Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Procedure of Bhramari Pranayama

Before attempting this pranayama it is necessary to have a strong digestive system. The digestive system should be able to digest the foods eaten and excrete the faces completely.
If the digestive system is weak it should first be strengthened by doing hydrotherapy (drinking 1.25 liters of water in the early morign even before brushing the teeth and padapaschimottansasan in the morning .Proper nutritious and Sattvic diet is also essential for one practicing this pranayama because lack of wholesome nutrias foods leads to poor brain function. As such one practicing this pranayama should have an adequate intake of carbohydrates proteins vitamins and minerals as is parrot pita for one constitution.
Practicing Bhramari Pranayama on an empty stomach during the three sadhan dawn noon and duck times helps enhance memory dramatically.
Method: Early in the morning after finishing your ablutions spread a clean blanket or a woolen cloth on the ground and sit in padmasana siddhasana or subhuman with eyes closed.
Sit erect with the neck and spine in one line. Close both your ears with the index fingers. Take a deep breath hold it for a while and keeping your mouth closed exhale slowly humming just like bee. Make sutra that inhalation and exhalation are done only thought the nostrils. It is forbidden to inhale or exhale thought the mouth.
While exhaling keep your lips closed but do to clench your teeth leave a gap between the upper and lower teeth. Do not over exert during inhalation or retention of breath. Breathe in normally and retain the breath as long a possible without over streaming with practices your capacity of inhalation and retention will increase gradually.
Chant like an extended humming sound with every exhalation. Keep your mind focused and consecrated on the vibration bring caused by this humming in your brain cells.

In the early stages practice this pranayama regularly for 10 minutes in the morning, midday or evening whichever sadhahya you find an opportune times After a mouth increase the during by mixture a day till you reach limit of 30 minter. The physically weak and debilitated should careful set their limits according to their own capacitates
Tratak one pointed gazing also helps in enhancing concentration what ever you read with one pointed attention is memorized quickly.
Tratak implies fixing one gaze over a light of time on an object be it a point an idol a picture a lamp flame moon or star in stationary posture with our blinking.
It beneficial to light a lamp using desi ghee when sitting for Tratak meditation or any devotional actively candles give our carbon dioxide which is harmful.
In the beginning the eyelids would blink but preserver appraise. Until your eyes start watering keep staring at one point with our blinking the eyes. Keep incrusting the duration of Tratak 3every 3 to 4 days. As the during increases greater benefits accrue.
Tratak helps in concentration and de elopement of the intellect. A one pointed mind remains blissful ad internally fearless. The more the consecration the more profaned is the of one world actions land behaviors on the society at large.
Bhang alcohol teak cigarettes, coffee, act, have an adverse effect on memory power cow milk rice freshly prepared butter walnuts and basil leaves enhance the life force and memory power.
Every morning stand faction the sun with eyes closed: Concentrate your mind half a centimeter above the navel think blue rays of the sun are developing my Manipur center Think this way each time you take a breath p suryanamaskar an pranayama take sun bath for about 5to 7 minutes everyday not only will your health improve but your memory also will improve phenomenally.
An ardent seeker of the truth must go to a Bhagavata Satguru and listing to the Mahavakya with reverential faith ten he must contemplate reflect and finally realize the true self only with self realization can one attain complete peace. Unit the aspirant receives the supreme teaching of Mahavakya form a brahmavetta saint. He rains a mediocre candidate for enlightenment he should constantly meditate an Coontemple no the lord in his heart and do jap of lord’s pious name. This meditation to a brahmavetta Satguru the mind intellect chitta and ago are inert like a shadow an transient too for they arise and then dissipate the consciousness that is the primal cause of their extinct is the true self of all the mind intellect, chitta and ego will case to exist at some point in time but the self that experiences then all will never cease to exist.

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