There is no essence greater than that of guru, no penance more superior to guru I bow to such a guru. Great men awakened to the Guru tattva the Reality of guru are manifested forms of God. If you want to see the Antaryamin ( the wintess who lives with in every living being an therefore knows what happens in the heart of other begins) aspect of god you can see it in the lives of such great men. A glories great man was staying used to see him everyday. Influenced by his exceptional personality a thought would repeatedly occur in his mind I should feed something to this sadhu. But he would experience doubt in his mind that who knows if this hindu sadhu will eat food offend by a muslim or mot! In this way many days elapsed.
One day the was washing a redish. by then that sahu came near him. Standing before him he said feed me whatever you wish to you keep thinking about it day. So fulfill your wish today. The muslim gardener was astonished. He thought how did this sadhu come to read feet to that great man and said Truly you are the Radiance of Allah. You are the king of kings. Bless me. Saying this he cleaned and washed tow reedited and gave to him with reverential faith. The revered saint also ate the reedited very fondly. Onlookers got reminded of Lord sir Rama eating the plums offend by a tribal woman shabair..
Do you know who that Antaryamin swami always repose self was. How was none to her than the over of devotees yogiraj swami always reposed in self was he was swami sir sir Lisashaahji Maharj!
If he Exercises his will..
The greatness of the knower of Brahman who give the people suffering for the torments of samara; who show the right path to the jivas wandering in immemorial with the light of knowledge who think of the welfare of all and who form time give proper guidance to people the destination of supreme self in order to accomplish the supreme goal life is beyond description.
These great mane not only direct you but they even make a foot path for you. They even teach you how to walk an they even let you hold their finger for leading you. Just as parents carry their child no their shoulders to complete his journey similarly these king great men help us complete our spiritual journey. An incident for the life realized swami sir Lisashaahji Maharj, showing he benevolence is as follows.
Swami Lisashaahji has beard a lot of praise about swami Rama avatar shuka lectures on the Gita. So one day he set out to meet him at his home. Swami rama avatar was approximately seventhly five years old and on that day he was about to depart this life. Some doctors had given up hope and still some were present there at that time swamiji. Stood in front of him and said Rama avatarji! I have come to you with the hope of heraign the srimand Bhagavad-Gita.”
Looking at his serious sate of health swamiji said to his family members give him lemo in juine mixed with honey in a give him lemon juice mixed honey in a glass of water he will become alright.
The doctors standing there said his end in near by drinking water with honey mixed with lemon juice he will depart even earlier for this world.
Rama avatarji Maharaji took some water form his kamandlu and poured it into his had. While looking at it he made a resolve and gave it. It was mixed with lemon juice and honey, and administered to Rama avatarji. While walking away swamiji told r
ama Avatarji come to they day after tomorrow amazingly he recovered completely in just few hours.
When a saint established din Brahman says something which may apparently seem to be detrimental to health, it become healthful for the man possessed with faith. Following his command Avatarji went to lotus feet and after doing the rightly limbed solution he delivered a lecture on the Gita. Form Avatarji would regularly come everyday Pujya swami sir Lisashaahji Maharaji listen to make Pujya Swami sir Lisashaahji Maharaji listen to srimand Bhagavad-Gita. Being firmly established din the supreme being suits don’t at all need to read or hear scriptures. Whoever they seek becomes a scripture. Anyhow whatever incident occurs inkier life is for the welfare to other it is their lila. Then it many be the Lila of hearing satsnag or delivering satsnag. it is their joy Millions of solution to such compassionate Brahmanishhtha great men who look after us at every step like parents who think for the good of all who make us it on the throne of equanimity..
Do you know who that Antaryamin swami always repose self was. How was none to her than the over of devotees yogiraj swami always reposed in self was he was swami sir sir Lisashaahji Maharj!
If he Exercises his will..
The greatness of the knower of Brahman who give the people suffering for the torments of samara; who show the right path to the jivas wandering in immemorial with the light of knowledge who think of the welfare of all and who form time give proper guidance to people the destination of supreme self in order to accomplish the supreme goal life is beyond description.
These great mane not only direct you but they even make a foot path for you. They even teach you how to walk an they even let you hold their finger for leading you. Just as parents carry their child no their shoulders to complete his journey similarly these king great men help us complete our spiritual journey. An incident for the life realized swami sir Lisashaahji Maharj, showing he benevolence is as follows.
Swami Lisashaahji has beard a lot of praise about swami Rama avatar shuka lectures on the Gita. So one day he set out to meet him at his home. Swami rama avatar was approximately seventhly five years old and on that day he was about to depart this life. Some doctors had given up hope and still some were present there at that time swamiji. Stood in front of him and said Rama avatarji! I have come to you with the hope of heraign the srimand Bhagavad-Gita.”
Looking at his serious sate of health swamiji said to his family members give him lemo in juine mixed with honey in a give him lemon juice mixed honey in a glass of water he will become alright.
The doctors standing there said his end in near by drinking water with honey mixed with lemon juice he will depart even earlier for this world.
Rama avatarji Maharaji took some water form his kamandlu and poured it into his had. While looking at it he made a resolve and gave it. It was mixed with lemon juice and honey, and administered to Rama avatarji. While walking away swamiji told r

When a saint established din Brahman says something which may apparently seem to be detrimental to health, it become healthful for the man possessed with faith. Following his command Avatarji went to lotus feet and after doing the rightly limbed solution he delivered a lecture on the Gita. Form Avatarji would regularly come everyday Pujya swami sir Lisashaahji Maharaji listen to make Pujya Swami sir Lisashaahji Maharaji listen to srimand Bhagavad-Gita. Being firmly established din the supreme being suits don’t at all need to read or hear scriptures. Whoever they seek becomes a scripture. Anyhow whatever incident occurs inkier life is for the welfare to other it is their lila. Then it many be the Lila of hearing satsnag or delivering satsnag. it is their joy Millions of solution to such compassionate Brahmanishhtha great men who look after us at every step like parents who think for the good of all who make us it on the throne of equanimity..