(Excerpts from pujya Bapuji’s Satsnag)
If one world ha the power to erase sorrow associated with sensory enjoyments dishonesty then
people would sorrows. It is not possible for anyone on this earth however influential he may be to become sorrow free by exploiting someone by behaving in a cunning way by obtaining a seat of power or by attaining something. Sorrow gets suppressed under the influence of worldly joys and the person who enjoys all this becomes hollow and superficial. In the end he become sad and meets with death.
Performing good deeds yields fifty percent of the power needed to erase sorrows. Ninety percent of the power needed to erase sorrow lilies in devotions to God. Sensory enjoyment negative tendencies and cunningness have ht earth of suppressing sorrow by do not posses the power to erase sorrow. Just as allopathic medicines suppress sickness and with times a relapse occurs, similarly covering the filth suppresses the firth by with time even the covering sheet will become dirty.
We don’t want sorrow. Yet sorrow comes into our lives what then is the reason the same king of sorrow with a partivaular incident. To whatever one is most attached. With that being taken away, one gets that much sorrow from it.
Two people are passing by. They aren’t too well clad. They haven’t worn shoes. Their head is not covered with an umbrella. They are going dressed in ordinary torn clothes. Among then one person a fakir is detached and he walks with abandon. Another is sad an worried because of want. One doesn’t care for things and hence is not sad. In the other mind there is desire but a lack of things. SO that desire itself is causing him pain an he is becoming sadder.
There are many ways to erase sorrow bit their effect is apparent only for short while. Moreover, these methods don’t erase sorrow, they suppress it. Just as with money sorrow got slightly suppressed but with it arrogance arose in the form I am wealthy. So and so does not have wealth. I have done this under the influence of power sorrow got suppressed. But if you look at the poor people in power you will find what insults the y are exposed to so what is the right way of erasing sorrow? God says:
One who doesn’t get elated who doesn’t harbour feeling of hatred towards other who doesn’t grieve how doesn’t have any desire ad who has surrendered all karma favorable and unfavorable such a devoting filled individual I like.
A person who doesn’t get elated by getting favorable who doesn’t feel despair in unfavorable circumstances who believes that all this is going to changes and resides peacefully in Me the sould or residues alertly in the soul such a devoted indiual, I like. He succeeded ninety percent in stamping on sorrow while residing in the supreme consciousness, God.
When sorrow enters an ordinary person life. He understands it thus this is a consequence of a sin committed by me or it believes in the law karma curses himself or the other according to the karma performed. When sorrow enters your life, an astrologer will say, The pants in your chart are not okay satrun is in the fourth house Rahu is distured. A sorcerer will say, someone has premed black magic on you. You have passed that way at such and such time His negative resolve has descended on you. On telling an Ayurveda physician he will say Bile has increased. The weather is such and you have stayed till late. This is why you have got this illness. It you will go to a doctor he will say, you have so and so problem in so and so vitamain.God get a checkup done. Get a urine test done.
It your go to a mullah or Mahalvi he will say you possessed by some ghost or demon. Take this charm. So and so technique if you got a devotee he wile say God is testing you. Do Allah will set things right. But if you go a self realized Guru he will say Brother sorrow and joy occur became of favorable and unfavorable circumstances. It you are attached to favorable circumstances then if they occur you feel joy and if want unfavorable circumstances. It they occur you feel bad. What you should do is understand unfavorable circumstances as transient . Also understand favorable circumstances as transient. Sorrow and joy are a dream the plunge into mediation on God into His love and wisdom. God is all ruling all controlling all capable supreme well wisher an embodiment of wisdom. If someone is capable but not your well shier, then what god will he do to you? The person is good hearted but lacking in wisdom. What benefit will you get form him? God indeed is our well wisher capable and is well endowed with complete wisdom and potency. That is why with devotion to God nietly percent of sorrow is erased easily. Ten percent of sorrow of sorrow remains about the fact that in abnusence of God sometimes duality remains sometimes the desire to meet God arises or sometime the prominent emotion of God should not get angry ramin. But if one gets fundamental wisdom then the sold of God and one own soul are one none other than the Braham exists when one understands this total sadness permanently erased.
A Brahamjnai always remains unaffected just like a lotus in the water remains untouched by the water.
So under the influxes of good karma under the influence of planet and constellations and by being caution abut eating an drinking habits it one lives according to rules then one on can get rid of fifty percent of his sorrow. If one leads a devoted life then he can remove ninety percent of his sorrow. And you can attain Fundamental wisdom knowledge of the Essence then noting compares it sad incidents will come and go but a depressive tendency will not be formed in you psyche. The spirit that resides in your consumes will shine forth brilliantly. The sorrow of the past will get completely erased. You won’t screed of the past will get completely erased. You won’t get scared of the future. And the truth of the present will constrain you. And the truth of the present will constrain is reached with fundamental wisdom with the knowledge of Brahma.
Devotion is such a rejuvenator that is makes blissful lord emerge out of sorrow just as manure appears ordinary but when put in farms fruits an flowers are formed. Similarly devotion is able to erase mine prevent of sorrow permanently and fully. Then illness ailments pain will over but with the power of theknowldge of Brahma you will feel that illness occur we in the body insults and praises have occurred at the leave of the body liking and aversion reside in the intellect joy and sorrow reside in the mind but I ma my self the father f every circumstance Then life become natural like will become natural life that of evolved souls.
