(Excerpts from Pujya Bapuji’s Satsang)

Mastaram Baba was my friend saint. He was a self realized man. Some sadhaks went to men him. Seating then he understood that these are the disciples of Ashram Bapuji’s
Mastaram baba asked those dashiki’s How can attain god? Does he meet on his own? How can one have god darshan?
The sadhaks said swamji! Kindly you explain.,
Baba said this is being asked for answering only this is a method to teach only. The sadhaks asked how does on realize the self? He said through devotion to god and services. Then the sadhaks asked, so devotion to which god should be practiced in order to attain self realization quickly? He said Devotional practices to Rama Krishan goddess or god on be lives in then the sadhaks asked if one gets self realized great Man then who should be this object of devotion?
At this Mastaram baba said one how has attained self realization has himself be come the pre consciousness. If you himself be come the pure consciousness. If you imaging the from Krishan in him you can behold Krishan in him I you imagine the form of ram you can behold lord ram in him and if you imagine the form of lord Buddha you can behold lord Buchan in him if you consider him a their you can see their in him and Brahma Vishnu and Mahesh can together be behold in him because the substratum of a these three form of god is the same, Atma Brahma Vishnu and Mahesh owe their very existence to the Atma with our the Existence of Atma with out the Essence of Atma . the consciousness they cannot exist. If one gets company of such a gear man established in the consciousness Absolute then who should he worship/ Then devotional practices are not necessary. One has simply to follow the dictates of his guru. That is the Bhakti, for the advanced sadhaks:
To have more reverence fo the guru than the lord. With this kind of faith considering the self realized great man as god and devotion oneself to him rendering sercice to him, worshipping him and by taking the benefit of his pious company the heart gets purified and its ignorance also gets destroyed.
Lords sir Krishna says in slimed Bhagavata Purified by just you the saints are it not the holy places consisting of water nor the deities made of clay that take so long for it to happened not the fire nor the sun the moon nor the firmament not the earth the water the ether the breath the speech nor the mind take being worshiped away the sins of the one setting things apart; they are wiped our but leering those great men purify even through the darshan satsnag of a single ghadi half ghadi or even one fourth ghadi:
A single ghadi or half nay by it halved gains spent in the company of a saint frees us form sins immeumerbale says topsides.
He with the ideas of himself as being the body stinking with its three elements with the notion of a wife and that all as being his property with view of clay as being some thing washable with the thought of water as being a place of pilgrimage is (going for appearances but) never to the wise in men indeed like a vow or ass.
If one want to go beyond even devotion then the company of self realized master is required I did a lot devotion practices during my childhood when I danced like a mad then even the onlooker saints world get filled with spiritual emotions devotions and perfumed worship also. But the fruit of al devotion and worship was that I got darshan a self realized man. All my meets bore fruit when I came across leashed The froth of the devotion practiced in many pas lives was that I got my Satguru. Who ahs direct experience of Truth who was one with truth sant kabirji says.
This body is vessel filled with poisonous passions the master is a storehouse of ambaries which neutralizes every kind of so even if you have to give your head to get the master the brain is very cheap very cheap very, very cheap indeed.
An ordinary person cannot accept this fact he doesn’t erne get chance to hear it. One who lacks in merits cannot get the darshan of a self realized man let alone listening you the talks on self realization those how have committed terrier sins cannot get they darshan of a jinni. Even if such a sinner gets darshan, then it is only of his physical body for he thinks him to be confide to it. An done who has great merits devotion qualifications increase lord Krishna was an ermine tnani but Aragon being so near could not reconnect him. Gradually as Arjuna proximity and increased he started recognizing him. There were so many people in the company of Bapuji (Bhagwatpad sir Maharj) they all recognized him attained to him according to their qualifications.
Mastaram baba asked those dashiki’s How can attain god? Does he meet on his own? How can one have god darshan?
The sadhaks said swamji! Kindly you explain.,
Baba said this is being asked for answering only this is a method to teach only. The sadhaks asked how does on realize the self? He said through devotion to god and services. Then the sadhaks asked, so devotion to which god should be practiced in order to attain self realization quickly? He said Devotional practices to Rama Krishan goddess or god on be lives in then the sadhaks asked if one gets self realized great Man then who should be this object of devotion?
At this Mastaram baba said one how has attained self realization has himself be come the pre consciousness. If you himself be come the pure consciousness. If you imaging the from Krishan in him you can behold Krishan in him I you imagine the form of ram you can behold lord ram in him and if you imagine the form of lord Buddha you can behold lord Buchan in him if you consider him a their you can see their in him and Brahma Vishnu and Mahesh can together be behold in him because the substratum of a these three form of god is the same, Atma Brahma Vishnu and Mahesh owe their very existence to the Atma with our the Existence of Atma with out the Essence of Atma . the consciousness they cannot exist. If one gets company of such a gear man established in the consciousness Absolute then who should he worship/ Then devotional practices are not necessary. One has simply to follow the dictates of his guru. That is the Bhakti, for the advanced sadhaks:
To have more reverence fo the guru than the lord. With this kind of faith considering the self realized great man as god and devotion oneself to him rendering sercice to him, worshipping him and by taking the benefit of his pious company the heart gets purified and its ignorance also gets destroyed.
Lords sir Krishna says in slimed Bhagavata Purified by just you the saints are it not the holy places consisting of water nor the deities made of clay that take so long for it to happened not the fire nor the sun the moon nor the firmament not the earth the water the ether the breath the speech nor the mind take being worshiped away the sins of the one setting things apart; they are wiped our but leering those great men purify even through the darshan satsnag of a single ghadi half ghadi or even one fourth ghadi:
A single ghadi or half nay by it halved gains spent in the company of a saint frees us form sins immeumerbale says topsides.
He with the ideas of himself as being the body stinking with its three elements with the notion of a wife and that all as being his property with view of clay as being some thing washable with the thought of water as being a place of pilgrimage is (going for appearances but) never to the wise in men indeed like a vow or ass.
If one want to go beyond even devotion then the company of self realized master is required I did a lot devotion practices during my childhood when I danced like a mad then even the onlooker saints world get filled with spiritual emotions devotions and perfumed worship also. But the fruit of al devotion and worship was that I got darshan a self realized man. All my meets bore fruit when I came across leashed The froth of the devotion practiced in many pas lives was that I got my Satguru. Who ahs direct experience of Truth who was one with truth sant kabirji says.
This body is vessel filled with poisonous passions the master is a storehouse of ambaries which neutralizes every kind of so even if you have to give your head to get the master the brain is very cheap very cheap very, very cheap indeed.
An ordinary person cannot accept this fact he doesn’t erne get chance to hear it. One who lacks in merits cannot get the darshan of a self realized man let alone listening you the talks on self realization those how have committed terrier sins cannot get they darshan of a jinni. Even if such a sinner gets darshan, then it is only of his physical body for he thinks him to be confide to it. An done who has great merits devotion qualifications increase lord Krishna was an ermine tnani but Aragon being so near could not reconnect him. Gradually as Arjuna proximity and increased he started recognizing him. There were so many people in the company of Bapuji (Bhagwatpad sir Maharj) they all recognized him attained to him according to their qualifications.
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