Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Nectarine Night of shard purnima

“Sharad purnima 22nd October”
(Revered Bapuji’s Ambrosial precepts)
Kamadev (Cupid the god of beauty) said to lord sir Krishna vasudev! I have defeated great ascetics and Brahmacharims I have even stirred the mind of Brahma and even disturbed lord sihva I his Samadhi. Lord Narayan ! Now its your turn I wan to have a combat with you now. Are your prepared for it?
Lord sir Krishna said very good! So you want to challenge me. You want to have a duel with me so tell whether you would lie to fight with me in private or in public.
When Kamadev failed in a lonely place then lord said. Doesn’t matter! Now tell whether you want to fight in a fort or a battlefield? Meaning thereby whether you want to combat with me when I am in my household or when I am in public?

He replied sir a battle takes place in a filed what do we have do with a fort? On this lord said all then I will give you a field. When the moon is fully of salad purnima then you will get a chance. I will summon beautiful damsels.
At last came the might of shad purnima and sir Krishna played the future he infused the klim seed mantra in it only lord sir Krishna knows the art of infusing the klim seed mantra this seed word is extremely effective.
Thought sir Krishna is the Essence and subsystems of all when he has to do something then he has to depend upon Radha. stands for the goods essential power of bliss. She is the illusory power of god.
Lord said dear Radha you walk ahead you be with may you not feel that I have been captivated by the gapes the cowherd girls) now I have to give a battle to my son Kamadev who is so proud of his victory. So today I have to cross swords with him come Radhe!
Lord sir Krishna played the flute infused the klim seed mantra thirty tow rages an sixty rings.. the night of Sharad purnima.. gentle breeze is blowing is blowing lord splaying flute amidst sixteen thousand beauties salon with Radha. Kamadev tried all his weapons but none of them worked.
Lord Krishna said Kamadev you are my son after all.’
The some Kamadev took birth form the womb of rumen begotten by lord sir Krishna. He named pradyauma.

The death of all fated times the substratum of all grounds on who leads reality to passion like lust anger greed attachment etc. and still transcends then all; on who sees such lord Krishna with as much broad understanding and vision to that degree his life gets file with joy.
It is vital for man that he should sublimate the destructive passions of his life into peace. Creatively an philanthropic activities and tread the path to supreme being through meditin on truth absolute and knowledge then he can also experience the raas lila in life just like sir Krishna. What is raas lila? Men play raas where clement of dance is eminent. But is Krishna Raas lila there is no one male dancer and many female dancers. Hence the male dancer stands for spume self an many female dancers stand for may medications of the mind, verities. May such raas take pace in you life also but life sir Krishna the male dancer you should be established in his own self in his glory and the dancers get got in the min dancer while dancing the dancers may start searching for the dancer who rains hidden in the guise of dancers among then . There is mysterious spiritual symbolism behind this..
It is not like this that Krishna is the name of a child with tow hands hearse Krishna means one that attracts is Krishna one who attracts enchants delights exhilarates one that brings about all round development the name of that supreme lord supreme Brahman is Krishna don’t imagine that the son of Name baba with tow hands and tow feet will arrive and pay future and that will bring about our emancipation. His flute is being paled all the time and the gopis are also perpetually roaming about. The atam self is Krishna and the verities are gopis Krishnan stands for self and the vrttti of the mind stands for Radha. If you reverse the word Ra dha then it becomes dh area. It is also called samvit vibration chtta kala.
When you are over come by lust you become lustful when over come by anger you become angry when attacked by anxiety you are filled with anxiety in times of distress you become deject4ed. No you should master the art of making your mind dining full of divine thoughts. When ever anxiety lust anger visit you get abousrbed in the divine. This is what is called self effort what is the colour of water? It become colored with what is mixed within. The divine power of the absolute consciousness makes you perceive any thing a s you think it to be. The blessing of the enemy frighten you and even the abusive words uttered by your friend sound sweet to you . This is nothing but the play of mind. With the dive feelings you become immune even to adversities while with evil (passionate) thoughts, even the favorable circumstances don’t give peace because one succumbs to passions which leads to dejection.
The night of shard purnima holds special significance. One this night the moon showers nectar through tit rays. The moon in its full bloom and with all it arts showers the ambrosial rain into eh form of cooling nourishing energy and peace.
On his night the moon is very near to the earth and when its brilliant rays fall on the drinks and food item they are enriched with healthful elements so the person who eats that enjoys good health throughout the years. His body is well nourished. Lord Krishna has also said.
Become the sap giving moon I nourish all herbs.
Form the spiritual point of view moon signings coolness. You may face any number of problems and troubles in the outward life but they should not cause complaint in your heart. You should be so strong form with in that the ordinary worldly troubles should not trouble you.

One should eat the dish of rice or boiled in milk which be kept covered with a thin cotton cloth in open in the rays of the moon on the cull night of Sharad purnima. Since it would be late night you should be careful not to eat much. Keep in the refrigeration or in cold water. You can confute it in the morning after heating. This dish khir enriched by the rays of the moon for tow an half to three hounds pacific pitta is cool in effect and. Moreover it proves baneful in pacifying the mind and keeping the body healthy throughout the year. The mind attains peace thought it and it cures the is eases caused by aggravated pitta. On this night make sure at you look with fixed gaze at the moon for fifteen y minutes. Blink your eyes for about 30-60 seconds. Take benefit of moon rays for at least fifteen minutes even more world not be harmful. It helps in thirty tow kinds of ailments related to pitta disforest. There after spared out an asana made of any material which is a non conductor of electricity either on the roof or on the ground. You can eve lie down while looking a the moon if you wish. With each inhalation chat mentally the divine name an fill peace with the air. Papoose in the lord Narayan who is free of resolves. Enter into the yoga of repose by doing this yoga of repose divine yoga go on making your mind peaceful cheerful blissful an joyous while chanting the name of the lord heartily and lovingly. You will be greatly benefited by doing this, there is no device manufactured yet to measure the benefits derived form this. Even if Braham it the creator makes such a device it world fail..
Those who want to improve eye sight should try to thread a meddle note night of Sharad
Purnima. Those who suffer form asthma should connoting by or samiti. Mix the medical herb with the khir. Those who suffer form asthma should eat that khir and walk all night. This curs asthma. There is another remedy for asthma. Asthma is not cur by allopathic medicines but by taking 10 gms trials arasyana in the morning an evening asthma is complete cured in just on mouth. On this mediation devotional practices satsnag kartika darshan of etc are ectreacmely beneficial for physical and mental health.

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