Tuesday, September 1, 2009

You are the Master of Your Destiny

A king had a very stranage manner rewarding the singer’s poet’s bards’ ad minstrels who came to enteratain his court with their poems and songs. He would simply move a had on his moustanhe and as many hairs came into his moustache and as many hairs cams into hand therefore he would reward the perfumer with that many guineas.

Once there came into his court a poet who happened to be a worthy disciple of some great vedantic Guru, a sent. He recited his poem biform the court. Apart from having marked references to moraland ethical principles the poem contained the highest teaching on the unity of the self and the supreme self with its sublime teachings on dharma wisdom, dispassion and fearlessness it papered to be a veritable vedantic poem. Very much pleased the learned courtiers heartily praised the poem with shouts of Baravo Broaco. The king too was highly impressed .Then it was time for the king to reward the poet. As usual he noved on hand on his moustache and found only on hair between his two fingers. So the king said “O poet .Your poem in no dobut very good but your luck is bad. This time just single hair came into my hand so you will get only one guinea inroad.”

The poet was very straight or ward and fearless to the core. He said,”O king Here the moustache and the hand were both o how acanyou connect them to my luch? Let me place my hand on your moustache and I shall show what my luck is like.

“O king now listen to this attentively.

Man himself is teamster of his destiny. He can develop attachment to the worldly objects, brood over the mundane affairs endlessly and thus face his way to misfortune himself and suffer births and deaths again and aging ; or he can also consider the worldly objects to be of otherworld use them judiciously in the divine works of social service and become a beloved of he Lord. The choice is verily his after all. He can slnder others or listen to a slenderer, and their by lose his accumulated merits; or he can also keep aloof form matters of slander and praise, while doing himself and engaging others in benevolent works to make his future bright. He can ensure a berth in heaven though execution rituals like yawn bema Havana etc. He can reach the divine abode of his presiding deity by remembering him doing regular of his dine name and précising prance. However one interested in a still higher goal then just winning over the favors of some god or goddess or even attaining heaven after death should seek out an accomplished sat guru who would endow one with the eternal Bliss while still living. For that on eras to develop one’s intellect through listening to the Guru’s Satang. He should then learn threat of remaining euonymus and than by ascend to the throne of self. Therein he will be blessed with themes fulfilling experiences of divine love and wisdom. One earn even meet the supreme self by understanding correctly the sat Guru’s indication and there by realizing the Truth personify Self. There for, O ling I myself.

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