Monday, August 18, 2008

Propagate Your Guru’s Knowledge

The greater the attachment to, or passion for anything or person, the greater the pleasure or pain experienced. People treading the path of God-realization must give up attachment. Start distributing to others the things you like to eat or enjoy. This will eliminate your attachment. If you like praise, sit at the feet of elders. If you like wealth, donate some of it. If you say, ‘I love Guruji’s then share your Guru with others. But if you reply is, ‘I will not share Guruji with others, then my response is, “Whatever you give becomes even more widespread. By spreading your Guru’s wisdom and prasada, it too will become widespread.

The words of Self-realized men emerge from their heart with the touch of divine experience. Like their loving hearts, their words bring supreme good. The Gita contains the words of Lord Sri Krishna, and while talking about its greatness Krishna has said: Gita me hridyaam paarth i.e. ‘The Geeta is my heart”.

God’s heart is constantly overflowing with good for his devotees. Similarly, the words and literature of the God-incarnate Satgurus always serve as a guide and protective shield for the believers treading the path of liberation. Therefore those who love their Guru should make him widely known through the dissemination of his literature audio cassettes, video CDs and DVDs of satsanga. As a result, they will be loved more by their Guru and will become closer to Him.

Up until the age of eighty, my Guruji would go from house to house distributing satsanga books. Swami Vivekananda shared Ramakrishna Paramhansa’s prasada all over the country and across the world. The nectar of satsanga that Sage Vasistha gave Rama to drink got compiled in the form of the book “Sri Yogavasistha Maharamayana”. Till date, this great volume is proving to be an excellent aid for inquisitive seekers of truth. Even I have been sharing my Gurudev’s prasada for a long time. Did it distance me from my Guru? No. Guruji’s wisdom and experience have become my experience. Initially, whenever Guruji would go somewhere, then I’d feel as if he had gone far away from me. But when I got his grace, I realized that my Guruji could never be distant from me.

So by sharing your Guru’s wisdom and persisting in his divine work, the attachment to the world and to worldly possessions is eliminated. The prasada of devotional love is revealed in the disciple’s heart which in turn makes them eligible to attain the state of Jivanmukta, liberated while living.

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