(Rishi Prasad’ Correspondent)
It is impossible to give a full description of the greatness of Self Realised great men. However our scriptures some to their loftiness and encourage disciples to become like them. The highest of scriptures the Gita Say us than hey are: Immersed in the welfares of all Pujya Bapuji’s life is a manifestation of this statement of the Gita.’
27th May to 10th June.: Haridwar pujyashree’s was in solitude here. During scuh days of situated on one hand Bapuji takes a plunge into his all embracing subtle world of global welfare. On the other hand He also fulfills the desires of casual and satsnag of the devotees who have come form far and wide. Telling people to taste their inner joy, liner sweeties. He said, Without the bliss of God and without the soul’s melody and wisdom, man does not fond satisfaction his satisfaction his hunger does not get satiated. His hunger for the negatives as of wealth, praise, deriving joy form others does not get erased until he receives the benediction God.’
11th June solan (H.P) Bapuji dispenced blessings of Godly bliss. Stressing on the necessity of devious in life. He said one whose mind lacks Godly joy form physical, mental and some also intellectual stress. One who has physical stress needs alcohol the company of the opposite sex paan- maslas and a peg. One with metal stress also something else. What all the on with intellectual stress does god forbid! Terrorism etc is the result of intellectual illness.
In the satsang of the self realized param pujya Bapuji importance is given to welfare. In these in addition to leading the art of how to acquire wisdom that is meant of rune’s highest good knowledge of the self one also learns how to talk how to eat how to utilize well what we already have. The useful wisdom on daily living is also made available to all.
12th and 13th June, Billaspur (H.P) :: In the satang here pujya Bapuji while shedding light on a tradition of the farmers in that area. Said people here sow ariv. A very good vegetable preparation is also made out of it big leaves. One should not discard its leaves or freed then to cows and buttales. In stead araiv leaves should by used in making vegetable predations. They provide strength.
13th and 14th June, Una and 14th Evening and 15th, Galvan (H.P): Satsang were help pujya Bapuji’s aid In kaliyaug a lot of glory is associative with charity. Charity of grain, Christy of a daughter charaity of cow charity of things which are derived form cow, charaity of gold charity of land, charity of knowledge and charity of fearlessness. These are the eight types of charities. But there is a types of charity which is even more wonderful the these eight types of charities the charity of satsang. After taking charity form you in the form of your daughter, You son in can still turn out to be a drunkard or a gambler you son in law can still turn out to be a drunkard or a gambler a thief or may also be the one who deals on hawala sandals. But when wisdom of satsang is obtained then the worry of a worried person will get erased ignorance of an ignorant person will get removed the offence of an offender will erased the sorrow of a sad person will get obliterated and god’s love devotion and wisdom will blossom in heart. What a big blessing this is!
16th and 17th June, Panipat (H.P): People here got the bandit of a liberating satsang Addressing the large crowd present , Bapuji said, Don’t become a salve of your desires. That which is the course of your die ire the seat of fulfillment of your desires and ultimately remains as it is get to know a little about this soul. God to know god. A desire arose and you continued to chase. Your then got distressed. If the desire got fulfillment the there will be happen? Time and stench were simply frittered away. It implies that we were troubles in order to fulfill a desire and when the desire got fulfilled we got a slight joy. Later the desire got fulfillment, We got a slight joy. Later the desire died down. Then we became just as we were earlier . So there is nothing but loss associated with being a slave of one desire.
18th June evening, Jind: Local resident got the good fortune of a satsang here. The wisdom of the gait does not want you to become an indulgent person y getting attached to random things. It does not want you to get dominated by the world by becoming a salve of random circumstances. The Gita wants to see you on the throne of truth consciousness bills and equanimity by not bringing about a change but by cleaning you.
The Gita tells you not to get endeared in the concept to change don’t suppress of sorrow with joy but uproot an throw away the sorrow. Don’t suppress insult with praise in the death f insult and please you ramin elastically the same weaken the power to comprehend such wisdom. Thought illness and health, you ramin the same. Childhood youth and old age all these change. Yet what not change that is your self the father of all circumstance.
19th and 20th June Rohtak: Telling people in a jovial how to a happily and bashfully live multi dimension life Bapuji said.
“Nanak says meeting the satsang the disciple masterfully learns the art of living so that he attains liberation while laughing. Palyign eating warring clothes.’
