Sunday, October 5, 2008

Dependence and happiness cannot Co-exist

One of the main reason for our unsteady mind is the inferiority complex. When we consider ourselves inferior to others, the feeling of lowliness gets ingrained in our mind. We start counting our shortcomings that we do not have such and such thing and we think that these transitory objects would give us peace and joy. We unknowingly regard our selves as inferior evaluate other above us.
O child of God! You are unaware of your strength, bliss and consciousness. That on which u cast your loving glance becomes dear to you. You are the immortal son of the Dear Supreme Soul. Om Bliss Om Sweetness…

Wherever you see anything good, in its depth is your own consciousness, it is verily you. Don’t curse yourself. Do you have to go anywhere and attain anything to be happy? O Bliss personified! O Absolute Consciousness! O immortal son of God!
‘Rare is that great soul, who see the one Lord Vasudeva everywhere.’ Let your thinking be in line with that of such a great soul who has experienced the omnipresence of Lord Vasudeva. Be one with his experience.

Om Vasudeva … Om Narayana…
Om Acyutaya Govindaya Anantaya
Om Acyutaya Govindaya Anantaya

One who never trusts one’s own knowledge, intellect or deeds; and always others their role model for their knowledge, intellect or deeds inevitably develops an inferiority complex which leads to frustration dissatisfaction.
Their consequent dull and drab behavior starts exhibiting queer patterns of craving for various worldly objects. Such experience of inferiority ultimately results in a life of dependence.
It is aptly said, “Those who are dependent cannot get happiness even in dream.”

If a man wants to attain a salvation in this very life, he must do the work of thousands of years in a single life, He will need to move much faster than time. One experience praise
and insult, ‘mine’ and ‘yours’, good and bad in a dream. But once he is a wake, they all cease to exist. Likewise, one has to experience of the world in the waking state. Once you come to realize and understand this, you have a accomplished the work of thousands of years. The petty samskaras of thousands of years, the illusion of ‘mine’ and ‘yours’ will all be obliterated, once you find a Saint who can instill this knowledge in you.

When a person becomes a lover his True Self, the worries regarding livelihood, thought about women and the painful memories of enemies cease to exist.

To look at oneself from the perspective of others, not knowing one’s own true nature is the root cause of all sufferings. The desire to project a good image of one’s self is in itself a social vice.

1 comment:

Subhash Madhukar said...

OSHO, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Ramatirtha, Swami RamaKrishna, Shri Raman Maharishi, J.Krishnamurti, Jesus and many more world spiritual masters books and discourses. Sanskrit Mantra, Bhagavad Gita and a lot more spiritual matter.