(Excerpts from Pujya Bapuji’s Satsang)
Our relation with god is eternal and direct. Our relation with object and people is an accepted one. Our accepted relation our beliefs change. Things break things change the real relation does not break under circumstance. One has to become aware of the real reaction and deal with accepted relations with detachment. attachment makes a person unable to work efficiently. By expecting the fruity of an action, our metal faculties get stunted we get the fruit that we designed to get be any means. Action done selflessly purifies our internal organ (Which comprise of the mind, the intellect the ego and the consciousness) purity of mind is a big achievements as by cleaning the soot desisted on the transparent case of a lantern it emits the light outside similarly by removing the impurities one mind one radiates divine light dine might dine peace and dine bliss god is in all god. Is the entering being of all. Those who don’t recognize even their real deigns is god. An eternal portion of my self having become a living soul in the world life. You are an eternal portion of god. Yet what even pain. Trouble grief worry birth death etc. you are suffering has only one cause. The ignorance which spates you cause. There are three defectors in our internal organ and the veil of ignorance. Mala comprise of abundance of desires. I should get this I should eat I should do that these are desire. With these the glass of our in tern organ is stained the many desire cause the distraction of mind. This is viscera. The third defect is avian veil of ignorance. We do not know what we actually ARE we identify ourselves with what we are Not. In reality we do not get benefit of being self our real being and embellish the body with utmost care which dies in the end this is what is called avidly ignorance. Man become of ignorance.
We identify ourselves with the body which does not exist forever however we try to make it so. We keep caring for the object which will not exist forever because our mind has bee influenced ignorance. Now to remove this ignorance is the question. If the glass is clean the light will spread well. Similarly if our internal Lorna is cellar it will be illuminated be divine light, .But what make our mind impure an what purifies if ? If we came to know of this only then will we be able derive bent form it covetousness for pleasure and fear of sorrow our mind impure. Covetousness for please derived form external objects and the fear of sorrow of being separated form any object or person make the mind impure do not covet for pleasure and do not fear sorrow your mind will get purified. You will get dinged light dine bliss and dine ecstasy for this pure food mantra japa charity doing good deeds a these are aids.
There are tow types of sadhanas, remote aids to spiritual prairies and entering sadhan proximate aids to liberation just as visiting Lila grim centers is considered a bhairanga sadhan. Doing japa of dive name is an entering because it has effect on the person heart blood and nodes the vital energy channels when the meaning of the mantra is understood it be comes even more proximate aid. Japa of a mantra give by a guru is an antaranga sadhanas. An antaranga sadhanas menas an sadhan closer to the sold the bemiring sadhanas is just like stopping a car form outside when five to then men stand up and stop the car it is considered bhairanga and when the car is stooped by prating one foot on the brakes is considered antaranga Starting and making a car urn by pushing it or getting it dragged by horse is bhairanga and getting an engine fitted getting petrol filled and then running is antaranga similarly some bhairanga sadhanas can also purify the mind but it can be purified easily and quickly by antaranga sadhan.
Our real being is convert by five cover over almond oil isn’t the fruity of the almond skin over it is the first cover then the green juicy layer is the second cover then the coarse shell site third cove. Then the real cover of the seed is the fourth cover. The white kernel is the fifth cover. With in that is the oil of the almond why is almond fruit valued? It is Valued chiefly for its ill similar what is the importance of a human being? For what is the human life valued? It is valued for self so those who are centered denominate in the Annamaya like bhairanga sadhan making a pilgrimage to holy place a sort of laborious Bhakti etc. He is no doodad religious but does not like practices of medicine which make the mind introverted one whose mind is centered in Panama kosha deeper then the Annamaya Kosha will like doing pranayama observing fasts etc. A person centered in the Mahoney kosha will enjoy devotional practices kittens to the temple doing japa of divine name and medina one who is centered in the Vijnanmaya kosha will enquire about the essence of god the philosophical discussion on truth what god what is Krishan what is a pilgrimage what am I? he will get an insight about under their meaning and be will even be will even be changed upon hearing that. So person centered in Annamaya kosha is extroverted a person centered in Pranayama kosha is a little more introverted one who centered in manometer kosha one who is centered in Manomaya kosha is more centered in Vijnanmaya kosha is even more introverted then the former. A person centered in Academia kosha is more introverted than other incase a devotes centered in Annamaya kosha is chanced to met a Satguru then he attains the supreme goal.
We identify ourselves with the body which does not exist forever however we try to make it so. We keep caring for the object which will not exist forever because our mind has bee influenced ignorance. Now to remove this ignorance is the question. If the glass is clean the light will spread well. Similarly if our internal Lorna is cellar it will be illuminated be divine light, .But what make our mind impure an what purifies if ? If we came to know of this only then will we be able derive bent form it covetousness for pleasure and fear of sorrow our mind impure. Covetousness for please derived form external objects and the fear of sorrow of being separated form any object or person make the mind impure do not covet for pleasure and do not fear sorrow your mind will get purified. You will get dinged light dine bliss and dine ecstasy for this pure food mantra japa charity doing good deeds a these are aids.
There are tow types of sadhanas, remote aids to spiritual prairies and entering sadhan proximate aids to liberation just as visiting Lila grim centers is considered a bhairanga sadhan. Doing japa of dive name is an entering because it has effect on the person heart blood and nodes the vital energy channels when the meaning of the mantra is understood it be comes even more proximate aid. Japa of a mantra give by a guru is an antaranga sadhanas. An antaranga sadhanas menas an sadhan closer to the sold the bemiring sadhanas is just like stopping a car form outside when five to then men stand up and stop the car it is considered bhairanga and when the car is stooped by prating one foot on the brakes is considered antaranga Starting and making a car urn by pushing it or getting it dragged by horse is bhairanga and getting an engine fitted getting petrol filled and then running is antaranga similarly some bhairanga sadhanas can also purify the mind but it can be purified easily and quickly by antaranga sadhan.
Our real being is convert by five cover over almond oil isn’t the fruity of the almond skin over it is the first cover then the green juicy layer is the second cover then the coarse shell site third cove. Then the real cover of the seed is the fourth cover. The white kernel is the fifth cover. With in that is the oil of the almond why is almond fruit valued? It is Valued chiefly for its ill similar what is the importance of a human being? For what is the human life valued? It is valued for self so those who are centered denominate in the Annamaya like bhairanga sadhan making a pilgrimage to holy place a sort of laborious Bhakti etc. He is no doodad religious but does not like practices of medicine which make the mind introverted one whose mind is centered in Panama kosha deeper then the Annamaya Kosha will like doing pranayama observing fasts etc. A person centered in the Mahoney kosha will enjoy devotional practices kittens to the temple doing japa of divine name and medina one who is centered in the Vijnanmaya kosha will enquire about the essence of god the philosophical discussion on truth what god what is Krishan what is a pilgrimage what am I? he will get an insight about under their meaning and be will even be will even be changed upon hearing that. So person centered in Annamaya kosha is extroverted a person centered in Pranayama kosha is a little more introverted one who centered in manometer kosha one who is centered in Manomaya kosha is more centered in Vijnanmaya kosha is even more introverted then the former. A person centered in Academia kosha is more introverted than other incase a devotes centered in Annamaya kosha is chanced to met a Satguru then he attains the supreme goal.
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