balance. Such a balanced state of the brain facilitates all round development; enhances creativity and one can face adverse circumstances with considerable case.
During the times of tension, stress, anxiety and strain, one should keep the tip of his tongue touching to the palate. This prevents the diminution of life energy. This is a great way to conserve one’s energy!

What the modern scientist are proving today had already been practiced by our rishis since time immemorial. It is but deplorable that the modern man does not take due advantages of the same.

When we see nature or pictures of beautiful natural scenery, water reservoirs like rivers, lakes and seas, greenery or forests, or we look towards the sky, it raises our life energy. It is for this reason that gods and goddess are shown in the pictures with such natural backgrounds.

Recreation, reading or singing of some good peon, song, bhajan, shlokas, etc. also conserves life energy. Also, the practice of moving the hands to and fro while walking raises the life energy.

(Translated Experts from ‘Jivan Vikas’
- a book published by the ashram)

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