Friday, December 12, 2008

Evil birds like Amrit Vaidya do get Others of the Same Feather to Flock Together

We don’t need to search for the devil, the beast the human and the God; all of them are present within us. We need only to recognize them.

Some people are plagued by the incurable disease of devilishness and beastliness. Such evil elements hurt the felling of devotees by slandering saints, who have attained oneness with God. Thus they continuously push themselves into the pit of degradation. They start believing that what they are doing is the best thing to do. And mired in such mistaken beliefs, they verily invite their downfall.

Such people can never make real spiritual progress in life. Even god cannot help them. For AmritVaidya of Vadodara, it was as if a morsel of food reached his lips but could not eat it. For some years, he had the benefit of the company and grace of Sant Sir Asaramji Bapu, who is as pure as gold and full of compassion for all beings. Yet this unworthy Vaidya gained nothing from this godsend and remained thirsty even though sitting near a pond of clean and sweet water.

He served the Ashram for a few years but this avaricious and lascivious Vaidya repeatedly indulged in acts that blemished his noble profession consequently he was expelled from the Ashram. Even then if Amrit Vaidya had mended his insolent and ignoble way and got busy with his profession, people would have forgotten his past misdeeds. But that was not to be. Birds of a feather flock together. Likeminded meet each other though living hundreds of kilometers away. Amrit Vaidya and his demoniac friends joined together in spitting at the sky. As a result, result, though it didn’t harm even a single hair on Pujya Bapuji’s body, it did vitiate the atmosphere and poison the minds of civilized society for a brief period. What did this Amrit Vaidya achieve other than earning ill fate for himself by making the vain, brazen attempt of biting the hand which held his own in order to elevate his life? There is a saying in Sanskrit meaning, ‘Calumniation of a saint deprives one of all means of wellbeing.’

Amrit Vaidya had come to the Ashram for service which also entitled him to the facilities at the Ashram. The Ashram never entered into any formal agreement with him of paying honorarium. He entered the Ashram in the name of service but he was not really altruistic. Fleecing the people was bad enough but he went further and by indecent behaviour with female patients visiting the Ashram, he disgraced the noble medical profession. He was warned an number of times; many times he expressed regret and sought forgiveness; many times he was given opportunity to mend his ways; but there was no change in his behavior and he didn’t give up wickedness and therefore, he was expelled from the Ashram.

Amrit Vaidya could not check in his avaricious and lascivious tendencies. He fleeced the patients, indecently touched up them… and finally he crossed all limits of meanness, and colluding with unscrupulous elements, leveled all kinds of false and baseless allegations against Pujya Bapuji to reach the zenith of ungratefulness. His wicked deeds naturally evoke the comments, “Dogs are better than this man for they never become unfaithful to one who feds them.”

‘The detractor of Lord Shiva or the Guru becomes a frog. He gets the same frog form for a thousand births.’
(Ram Cahrit Manas)

But God alone knows whether these words of Tulsidasji will have any effect on him.
Or will he get reformed by these words of Guru Arjandev?

‘The slanderer of the Saint is a brutal butcher. The slanderer of the Saint is cursed by the Lord. The hopes of the slanderer of the Saint are never fulfilled. The slanderer of the Saint departs disappointed.’

In case they don’t, such opponents of dharma and culture face the wrath of nature whether here in this life or in the next. Shame on such ungrateful people! Shame on such malicious men!
(Sushant Singh)

Given over to egoism, power, haughtiness, lust and anger, these malicious people hate
Me in their own bodies and those of others.

These cruel haters, the worst among men in the world, -I hurl all these evil-doers for ever into the wombs of demons only.

Entering into demoniacal wombs and deluded birth after birth, not attaining Me, they thus fall, O Arjuna, into a condition still lower than that!

(Srimad Bhagavad Gita-16: 18, 19, 20)

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