Shivji is sometimes immersed is a set of trace and at other times he dance while palyign the small darn. Life should have peace and mediation and should also have dance and mirth. There should also be relating with own another and there should also be peaceful repose. There should also be Dharam and there should be wealth too there should also be equanimity in times of both fullfimnet and non-fullfimnet of desires there should be equanimity in times of both fulfillment of desires and the path to liberation should also be shining forth.
21st and 22nd morning, Hissar: A satsang was help . Addressing the crowd in general Bapuji spoke of a beautiful simple method for the scriptures four the evolved journey of the dead. If the bones of the death cannot be immerse in the Gaga then after washing then in amla immerse then in any river. This will also ensure beatitude (skanda puran) . in addition, if you are unable to put to water of Tulsi leaves in the north of the dead person then even if you put cow’s yogurt in the mouth a more evolved condition will be attained.
22nd and 23rd June Bhiwani: Despite the scorching hear of temperatures torching 47 digress Celsius the tolerance pence and thronging masses of people visibly kept increasing. Giving the key to leading conflict free life Bapuji said don’t lose you confide irrespective of whether you get some disease face some trouble or some difficulty. Disease is condoned to the body sorrow rosier sin tell main attachment and aversion are in the intellect t but the mind attachment and aversion are in the intellect but the individual sol was God’s is God and well be God’s. In the world of form there exist trouble. The world of the formless is conflict tire and sorrow free. I am formless. During death what for the individual assumes sinister have searched so exhaustively for the answer that now have given up. If it is visible the you will see the form. What form can the invisible have?
This time the poonam Darshan was held on the 24th in Pune, 25th and 26the and 27th June in Delhi This way it was conclude at three places. In Delhi Bapuji familiarized people of the latent ability hidden in the immerse it in the essence of these self the human consciousness, he said the individual consciousness on he sid he indusial conscuonewss on refection has the acidly to merge with god By eliciting on sorrow man becomes completely sad. By thinking of the enemy he adopts the nature of the enemy..
When the mind refits on a woman you then assure the for of a woman when the mind reflect nonsense on sense enjoyments you the ashen form of sense enjoyment. When the mind reflects on the consciousness you the assume the form the consciousness.’
So immerse you and in the nature of God If you engage your mind in the world of desire or lust anger green and attachment the mind ramin unstable and you become a very insignificant person. If you engross if on the one subject of essence then l you are enriched with an evolved influential personality.

27th May to 10th June.: Haridwar pujyashree’s was in solitude here. During scuh days of situated on one hand Bapuji takes a plunge into his all embracing subtle world of global welfare. On the other hand He also fulfills the desires of casual and satsnag of the devotees who have come form far and wide. Telling people to taste their inner joy, liner sweeties. He said, Without the bliss of God and without the soul’s melody and wisdom, man does not fond satisfaction his satisfaction his hunger does not get satiated. His hunger for the negatives as of wealth, praise, deriving joy form others does not get erased until he receives the benediction God.’
11th June solan (H.P) Bapuji dispenced blessings of Godly bliss. Stressing on the necessity of devious in life. He said one whose mind lacks Godly joy form physical, mental and some also intellectual stress. One who has physical stress needs alcohol the company of the opposite sex paan- maslas and a peg. One with metal stress also something else. What all the on with intellectual stress does god forbid! Terrorism etc is the result of intellectual illness.
In the satsang of the self realized param pujya Bapuji importance is given to welfare. In these in addition to leading the art of how to acquire wisdom that is meant of rune’s highest good knowledge of the self one also learns how to talk how to eat how to utilize well what we already have. The useful wisdom on daily living is also made available to all.
12th and 13th June, Billaspur (H.P) :: In the satang here pujya Bapuji while shedding light on a tradition of the farmers in that area. Said people here sow ariv. A very good vegetable preparation is also made out of it big leaves. One should not discard its leaves or freed then to cows and buttales. In stead araiv leaves should by used in making vegetable predations. They provide strength.
13th and 14th June, Una and 14th Evening and 15th, Galvan (H.P): Satsang were help pujya Bapuji’s aid In kaliyaug a lot of glory is associative with charity. Charity of grain, Christy of a daughter charaity of cow charity of things which are derived form cow, charaity of gold charity of land, charity of knowledge and charity of fearlessness. These are the eight types of charities. But there is a types of charity which is even more wonderful the these eight types of charities the charity of satsang. After taking charity form you in the form of your daughter, You son in can still turn out to be a drunkard or a gambler you son in law can still turn out to be a drunkard or a gambler a thief or may also be the one who deals on hawala sandals. But when wisdom of satsang is obtained then the worry of a worried person will get erased ignorance of an ignorant person will get removed the offence of an offender will erased the sorrow of a sad person will get obliterated and god’s love devotion and wisdom will blossom in heart. What a big blessing this is!
