Saturday, October 11, 2008

Personality and Conduct

A man’s personality is revealed only by his conduct. Some people indulge in futile action. Actions are of three types – motivated by desire, sans desire and futile. One should not indulge in futile actions. If should not be made fun of. Rather we should help him. This is self less service
Nobody should be spoken ill of. One who maligns another doesn’t the other one so much as he harms himself. One, who serves others, benefits himself more than he benefits others.
One should pay respect to those, who are higher or superior in age, knowledge or tapasya. Before you talk to somebody. Whoa are what he is. This is adeptness in behavior.
One with strong determination finds the way even in adverse circumstances. The japa and meditation done with unwavering faith and with firm determination affords immense benefit. One the strength of he resolve, Mirabai converted poison into nectar and a poisonous snake into a necklace of precious jewels. Mahavir Swami, with his determined efforts, attained to the Supreme State. Buddha too sat beneath the tree with a firm resolve and rose only after attaining his goal. Similarly, you too should take a vow of some daily spiritual observance and observe it with steadfastness.

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