Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Selecting the right utensil for food

The way we take to make the food pure, nutritious and sattvic same way it is nieces to pay attention to the utensils in which the food is cooked. The food takes the positives and negative qualities of the utensil in which it is cooked. Hence scriptures have directed regarding the utensil sin which the food should be cooked an eaten.
Different utensil should be used for foods and drinks. They should be pure clean and unbroken. Having food in gold copper brass iron stone and clay yes less in rogue. Among these the gold vessels are supposed to be the best and the earthen ware are considered the worst. After gold silver brass copper iron and glass utensil are in the descending order of the quality.

The bras utensil improve intelligence taste and interest. Hence one should have food in brass utensils. This enhancive the intellect. It is healthful for the pita affricated people and patients of hyperacidity, raktaptta the condition in which the bold comes out of any of the openings form the body usually resembles the bleeding diathesis including epitasxis. Skin diseases liver and heart disorders to eat in brass utensils. This pacifies the pitta and purifies the blood . but according to skands puritan one should not use copper and brass vessels lather use any to her metal vessels during chaturmas. During chaturmas having food in the leaf or leaf plate made of (Butea formdosa) leaves is considers to given merits equal to that obtained by observing chandrayana and eskadashi vratas. Not only this the food had on plash leaves is considered as meritorious as triratra vrata and it is supposed to destroy many great sins During chaturmas having food in the leaf of leaf plate made of Banyan leaves is also considered very virtuous.

The leaves of banana palash or banyan tree are supposed to add taste to the food detoxify the food and stimulate the digestive fire. Hence using then is considered beneficial.
Vegetables cooked in iron pan and bread baked on the iron plate is beneficial as it helps in bold formation. But one should not have food in iron vessels as it destroys the intellect. Stainless steel utensil do not destroy intellect. Drinks should be had in silver vessels excepts the sour drinks like buttermilk lassie etc. Brass utensil should be polished before using.
Aluminium utensil should never be used. According to scientists aluminous metal reacts chemically with the owygen present in the air to make aluminum oxide which gets deposited on its surge. These utensil have these possibility of giving the following diseases. Ulcers in moth gastric ulcers duodenal ulcers appendicitis constipation leading to intestinal toxemia diarrhea reheumatism anaemia kidney inflammations stones in the kidney, endocrine glandular dysfunction loss of vision migraine arthirist could and hay fever inability to make up in mind other metal symptoms depression headache, hemipegia etc. The people who use aluminum cooker should be cautions.
These days food is commonly cooked in microwave oven. It can also cause loss of memory concentration emotional insanity and a decline in intelligence. It reduces stem nutritional value of the food and increases the possibility of cancer. Even without eating microwave prepared meals only coming in is contact in contact is potentially harmful to the body . This equipment exerts a harmful effect on living begins and trees within eh rage of 500 meters. Microwave oven hourly high frequency microwaves that boil moisture with in food an its packaging by whipsawing water molecules dizzygly back and forth at more than a billing reversals per second. Thus is converts food into waste. IT also disturbs the water distribution in the whole body form the head to feed . It causes harm to all organs and systems of the body. (For similar reason the mobile phone should be held at least 2.5 cm away form the ear to prevent damage to the brain.)
The harm caused by eating food cooked in a microwave over.

1. Loss of memory
2. Loss of concentration
3. Emotional imbalance
4. poosibity of loss of intelligence .
Using plastic plates and spoons paper, paltes thermocol plates silver foil polyethylene bags is injurious to health.
Fro drinks Bhavaprakash scripture motions that copper crystal or galss vessels should be used copper and earthen ware are pure and cool. Water should not be had in broken vessels and through the cavity formed by joining or holding the open hands.)