Monday, April 20, 2009

Measures to Control the Mind

Mind the cause of bondage as well as liberation of man.

Lord Krishna says in the Srimad Bhagwad Gita, ‘I think that Yoga is hard to be attained by one of uncontrolled self.’

There are many steps that can be taken to control or stabilize the mind, for example;
1. Kritan (singing devotional songs and praises of the Lord) of Lord’s name with faith and love. Chant, ‘Hare Hare; Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare.’ And mentally repeat ‘OM’. It will make your mind concentrated, joyful and free form desires.

Do Kritan of God’s name mentally. It should not be vocal or whispering but only mental chanting. It will also calm the mind.

2. Japa coupled with counting of breaths: Touch the tip of your tongue to the palate and count the breaths. Alternativelys, you can keep the lips shut, and the tongue suspended in the middle of the oral cavity, neither touching the roof of the mouth nor the bottom. Mentally say ‘OM’ with inhalation and count two with exhalation and so on. Doing this will quickly make the mind concentrated and you will get inner joy. The mind will slowly get purged of deceit, cunning, treachery, peacelessness and caviling. Desires will start waning. If one assimilates the grace of and knowledge imparted by a perfected Guru, on will attain to the supreme State which is indicated by the verse, ‘It is Diwali all the time for the saint; he is engrossed in bliss all hours of the day. He has attained such Knowledge that Indra appears a pauper to him.’

3. Equanimity of the mind: The body will die; it will have to be left behind like everything else. All the comforts, facilities and adversities will become dream-like. In childhood, we took joy in some circumstances. And cried in others but they have all disappeared like a dream. The same is true for the pleasures and pains of youth, even of yesterday. So we should not be fascinated by pleasures nor be unnerved by pains. We should be even minded in both. This too will make the mind calm and strong. This is the way to awakening in the divine consciousness.

‘He who, through the likeness of e Self, O Arjuna, sees equality everywhere,

Be it pleasure or pain, he is regarded as the highest Yogi!’

4. Pranayama:
Do ten Prānāyāma does purify the mind partially. Lord Krishan used to practice meditation, sandhyā and prānāyāma everyday in the morning. Lord Rama too used to do likewise. The mind is the master of the senses and the Prāna is the master of the mind. The rhythmic movement of Prāna checks the fickleness and evil tendencies of the mind.

After doing ten or eleven Prānāyāmas draw the breath in through both the nostrils while contracting the anus. This is known as Mula Bandha (the root-lock). The storehouse of latent desires is located in the Mulādhār Chakra. Contract the anus and hold the breath within. Mentally repeat the divine name while you do so. Your desires will get destroyed.

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