Sunday, November 28, 2010

Unsurpassed is Rishi Prasad”

A small and extremely interesting magazine by Which low feelings get erased. There is no other it is unsurpassed. Its name is rishi Prasad Rishi Prasad brings with is the pure message to our sages. By erasing it all pain of the material world gets destroyed. If the stream of contemplation is correct you begin to reap to the parsed of the soul. Collect honey form the nectar of Health. Your body an mind being to bloom From the gangs of wisdom has emerged Bapu river of Satsang Absorb Tales Divine you meet the world father in your mind the lamp of wisdom will be aglow when the light of worship it lit up with in you. When you get guidance of life. Your heart center gets purified,. With the Blessings of she Bhagaswat. You learn the art of living life with devotes experiences. Your faith in satsang becomes firm by riding the Insinght All readers get insights. With Moral education. They bring morality into their lives get the blessings of saints.
Your eyes of wisdom begin to open. Negativities and negative behavior decrease.
Attachment and aversion run away. The asuspicioness of festivals.’
On fasts an festivals. Tells us about their important. The hidden secrets behind festivals. Are explained to all Bapu is treasure trove of compassion. He gives us satsang while we sit at home. By getting darshan through the medium of word he takes form us all our sorrows. Form every word flows an out pouring of wisdom and devotion. Who ever internalises this understanding Remains unanimous thorough joy an sorrow.
Om prakash mishra. Ahmedabad.

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