Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Key Salvation

(Excerpts from Pujya Bapuji’s Satsang)
If one wants to get rid of all sorrows and troubles forever then it cannot be done by consuming painkillers. One will have to approach a great man who is established in his own self in His soham nature and has the ability to establish others in the same.
The sadhana of remaining established in Soham is the sadhana of liberation of total eradication of all miseries forever attaining supreme Bliss and of God realization. Affirm and experience the following while combining so with the incoming breath and Hum with the outgoing breath. I an the Consciousness which enables the eyes to see the hands to move and which exists even after the death of the body. I am peace absolute, consciousness Absolute Bliss Absolute, Immortal Atman an indivisible part of God I Am becoming peaceful immersing myself in the spirit of I Am That (Soham). I am delving into that Sohanm nature form which my Gurudev has attained peace bless and spiritual might. I am becoming one with the nature of my Guru; I am attaining communion with my Gurudev. I Am That I Am that I am consciousness Absolute the Eternal Truth I ma the child of my abored Deity; I Am that Hence forth I will not get oppressed by the wicked . I will rest assured in the concoction that my sat guru and God are not far form me they are my own. I am that this is the key to moksha the master key to liberation and to the end of all sorrows. The nectar of bliss obtained thus will also help in eradication diseases.
At night while going to sleep practice japa of soham with awareness. When you wake up in the morning become ware of the intonation of soham in your breath. You will hear so and Hum with the in coming and out going breaths respectively. This king of japa goes on constantly. We have only forgotten it. Practice wills this mistake. The jiva practices ajapa japa throughout the day. If only this realztion sets in beatitude will be attained.
By the power of constant japa practiced mentally, Tirthaarama become Ramatirtha. The best of sadhanas which japa (japa of the Lord’s name). Practice japa constantly so that you reach a stage wherein the inaction goes on automatically in he heart without involving the movement of the lips or the tongue. Let the mind keep contemplating the meaning of the mantra. If one becomes immersed in the meaning of the mantra through the practice of japa and if the mind gets a taste of it, it will engage itself in the mantra on its own God will be revealed to us as our effulgent self. There is no delay on the part of God. One will experience divine bliss sweetness and inspiration without any effort in a joyful and playful way.
There is no prohibition to earning money having medicines or making merry. I would say there is no prohibition even to being despondent to sorrowful, but transform my our despondency and sorrow into yoga. Do not cling to anything. Do not

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