Monday, October 13, 2008

Development of Life Energy

The Effect of the people around you and your physical environment: The life energy of a person decreases when he comes into with a person of low life energy. However, it is enhanced when he comes into personal contact with someone with a more developed life energy. A person with higher life energy tends to increase the life energy of all those who come into his contact, but when his own life energy depleted, he creates problems for others as well.
One slanders depletes his own life energy, whereas those who speak endearing and encouraging words enhance their life energy. If we are susceptible to law Life Energy we can easily pick up, like an infection, the emotional attitude that are “going around”. In ancient times, people used to less personal contact, and therefore their life energy was fairly high. But now, in urban life, our presence amidst thousands of people tends to diminish our life because most of the people are low life energy.

Radio, Newspaper, Cinema, etc. keep broadcasting or printing news about certain mishaps like food, fire, murder, theft, burglary, abduction etc. Such news tends to decrease our life energy. Looking at pictures of barbarians like Hitler and Aurangzeb also depletes Advertisements showing picture of people smoking also unknowingly decreases our life energy. Similarly, pornography and obscene picture in advertisements or cinema posters are detrimental to the life energy. However seeing the of god-goddesses, saints-seers, and great souls boosts the life energy unknowingly.

The Effect of Physical Environment: The use of all artificial things causes harm to our life energy.
Synthetic clothes such as terelyne, polyester etc. or goods made from rayon and plastic are detrimental to our life energy. But the garments prepared from natural fibers such as silk, wool or do not harm us. Hence we should use of synthetic under-wear that comes in direct contact with the body tends to decrease our life energy and may also cause cancer in the future.

Wearing sun-glasses, electronic watches and high-heeled shoes or sandals also decrease our life energy. Tissue papers with the chemical antiseptics, all synthetic and artificial perfumes in some way or the other have proved injurious to our life energy.

Drinking ice water also weakens the digestive power. Gazing at any florescent light or tube light diminishes our life energy.

About 3,500,000 chemicals have already infiltrated into our atmosphere, and hence this environmental pollution caused by industries also depletes our life energy.

If you remain unaffected by worldly attractions and intimidation, you will definitely command a tremendous influence on the world. Anyone, who doubts this, is a fool and a person of low intellect.

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