Sunday, August 16, 2009

Purification of the Body

As much importance we give to the much importance it body as well. If the excretory system does not work effiveintly to remove the excreta the function of digestive system will get impaired so it may stop comimpolitely.
There are mainly four organs responsible for exertion. Intestines, Kidneys lungs and the skin. These organs excrete about 2.5 lures of water, 25 Gms. Nitrogen 250 Gms. Carbon and 2 Kilos of other elements from the body of healthy person.
1. Intestines: Everyday undigested and residual food matter, bacteria, carbon dixide, hydrogen ect. Wind water and other elements are extracted in the form of fecal matter
The following bad habits destroy the efficiency of the intestines
· Checking the urge to defecate
· Consuming food without chewing, eating hastily, over eating at wrong times, costuming unwholesome foods
· Lack of manual tasks ad physical exercise.
· Keeping vigils, sleeping till late in the morning.
· Constant agitation, anxiety and grief. The following practices keep the intestines calmer and strong
· Fasting (Once a week or once a fortnight remaining completely without)
· Drinking six measures (each measure is equivalent to that obtained by cupping both hands together with palms facing upwards) of water that has been kept overnight in the morning before sunrise
· Going for a brisk walk in the morning and evening.
· perfuming Yogasanas, uddiyanbandha and mulbandha
· Consumption of wholesome food
2. Kidneys: The kidneys daily filter 170 to 200 looters of blood to produce 1.5 to 2 liters urine. Excess water nitrogen salt uric acid etc. is excreted with urine.
The following condition reduce the efficiency of the kidneys and the urinary bladder: Repeatedly checking the urge to pass urine

Drinking water eating food or having sex while checking the urge to pass urine.
Consumption of heavy and very dry food, eating excessively hot and spicy foods, excess excessively hot and spicy foods, excess salt eating on vegetarian food
Having intoxicates
Some allopathic medicines
Emaciation habits keep the kidneys and the bladder fit unhealthy:
Consumption of adequate quantity of pure water.
Drinking six measures of water that has been kept overnight n the morning before sunrise.
Passing urine before going to bed at night on waking u in the morning after physical exerciser and after taking food perfuming Katipindamardanasana and Padapashchimottanasana
3. Lungs: The respiratory system excretes approximately 250 ml. water, 200 game carbon heats and 50 gas of other elements every day.
The following condition causer pulmonary dysfunction:
Checking the urge to defecate to pass urge to sneeze to belch etc.
Taking exercise on empty stomach
Excessive consumption of dry and cold foods
Air pollution
Loss of dhotis
The following make the lungs clam and active:
Performing panama, nadir shod an, basilica kapatabhati, jay pranayuama ect
Roaming in the open air in areas where there is an abundance of life farce like in the hills, in forests or on the banks of a river.
4. Skin: The skin excretes about 600 ml, water, 5 gms carbon, 3-4 gms, nitrogen slats ammonia and other elements every day through sweating .
· Consumption of vitiate the skin: ( like milk with fruit, sour or salty foods)
· Eating following means make the skin cleam and firm:
· Massage
· Having a bath with ubtan(a mixture made of certain ingredients and water)
· Sun bath” One should take sunbath everyday early in the morning covering headset a piece of cloth. It various diseases and gives life sunbath improves the efficiency of all excretory organs. Take 5-7 basil leaves and 10-15 mean leaves in the mooring immunity an purities in the boys gives an open invitation to serious ailments and their complete elimination from the body brings freshness, alertness and completer health.

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