Sunday, August 16, 2009

Somvati Amavasya & Amritsiddiyog

Somvati Amavasya or no moon day falling on Monday creates such an auspicious Monte that Ganga, Puahkar and the divine cosmos along with all the revered pilgrimages on his earth shower their exceptional spiritual benediction on the being who performs worship, japa, meditation on his auspicious day.
The significance of this day is considered equivalent to lute auspiciousness of the solar Eclipse. Taking a holy dip, performance of charitable acts and Shraddha ( giving oblations in the name of means) n this day in considered to be perennial and everlasting. Observance of vow of silence followed by a holy dip in the sacred waters bestows the being with the meritorious effect equivalent to that of giving a thousand cows in donation. It is ordained to worship and circumambulate Lord Vishnu ad the sacred poplar tree. Prior to lithe sacred ambulation, the following prayer in dome.
Multo brhmaupay madhyato
Agratah syrupy vrksrajaye to namah
Yam drstva muyate rogaih sprstva
Papaih pramucate
Yadasryacciranjivi tamasvattham
O Sacred Tree Form the root you’re the symbol of Lord Braham, form the trunk, you the epitome of Lord Vishnu and the forehead is creditable representation of Lord Siva. My salutations to your I humbly pray for the acceptance of my reverential worship and eradication of my sins. My offer m my deferential salutations to the pious tree whose mere gaze eradicates the being physical ailments a simple touch extirpates the sis and the blissful patronage provides long life to the doer.
Our of the said number of one hundred and eight, eight circumambulations are done by enwrapping the papal tree with raw thread. One hundred and eight pikes of fruits are kept said; later on these are distributed to the Brahmins. Such a practice helps in the longevity of progeny.
P.S When the Mriga Nakshtra falls on Monday, it is acclaimd as “Amritsddhiyog Luckily this time on
Somatic Amavasya this auspicious confluence is occurring. On 22nd June from dawn till 11.45p.m. It is the pious confluence. Of Amritsiddhiyog.”

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