Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Caution in Every Action

Baldeodasji Maharaj of Vrindavan was a man of wisdom. He would wake up at 3’o cocking the morning circumambulate the pilgrim center and return by dawn. One fine morning he noticed some people enjoying themselves in community feast.

Baldeodasji asked them, Hey A community feast and in this darkness of early margining. The sun hasn’t arisen yet so what kind of a feast is this?”

They said Maharj you too please come and have some parishes with us.”

“I generally have my breakfast late in the morning after having completed my daily spiritual routine. And then eating anything before dawn is not good for health. So, why should I eat your paradises this early in the morning? The piranha I so doubt is being provided free by you but it may coast the wellness of my stomach.”

“Hey Maharaj Please take some they are tasty.” After a lot persuasion, Baldeoldasji finally agreed to give them his towel in which the piranhas were to be tied into a bundle. Placin get piranhas between leaf plates they tied them up with the towel and handed it over to him. Baldeodasji Maharahj reached hi shut with theparathas. After sunrise, he completed his daily spiritual routine he completed his daily spiritual routine chewed a few tulsi leaves and took a sun bath.Ther after he united the towel but to his utter bewilderment he found that the piranhas were stuffed with meat. He shouted, “Oh my god meat prepares parathas stuffed with mashed potatoes or makes pooranpooris with sweetened paste of pulses, they had made meat pooris. He thought abhorrently, Meat, in a community feast what is going on? I will enquire into the matter.”

The next day he woke up early as usual finished his circumambulation and while rerunning though the some route he noticed the community feast to be still on in full swing.

He called out to then, Hey you people are dressed like sadhus and priests but yesterday you gave me parathas stuffed with meat I had to throw away even my towel with those bloody parathas. Now tell me the truth who atre you really? I think you are foreigners doing such things to malign the Hindu religion. There are many foreigners masquerading as Hindu sadhus nowadays. So tell me who are you? Are you Muslims of Christians turned Hindus?

They said, we are not sadhus. We have merely dressed ourselves like sadhu while staying here at Vrindavan. Actually we are ghosts.”

“Ghosts and so many”

“Yes while living in Vrindavan the abode of God we indulged in sacrilegious acts such as eating meat an other impious foods misappropriating wealth received in charity adultery ctc. We are new mad to wander as ghosts on account of having cheated people on account of having cheated people in the name of religion. There are seven such cities where the messengers of Yama the god of death do not come to take the jiva to hell they are Ayodhya, Mathure Haridwar Kashi Kanchi ujjain and Dwarika.

“So Babaji despite having indulged in such sinful acts as would other wise entitle one to an afterlife in hell, thinks to the divine influence of the place, Messengers of Yama couldn’t take us away from here; and hence we are wandering about in this very region. This is a feast of ghosts.”

‘Sins committed at other places are destroyed at a holy place But the sins committed at a holly place are just indelible.”

Man tends to get involved in undesirable acts and swine becomes terribly pained agitated and even forced to cry haplessly while suffering the various hellish experiences earned through his own misdeeds.Thereore on should always observe caution in any action because

“One ins bound to experience the fruits one’s good and bad deeds.”

/in the company of evil people on e tends to commit sinful acts and consequently sustains a gradual downfall. This ultimately takes him to the cursed like of a ghost, where he loses his mental peace and has to suffer the scorching g fire of hell, which finally makes him realize his faults. Hence the glory of good company is fgreat.Nururing association with the saints and devotees or sticking sincerely to one spirituals routine certainly leads on into holy company.

Otherwise such a negative company as leads on to a downfall is always available in droves. People will flatter you into bad deeds and when faced with the fruits there of, you will find no body ravel you. Those who commit sinful acts have to wander in the from of ghosts after death; other wise they are fated to be born again as trees foulards cows buffaloes dogs etc. And in case they fail to be conceived they are doomed to go down into the drain. So the miseries of bad deeds can be highly distressing but those who attend and listen to satang, have their mind intellect and thoughts whereby they are well guarded against slipping down into have to suffer the above deeds. They do not have to suffer the above sort of persecution either. But the sinners can’t ever escape the terrible punishments they deserve.

It is not that the Lord while sitting cool in Vailkuntha keeps giving instructions regarding the disbursement of fruit to the jives doing their deeds. Even if one tries fading that for one or two or say ten people are here on this earth so I sit really practical four a track record of each and everyone’s actions executed throughout the day and give then the fruits thereof? Then how deeds of so many people at the same time. Hey He is residing inall as the knowledge personified inner self. He isn’t looking at everyone from a chosen place of His own. Instead He verily resides as these in well in Self in everyone and sees everything. By accepting this divine low on should take steps to elevate one’s intellect. One should exert one self to follow thedos and don ts taught by the sanits through their satsang and scriptures. Why at all should one intellect and destroy there is none around to see you know the indwelling Lord to be leaping a round the clock watch on your deeds. Guru too knows every thing with this fact at the back your mind execute your acts in such a way as will lead to the end of your sense of doer ship handheld you realize the Real life. Thus you will attain the immortal state and break asunder the queer bondage of broth and death forever.

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