Monday, August 31, 2009

Vritrasura: The Devout Demon

Once the asuras attacked the gods and defeated than in the war. With Lord Brahmaji’s consent the gods appointed Vishwarupa, the son of Twashta, as the celestial priest. Vishwarupa knew to wield the Narayanan Kavacha (A divine impregnable armourayuanan.) With the help of this kavachc, Indra became powerful and defeated the asuras. However Vishwarpa’s mother being the daughter o fan aura Indra suspected that while outwardly helping the gods he might be giving a part of the Sacrificial offerings to the auras as well. Therefore out of danger he killed Voshwarpua. Aggrieved at the loss of his son, Twashta perfumed an Abhichara yajna with a resolve to avenge his son’s death. Out of the uajna was born the terrible Vritrasura, who in his previous life was a king Lord the Ananta (infinite). He was born an asura account of a curse of the Divine Mother private. Though an asura by birth, he soon developed a deep devotion towards God due to his similar practice in the previous life.

Vritrasura practiced penance for 60000 years and acquired immense power. He then conquered the three words and began to enjoy the pleasures thereof. Vritra was an asura his body too resembled that of an asyra; but his heart was sinless. Besides being endowed with the virtue of dispassion he had an par and selfless devotional love fro God. He was aware of the transient nature of the sense pleasures. Once perchance his was defeated by the gods. Then Shark, the preceptor of the auras, came to him. The preceptor was disappointment on vrira’s face on account on having lost his kingdom or being defeated. On heing asked the reason thereof, the great asura send, Lord. By virtue of truth and penance I have the my stery of birth and death as well as that of sorrow and happiness experienced by the juvas. Therefore I and never elated or aggrieved in any situation. By God grace I have been blessed with the knowledge of the Ultimate Truth, and hence am not affected by the coming and passing away of the jives, or even by; the attainment or non attainment or sense pleasures. I attained affluence through severe penance only to destroy the same through severe penance only to destroy the same thought my own reckless activates. I am to at all aggrieve over my lost glory. While engaged in a war with Indra, I had the pious dragon of Sri Hair my Lord. So having no desire for planting else, I only entreat you to guide me as to how and by adapting what course of action I can God.”

Shmkeracherya praised Vrita for his decotion. Just then Rishi snaaka and his brothers reached there in the course of their wandering. Shmkeracherya and Vritra worshipped them reverentially. On being asked by Shmkeracherya senate Kumara said, “God who permeates the whole world who is the supreme Cause of Creation, preservation and Dissolution of the Universe, that Lord Narayan can not be attained through the learning of scriptures saves pancake of fire ceremonies. Only by diverting the mind and the sense form the objects of samara and fixing them on God can He be attained, They alone who through constant, determined and selfless efforts carry out the duties ordained by scriptures to propitiate God and purify their minds by the practice of shama dama etc. breaks themselves free form the cycle of rebirth. One putting in vigorous efforts congests his heart purified even in a single life. The vices of the intellect, such as the attachment repeated efforts. The pure hearted ones behold God in all with the visit of Knowledge. Through this vision of equanimity they attain to Barcmic Consciousness. They who remain unanimous in pleasure and pain by controlling their sense who aspire to realize the supremely pious divine sate with their pure mind realize the Braham and thereby go no to personified eternal supreme Brahamn.”

Vritasura them beheld the Lord in all and everywhere with a firm conviction. Indra and other gods tried all they could to kill him but faille. He would take away the radiance of attackers and swallow their Veapons. Then the gods took deluge in the Lord and eulogized Him with lolling words of wisdom. The Lord instantly appeared there and said,”O gods I am pleased with you. Once I am pleased their in nothing unattainable for the java but they whose intellects are devoted to Me with devotion Being do not desire for anything sleds father them me.”

The compassionate Lord was pleased with the gods forever. The Lord the; Ocean of boundless compassion noticed that they were desirous of sense enjoyments only. However He wanted to liberated body and calls him back to Himself. Therefore the Lord told back to Himself. Therefore the Lord told Indra well ten you k go to Masharshi Dashiki and ask for his dody form him. By using the thunderbolt made out of Dashiki’s bones you will able to Kill Vrita the king of assures.”

On Indri’s reques Masharhi Dashiki left his body using his illogic prowess. Vishwakarma (the god of construction) made a thunderbolt with his bones. Equipped with the thunderbolt and mounted Vrita with a large army. The great minded asurar with a large army. The great minded asura was not a bit scared when he saw Indra in that from. He stated to fight fearlessly with a confident smile on his face. As he stork Airavata with his mace the elephant was pushed about 15yeards back vomiting blood on the way. Sing his enemy this driecalaminty, Vrita consoled and encouraged him saying,” Farr not O Indra kill me with your infallible thunderbolt. I have been blessed with God real grace. By concentrating j my mind on the Lord lotus feet while being stucks by your thunderbolt, I Shall bark free from this physical bondage to attain the supreme Abode which is difficult for even the yogis to attain.indra God never give the riches of heaven earth or nether worlds to those devotees whose interests are absorbed in Him because those riches gives nothing but attachment hatred cannily arrogance grief agitation addiction diseases dispute toil an suffering.

Can the parents even administer poison to their innocent child who is totally dependent on them? My Lord immaterial pleasures to His delved devotes, He fails father efforts towards the attainment of wealth religious merits and fulfillment of desires. I have God grace upon me, that why He has snatched away my opulence ands sent you with the thunderbolyu to release me firm this body and thereby send me to His holy feet. But Indra send me to His holy remained deprived of the grace of God. That remained deprived of the grace of God Theta is why you are shaking after Aretha dharma and kama. Only the ascetic devotees of God know the secret of His grace.

