Monday, August 17, 2009

Education and spiritual Initation

Education lends beauty to human life, because society is ever in need of educated people. From this point of view, education is King of power. Though everyone naturally likes to have power, its misuse, however, is not salubrious. Therefore it is extremely essential that education goes hand in hand with spiritual imitation. Such imitation alone can ensure the good use of education. An initiated man does whatever he does, only for the attainment of his goal. In order to guard the misuse of education, I e. the power attained through Knowledge, sentience and darts the education should most essentially be imitated.

Human life e is am aggregate of desires and demands. Desires lead man to dependent, inertness and want: while demand paves the way for the attainment of independence, oneness with the conscious Self and absolute completeness the completeness of human life lies in the fulfillment of demands and renunciation of desires. The goal of every human being is on, and hence initiation too is one Initaionhas two primary parts responsibility and demand. Fulfilling one’s responsibility in compliance with the laws of nature of does sure the automatic fulfimnt of demands. The unwavering conviction of fulfilling one’s responsibility and an unflinching faith in ht theory of demand and supply do constitute imitation. This intuition is equally essential for the people of every class society, nation, and doctrine sect religion etc. In the absence of the imitation on man can become a true man and without becoming a true man one’s life cannot become a true man one’s of ether world or ever for Him, who is ht fundamental source and illuminator of all.

Education is power and initiation is illumination. Using power in the darkness is life digging one’s own grave. Education has mind and the body the sense, the mind and the intellect; while imitation affects our own self the doer and not the agent (the dobby senses, mind and intellect). The agents work under the supervision of the doer. Therefore sedation should be utilized the supervision initiation. No human does aspire to be destroyer by powerful; hence the oath of refraining form the misuse of power constitutes the initiation for the path of duty.

Although ht importance of education can hardly be overemphasized it is great folly to be imitated. Education, in the absence of initiation, can even lead to great calamities an uneducated man can never cause so much havoc as an uninitiated educated a can do. The educated people have a height place of importance in society, which is always in need of their active cooperation. As such, educated are most essentially required to be initiated.

Without initiation one can’t develop a flawless conviction about what is the demand i.e. the goal and also about what the responsibility towards the attainment thereof. And in the absence of these and all rebound development is not possible. Imitation may vary in its external mode but internally it always stands for dutifulness, maintenance of aloofness and surrender to.

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