Friday, December 3, 2010

There is no other path easier than this

Sant Tukaram says: I ma exhausted by wandering all about in the world.’ Then how did your tiredness pacify. With getting repose and solution. And how did you attain that?
On this Tukaramji replies by repetition of lord name my body was repetition coll. I was name and glory of god. All other recourses are the source of grief. I tell the people the path solely of my won experience.
Do Samaritan (repletion of lord’s names together in a group) complete your journey while doing the same. Whiter you are wise of ignorant listen and read the Hari katha ( the stories of lord divine sport) I swear an other by this that you would be delivered doing this.

Don’t be disappointed. Don’t say that we are sinful begins how can we be delivered there can be no great sinner as compared to me. Other may be taking no other means expect the name of the lord and I crossed this worldly ocean by it alone. My lord Naryayanan is so king that he relived me form worldly entanglements . My only dharma and tenet is pronouncing the name of lord sir Vitthala. Don’t search for god anywhere else, you will suddenly behold him in the katha itself. God comes into possession of only the devotes with devotion with devotional love for him. Those who consider them selves very wise are not able to attain god by all mean. The formless god assumes form to becomes manifest by him own will in offer to relish the devotional love of his devotes.
I the mind is dyed with his colour them one himself becomes the consciousness Absolute then there is no lack of bliss! It is god alone who showers absolute then there in black of self bliss! It is god alone who showed grace. We beloved in only his name. Hence we utter only his name thought our mouth. The saints have told only to an ignorant person like me and I am sitting with the belief in their worlds. I am holding on to the feet of the lord Tukaramji says that I have no other derriere.’
The chanting of lord name( doing name Samaritan ) is extremely important for this sant Tukaramji this means of name Samaritan is very effortless and simple but it brush the is accumulated over several previous births. There is no requirement of Wandering about in the forests. Lord Mariana himself arrives at your place directly Concentrate your mind at the at the same place where you are loving remember the Eternal being. Wherever name you like you may say Rama Krishna hari Vitthala Keshena . all the name of god are equally portion . Always do the japa of lord name I swear by the name of lord Vitthala that there is no means other the japa of lord name. Tukaramji says that this means is the most easily obtainable only the own who is wealthy intellect can be able to acquire it..

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