If one world ha the power to erase sorrow associated with sensory enjoyments dishonesty then

Performing good deeds yields fifty percent of the power needed to erase sorrows. Ninety percent of the power needed to erase sorrow lilies in devotions to God. Sensory enjoyment negative tendencies and cunningness have ht earth of suppressing sorrow by do not posses the power to erase sorrow. Just as allopathic medicines suppress sickness and with times a relapse occurs, similarly covering the filth suppresses the firth by with time even the covering sheet will become dirty.
We don’t want sorrow. Yet sorrow comes into our lives what then is the reason the same king of sorrow with a partivaular incident. To whatever one is most attached. With that being taken away, one gets that much sorrow from it.
Two people are passing by. They aren’t too well clad. They haven’t worn shoes. Their head is not covered with an umbrella. They are going dressed in ordinary torn clothes. Among then one person a fakir is detached and he walks with abandon. Another is sad an worried because of want. One doesn’t care for things and hence is not sad. In the other mind there is desire but a lack of things. SO that desire itself is causing him pain an he is becoming sadder.
There are many ways to erase sorrow bit their effect is apparent only for short while. Moreover, these methods don’t erase sorrow, they suppress it. Just as with money sorrow got slightly suppressed but with it arrogance arose in the form I am wealthy. So and so does not have wealth. I have done this under the influence of power sorrow got suppressed. But if you look at the poor people in power you will find what insults the y are exposed to so what is the right way of erasing sorrow? God says:
One who doesn’t get elated who doesn’t harbour feeling of hatred towards other who doesn’t grieve how doesn’t have any desire ad who has surrendered all karma favorable and unfavorable such a devoting filled individual I like.
A person who doesn’t get elated by getting favorable who doesn’t feel despair in unfavorable circumstances who believes that all this is going to changes and resides peacefully in Me the sould or residues alertly in the soul such a devoted indiual, I like. He succeeded ninety percent in stamping on sorrow while residing in the supreme consciousness, God.
When sorrow enters an ordinary person life. He understands it thus this is a consequence of a sin committed by me or it believes in the law karma curses himself or the other according to the karma performed. When sorrow enters your life, an astrologer will say, The pants in your chart are not okay satrun is in the fourth house Rahu is distured. A sorcerer will say, someone has premed black magic on you. You have passed that way at such and such time His negative resolve has descended on you. On telling an Ayurveda physician he will say Bile has increased. The weather is such and you have stayed till late. This is why you have got this illness. It you will go to a doctor he will say, you have so and so problem in so and so vitamain.God get a checkup done. Get a urine test done.
It your go to a mullah or Mahalvi he will say you possessed by some ghost or demon. Take this charm. So and so technique if you got a devotee he wile say God is testing you. Do Allah will set things right. But if you go a self realized Guru he will say Brother sorrow and joy occur became of favorable and unfavorable circumstances. It you are attached to favorable circumstances then if they occur you feel joy and if want unfavorable circumstances. It they occur you feel bad. What you should do is understand unfavorable circumstances as transient . Also understand favorable circumstances as transient. Sorrow and joy are a dream the plunge into mediation on God into His love and wisdom. God is all ruling all controlling all capable supreme well wisher an embodiment of wisdom. If someone is capable but not your well shier, then what god will he do to you? The person is good hearted but lacking in wisdom. What benefit will you get form him? God indeed is our well wisher capable and is well endowed with complete wisdom and potency. That is why with devotion to God nietly percent of sorrow is erased easily. Ten percent of sorrow of sorrow remains about the fact that in abnusence of God sometimes duality remains sometimes the desire to meet God arises or sometime the prominent emotion of God should not get angry ramin. But if one gets fundamental wisdom then the sold of God and one own soul are one none other than the Braham exists when one understands this total sadness permanently erased.
A Brahamjnai always remains unaffected just like a lotus in the water remains untouched by the water.
So under the influxes of good karma under the influence of planet and constellations and by being caution abut eating an drinking habits it one lives according to rules then one on can get rid of fifty percent of his sorrow. If one leads a devoted life then he can remove ninety percent of his sorrow. And you can attain Fundamental wisdom knowledge of the Essence then noting compares it sad incidents will come and go but a depressive tendency will not be formed in you psyche. The spirit that resides in your consumes will shine forth brilliantly. The sorrow of the past will get completely erased. You won’t screed of the past will get completely erased. You won’t get scared of the future. And the truth of the present will constrain you. And the truth of the present will constrain is reached with fundamental wisdom with the knowledge of Brahma.
Devotion is such a rejuvenator that is makes blissful lord emerge out of sorrow just as manure appears ordinary but when put in farms fruits an flowers are formed. Similarly devotion is able to erase mine prevent of sorrow permanently and fully. Then illness ailments pain will over but with the power of theknowldge of Brahma you will feel that illness occur we in the body insults and praises have occurred at the leave of the body liking and aversion reside in the intellect joy and sorrow reside in the mind but I ma my self the father f every circumstance Then life become natural like will become natural life that of evolved souls.
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