Monday, September 7, 2009

Heart disorders: Prevention & Cure

Compared to the people all over the world, India has the highest number of people dying from heart disorders. According to recent survey every 25th person in India is afficted with some king of heart disorder. Heart is the home to the mind consciousness and ojas, apart from being a vital organ of the body. It works right round the clock. It is instrumental in transporting as many as 300 litres of blood all over the body with in an hour. A couple of small coronary arteries are responsible for supplying blood to heart. In case of some obstruction or blockage the in the supply of blood to the heart muscles is hampered causing serious damages to them; where upon the heart fails to work properly enough. Such dysfunction of the heart causes serious disorders like weakness of the heart; a shap pain therein heart blockage heart blockage heart attack etc. This fast spreading disease has the faulty lifestyle of the modern age as it main cause. Consumption of heavy food item lack of physical labor mental tension smoking use of intoxicants and drugs, overertion strife jealousy all these are the prime cause of heart disorders.
Easy and experiential cures of heart disorders: (1) Lauki or bottle gourd is beneficial for the heart. It is also an efficient pacifier of Kapha and pitta besides being a god aphrodisiac. Take a small bowl of bottle gourd extract of 7-8 leaves of tulsi and mint thereto. Then drink the potion after mixing there with the powder of 2-4 black pepper seeds and a pinch a pinch rock salt. This strengthenes the heart ad also alleviates the stomach disorders.
(2) Mix extracts of lemon garlic and ginger with apple syrup all taken in equal proportions. Then let the mixture boil on a low flame until it is reduced to its quarter, when it has to be removed from over the oven. As it cols down add honey three times its quantity and keep it in a glass container. Take spoonfuls of this mixture every morning on an empty stomach. This helps clear up the heart blockage.
(3) In the absence of the apple syrup one can mix the extracts of betel leaf garlic ginger with honey one teaspoonful each and take the same. This too helps cleanse the blood vessels. In case one can’t bear the innate heart of garlic, it has to be soaked in sour buttermilk overnight before use.
(4) Grind the equal amounts of flour of Urad (pulse) butter castor oil and pure guggal into a mixure. After taking your bath in the morning smear this mixture gently on the portion of the chest just above the heart. Wash it off with water after two hours. This facilitates smooth flow of blood through the arteries.
(5) Boil a small bowl of milk mixed with one gram of cinnamon powder and drinks it. In case the innate heat of cinnamon doesn’t suit you add, one gram of licorices to it. This reduces excess cholesterol.
(6) Add a concoction prepared from garlic currants mint and green coriander to your daily meals. Consume the powder jam, etc made from Indian gooseberry (Amla) regularly.
(7) Among therapeutic medicines Svarna Malati, Jawaharmohra Pishty, Sabarshringa Bhasma, Arjun Chhal powder Dashmool Quath ect are quite competent to eradicate the heart disorders.
Cardiac Tonics: Milk and ghee of Indian cow India gooseberry (Amla) pomergrante, Bijauar Nimbu (a citrus fruit) lemon garlic, ginger dry ginger mango gooseberry, plums ( jujbe) Kokam dates sugarcane, wheat saffron coconut water and Gang water are especially beneficial to heart. Practices like going for a 2-3 Kilometre walk in the pre dawn hour’s parnayama, Meditation suryanamaskara asanas (vajrasana, pavanamuktasana, Shalabhasana, Mayurasana Sarcangasana Shavasana ctc.) are beneficial too. Touching the holy fig tree

1 comment:

Roy-John said...

There are many types of heart disease that affect different parts of the organ and occur in different ways. Most of the time, they are harmless and happen in healthy people free of heart disease. However, some abnormal heart rhythms can be serious or even deadly. Suggesting one of the best heart syrup which is made from Arjuna, Kamalphool & Manuka herbs and have nothing any side effects.