Experiencing the benign grace of God the asura kin gigot absorbed indvotion.He started praying got God as though he was having a direct vision of Him. O Lord May I get refuge in your divine feet alone and be your servant even garter death. May my mind be ever engaged in the contemplation of your virtues my tongue ever sings your glories and may my body be ever engaged in your service. My mighty of Lord I don’t duster of heaven the studs of Lord Brahma a sovereign state Lordship over the netherworlds yogic or powers for ever loberation.All I want is to remain imbued with a fervent t desire to beholden You just as the young birds which arms yet to grow wings wait of theory mother to gorw wings wait for their mother to being food fro them, or jut as a hungry calf third of pest is restless suckle the mother cow’s udder or just as a jutiful wife waits to have a glimpse of her husband who has gone to a foreign county. Irrespective of wherever I may go un the wheel of samara due to my karmas may I develop friendship with your devotees and Amy my mind remain untouched by the attachment to this body family wife sums etc which is caused by your Maya As Vrita prayed, he became absorbed in meditation. After sometime, when he become alert he rushed at Indra with a trident in this right arm which was promptly severed by indri’s thunderbolt then packing up a spear with his left hand he dealt a blow to Indri caw the thunderbolt slipping out of the hands of Indra.

The king of dods stood crestfallen with shame. Seeing him ashamed, Vrituasura laughed and said, “Indra this in not the time to be sorry. So what if the thumderbolt has huddled has fallen out of your hands? Just pick it up throw it at me with accuracy. All jives function Lord. No on becomes by victory eveewhere. All jives are mar puppets in the hands of God. Those who do not know that nature Mahatattva ego can nothing without the grace of God consider the depended body as independent out of ignorance. It is Time that orchestrates the creation and destruction of loving beings. Just as sorrow, failure and poverty befall us inspired by Time and destiny even without out desiring faro them so also wealth, longevity success and glory fall to our lot by virtue of destiny. if such s the case why should on bee elevated or cae why should on elated or aggrieved n he face of fame and infamy. Victory an defeat sorrow and happiness, bright and death? Soorw an happiness are effects of the guans while the three guans sativa dramas and tamas belong to Nature and not the atamn.On who know himself as Atman the witness to tree Guans is not influenced by soorw or happiness.”

Indra praised Vritrasura’s guileless filings of divine love as he said o Lord of demons you have already attained to the state of perfection. You have transcended God Maya which has deluded all. It is simply amazing that despite having a raja sic disposition you have kept you mind firmly engaged in Lord Vaudeville, the personification of stove. It behooves of you to be unattached to the pleasures of heave. Why should one of Bliss be ever conceded about the slime dirty waters of heavenly pleasures accumulated in puddles?

Thereafter Vritra opened his month and swallowed Indrea along with Airavata like a python swallowing an elephant. Even after being swallowed up, Indra didn’t die on account of having the Narayana Kavacha. He came out tarring open the asura stomach with the thunderbolt and beheaded him using the some. Just then a divine light emanated Vritra body and got merged into God Absolute Being.

King Ramtidev did not got food and water for days together die to a terrible famine. Then one day he procured a little food and water through a lot of handwork. Just then a Brahmin guest came to his place. So the king fed the Brahmin with all faith and reverence. Next came a shard complaining of being hungry for several days sue to the famine. The King gave him the half of the famine. The king gave him the half f the reaming food. Just when king ranted thought to offer the remaining food to God, another amen came taking his dog along. He gave the food to that man.svrcely had thy let when a Candela visit water otherwise I shall die of thirst.”

The king gave him the water he had. After having put into much hard labor to obtain that merger food and a little water. The kin didn’t think even fro a second before giving it all to others. Externally, he had to suffer from the consequent physical agony: but the joy of alleviating the sufferings of others made him cheerful. Then the joy personified Lord who abide in every heart in the form to Truth Absolute consciousness Absolute and Bliss absolute manifested Himself in font ands ad Ran tide I an very much pleased with you. Ask for whatever you want.”

Rantidve replied:

“I do not seek from the Almighty Lord the highest positions attended by eight spiritual power nor emancipation from samara; I would rather prefer to dwell aim all beings and undergo sufferings for them whey they may be free form miseries.”

O Lord I experience immense peace mandibles in eradicating the mush factor let the peopleenjooy thepositve fruits of their merits but allow me to stay in their hertz to bear all lithe of their merits, but allow me to stay in their hearts to bear all the sorrows they are denied to get.”

The Lord then said, how would you enter the hearts of people for I myself am residing there already’?

He said,”O Lord I agree that you side in every heat but you do nothing. You are just a dispassionate witness to the hinges experiencing the frets of their good and bad deeds. You give sanction and provide the consciousness. Given a cannot stay thereon I will let them enjoy the retunes of their goods acts while accepting myself the consequents of her misdeeds. Relieving gives me great joy O lord please let me sit missive their heart.”

Jaydayal Goyandka said if god tells me to ask for some boon I would ask Him to liberate one and all.’

Then another saint told him if God liberates feveryone, He would be left jobless. With all jiva having attained liberation the world will becomes vacant nothing of the Lord to do. Goyandkaji said I don’t desire to render the Lord jobless while asking for this boon nor do I be liven in the possibility of collective liberation of all. Yet the very wish of having all emancipated surely emancipated my own heart doesn’t it?”

Just as fine can’t harm other simplify thinking ill of them but surely gets one’s own heart sullied in the process so also throne wading and doing good to other would definitely have one’s heart purified.

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