Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Especially Beneficial in Winter season: Sesame

In winter season the coldness and dryness in the atmosphere inc reuse. In spring and summer seasons to come. This dryness becomes sharper and then gradually sharpest. This is the times for the sun to be in the Uttarayan phase. In this period, the strength of the body keeps gradually decreasing.
Sesame oily nature keeps all the parts of the body soft. It provides heart and strength to the body. That is why there is a rule in Indian culture to coinsure sesame during the festival of Uttarayan. Sesame strengthens all the parts of the body especially the skeleton the joins the skiing the hair and the teeth. It even increases intelligence. Out of the three varieties of sesame white red and black the black variety increase seminal energy and is the best. Out of all types of oil, oil made of black sesame is the best. It is excellent for destroying wind. Massage done with this oil gives strength and sprightliness. Massage is particularly biennial in winter.
Calcium and Vitamin a are found in high doses in sesame contains more found in almond. This streghthese the bones. Oxalic an acid con tainted in the skin of sesame acts as a barrier in the absorption of calcium. That is why one gets more benefit by removing the skin of sesame am then consuming it. Soaking sesame an then consuming it. Soaking sesame in milk the whole night and vigorously rubbing then in the morning gets rid of the skin of sesame. Then dry then after washing them. Aired has called this lunch it sesame or pinched seamen pinched oils are light to get they don’t even abuse excess heat.
Uses of sesame give by superior ayurved masters shir charks vagbhatt, chakradutt etc.
1. Chewing black sesame and then drinking cold water sufficiently nourishes the body. Teeth remain firm till death.
2. One part dry ginger power mixed with ten sesame power consuming 5-10 grams of this mixture morning evening gives relief to join pain.
3. Drinking sesame oil brings about a reduction of weight in highly overweight people can and increases of weight in the in people this takes is achieved by the oil as a result of the natural production of seven minerals in the body.
Method for drinking sesame oil: Drink 20-50 ml. warm oil in the morning followed by warm water. Then don’t eat anything until you fell you have a big appetite.
4. If you feel excess thirst grind the residual matter left after extra tin oil form sesame in vinegar an apply this paste on the whole body.
5. In weakness due to old age and pain resulting form it pour a stream of warm sesame oil on the site of paint for fifteen minutes.
6. If you have creaked feet or you have pain which feels like k nestles poking your feet then a night massage your feet with sesame oil and do fomentation hot water.
7. If you have pain due to wind in the stomach then grind sesame a ball of it an circulate it on the stomach.
8. In disease due to vata imbalance mix sesame with old jigger and eat it.
9. Mix one part gokhru (common name gokhru English common name puncture vine late Latin Name Tribulus terrestirs) power with ten parts sesame ponder and have five to ten grams of the mixture boiled in goat milk mix it with sugar candy and have it this destroys impotency
10. By eating black sesame power with butter bleedings piles get destroyed.
Sesame dosage: 10 to 25 grams. Note: The changes deeding on country times season natural conditions age people with a hot constitutional nature and pregnant woman should consume seams in small does don’t have sesame if you have exes menstrual discharge.

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