Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Painful End

History stands testimony to the fact that the carnages caused by man against man for wealth and power would go to make an ocean of blood. The tales of various kings who destroyed and plundered the world for wealth, territory and power are blood curdling, but the end of all these invaders and conquerors was full of pain, sorrow and regret.

The ambitious Alexander, after conquering many nations, was consigned to his death bed even when he was in his early youth. He told his friends on his death bed, “After my death, keep both my hands out of the coffin so that people may know that even Alexander, who possessed unlimited treasures, is going empty handed today.”

‘Remember that Alexander’s courageous attempts were of the highest order.

When he left the world, both his hands were empty.’

Mohammad of Gaznavi plundered the temples of Somnath and Nagarkot in the eleventh century he acquired immense wealth in this loot. It is said that when he was on his deathbed, he told his soldiers, “Place my bed amidst the treasure chests, which contain rubies, diamonds, emeralds, gems and jewels.”

When he was taken to the treasure chests, he stood up restlessly and cried bitterly holding the treasure-chests tightly to his chest and groaned, “Alas! I have squandered away my life in hoarding these red, brown, blue, yellow, white colored precious stones. I have wasted my whole life plundering, causing bloodshed and hankering after wealth.”

He died a miserable death, wailing and repenting on his deathbed.

In the year 1398, Timur the Lame plundered his way to Delhi with 92,000 horsemen. In Delhi, he beheaded one lakh Hindus before reading Namaz on the festival of Id. He was moving about on the streets of Delhi with his soldiers when he came across a blind old woman. Timur asked the woman her name. Realizing that it was none other than the tyrannical and heartless Timur who was asking her name, the woman replied harshly that her name was wealth. On hearing that, Timur laughed and said, “Is even wealth blind?” the woman replied, “Yes! Wealth too is blind. That is how she reaches a handicapped fellow via plundering and bloodshed.”

Timur was ashamed as he heard the heart-rending words of the old woman. His face bore an expression of sadness. He moved ahead. He felt that he was not only lame but also blind after wealth which itself is blind.

Be it Alexander or Gaznavi, Aurangzeb or Tughlaq, Sikander Lodi, Chengiz, Mussolini, Napoleon, Hitler or the American rulers who killed innocent people and destroyed wealth by dropping atom bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; be it Saddam Hussein or any person of authority, who has violated human rights and deprived mankind of happiness and comfort, history is replete with the gory deeds of numerous such tyrants, who tried to satisfy their lust for power and pelf through blood shed. However, the end of all these wars and battles has proved to be immensely sorrowful. Finally, the ones who are avaricious for wealth and power fall into the hell of destruction leaving all their wealth behinds. Even then man doesn’t become alert!

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