16th and 17th June, Panipat (H.P): People here got the bandit of a liberating satsang Addressing the large crowd present , Bapuji said, Don’t become a salve of your desires. That which is the course of your die ire the seat of fulfillment of your desires and ultimately remains as it is get to know a little about this soul. God to know god. A desire arose and you continued to chase. Your then got distressed. If the desire got fulfillment the there will be happen? Time and stench were simply frittered away. It implies that we were troubles in order to fulfill a desire and when the desire got fulfilled we got a slight joy. Later the desire got fulfillment, We got a slight joy. Later the desire died down. Then we became just as we were earlier . So there is nothing but loss associated with being a slave of one desire.
18th June evening, Jind: Local resident got the good fortune of a satsang here. The wisdom of the gait does not want you to become an indulgent person y getting attached to random things. It does not want you to get dominated by the world by becoming a salve of random circumstances. The Gita wants to see you on the throne of truth consciousness bills and equanimity by not bringing about a change but by cleaning you.
The Gita tells you not to get endeared in the concept to change don’t suppress of sorrow with joy but uproot an throw away the sorrow. Don’t suppress insult with praise in the death f insult and please you ramin elastically the same weaken the power to comprehend such wisdom. Thought illness and health, you ramin the same. Childhood youth and old age all these change. Yet what not change that is your self the father of all circumstance.
19th and 20th June Rohtak: Telling people in a jovial how to a happily and bashfully live multi dimension life Bapuji said.
“Nanak says meeting the satsang the disciple masterfully learns the art of living so that he attains liberation while laughing. Palyign eating warring clothes.’
Shivji is sometimes immersed is a set of trace and at other times he dance while palyign the small darn. Life should have peace and mediation and should also have dance and mirth. There should also be relating with own another and there should also be peaceful repose. There should also be Dharam and there should be wealth too there should also be equanimity in times of both fullfimnet and non-fullfimnet of desires there should be equanimity in times of both fulfillment of desires and the path to liberation should also be shining forth.
21st and 22nd morning, Hissar: A satsang was help . Addressing the crowd in general Bapuji spoke of a beautiful simple method for the scriptures four the evolved journey of the dead. If the bones of the death cannot be immerse in the Gaga then after washing then in amla immerse then in any river. This will also ensure beatitude (skanda puran) . in addition, if you are unable to put to water of Tulsi leaves in the north of the dead person then even if you put cow’s yogurt in the mouth a more evolved condition will be attained.
22nd and 23rd June Bhiwani: Despite the scorching hear of temperatures torching 47 digress Celsius the tolerance pence and thronging masses of people visibly kept increasing. Giving the key to leading conflict free life Bapuji said don’t lose you confide irrespective of whether you get some disease face some trouble or some difficulty. Disease is condoned to the body sorrow rosier sin tell main attachment and aversion are in the intellect t but the mind attachment and aversion are in the intellect but the individual sol was God’s is God and well be God’s. In the world of form there exist trouble. The world of the formless is conflict tire and sorrow free. I am formless. During death what for the individual assumes sinister have searched so exhaustively for the answer that now have given up. If it is visible the you will see the form. What form can the invisible have?
This time the poonam Darshan was held on the 24th in Pune, 25th and 26the and 27th June in Delhi This way it was conclude at three places. In Delhi Bapuji familiarized people of the latent ability hidden in the immerse it in the essence of these self the human consciousness, he said the individual consciousness on he sid he indusial conscuonewss on refection has the acidly to merge with god By eliciting on sorrow man becomes completely sad. By thinking of the enemy he adopts the nature of the enemy..
When the mind refits on a woman you then assure the for of a woman when the mind reflect nonsense on sense enjoyments you the ashen form of sense enjoyment. When the mind reflects on the consciousness you the assume the form the consciousness.’
So immerse you and in the nature of God If you engage your mind in the world of desire or lust anger green and attachment the mind ramin unstable and you become a very insignificant person. If you engross if on the one subject of essence then l you are enriched with an evolved influential personality.
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