Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How is semen Formed?

Virya or semen is a very precious continent of the body. The formation of semen form is very lengthy proves. Sir suharutahry has written. Out of food is formed chyle. Out comes blood. Out of flesh come fat. Out of fat come hone. Out of bone comes marrow, an out of marrow comes seems. Every step in the trans formation of chyle into seems takes about five days. Thus seem is the final that is fumed form food. In women food. In women this final datum is called ovum. Thus it is clear from sushruthachraya’s statement as to how semen is formed thought a seven stage proves which is said to take approzimateledy 30 day and 4 fours. Scientists state that the consumption of 32 kg of food produces 800 gm of blood which in turn forms only 20 gm of semen.
The secret of magnetic personality.
Conservation of semen results in the emergence of a charismatic power in the body, which is named ojas by the ancient Ayurveidc physician Dhanvantrai. The same ojas goes a long way to help on eattina the most coveted goal of self realization. Whenever you see some one who has made extraordinary cheviots in life who reflects a magnetic anuran assesses a charismatic personality whose speech is impressive an who is enthusiastic then know for sure that this Is due to the power of comprising semen in other words brahmacharya.

Let us assume that an ordinary man consume 800 of food daily: Thus he consumes 32 kg of in 40 yielding 20 gm of seems hence he will accumulate about 15 gm of seems in one moth’s time. This is almost equal to the amount of seems that is discharged in just one act of sexual intercourse.

Story of a Gardener..
There was a garden who spent all his beautiful flower garden. Many varieties of colored fragrant were grown in it. He gathered the chose flowers and prepared a wonderful perfume form them. And can you imagine what he did next? He poured forth the perfume into the sewer! Good heaven ! He totally waster the perfume which he had prepared after so much hard word. And which could have filled his home with a beautiful fragrance. You will obviously say, That gardener was a fool an idiot But take a closer look at yourself you need not search too far for that gardener, Many amongst us are just like him.
The semen produce din the body form early childhood until today. Over a period of 15 to 20 years of early youth is transmuted into ojas which provides the body with strength vigour an radiance. Do you think it is good prudent on you part to water this precious semen takes no less than 30 days to be produced just for a single moment of sexual gratification? Isn’t this foolishness quite like that of the gardener? The gardener might not have repeated him irrational action after having realized his stupidity but today people are repeating folly in indulging in sex over an over again, even after having revived numerous forbidding instruction from the scripts and saints inevitably they end up with nothing all but repentance and misery.

Blind by sheer and for the sake of just a Monet pleasure on eventfully falls for the sexual act. And when the act is finally over one feels drained of all energies and becomes not unlike a corpse. They do not know that the pleasure experienced was wasted the precious vital flied accurate over a period of 30 to 40 days.
The semen produced an accumulated during the pries of one’s youth remains in the body in the form of ojas it is lost thought discharge of seems during sexual indulgence and masturbation. Excessive sexual indulgence may even lead to the discharge of a white substance form the bones substance form the bones. Causing deity and even impotence . One may being to shy away form confronting anyone too scared to make yes contact. Their become hellish. Since conservation of seems is of so much importance our great sages and saints have laid down specific instruction regarding when with whom and at what frequency one should engage in copulation .

Sex for progeny: Nature’s plan.
The wastage of seems just for monetary pleasure is not an arrangement made by mother Nature. It should only be used for procreation as intended by her.
Reproduction is necessary for the continua of all species and Mother Nature has bestowed the power of reproduction on all plant an animals where by it is their natural instinct to procreate overpowered by nature instance every creature engages in the sexual act and at the same time enjoys it pleasure as well . But is it wise to consider this natural arrangement a San every ready mean of sense gratifancion? In animals the sexual impulse became active only during the mating season and thus they remain healthy so has man degenerated to a leval for lower then even animals in this respect? Animals do not have to developed intellect whereas it is fully developed in mane.

All animals consumer food experience fear sleep and copulate and in our previous births of lover life forms we too had been engaged these acts But now we have attained a human form which is not meant for the satisfaction of the lower appetites of sex and taste. It is primarily meant for the higher purpose achieving self realization .But if we continue to hanker after fleeting pleasure even now shall we ever attain the highest goal of self realizing?

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