Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mahendra Chawla has been exposed as a liar and a traitor

The truth of Mahendra Chawla who publicized a volley of fabricated allegation through the media against Ashram, becoming a puppet in the hands of the foreign conspirators, was in front of the justice D.K. Trivedi Inquiry commission. The fraud Mahendra had alleged that tannic practices were going on in the Ashram but later while admitting the reality he said, Whenever I have visited sant Sri Asaramji Ashram Ahmedabad and for whatever times I stayed there I have never seen any tantric pracits beings done.’
Mahendra who had falsely alleged that there were hidden crypts (tunnels) in the Ashram accepted the fact saying it sis ture that I used to call that place bhoyra (crypt) where things of the Ashram are stored the store room. The land over which the Motera Ashram of Ahmedabad has been built is uneven condition of pits and hilloks. The rooms which are reconstructed over the pits were referred as bhoyra by me. These rooms have entrance doors touching the floor. I used to call the rooms of the basement also as bhoyra.’
Mahendra was used to forge fake documents in the name of sir Narayan sir admitted that it is true that what the help of a computer. A letterhead of any name, of any type of any size, of any organization can be prepared. I keno that fake signatures can be forged.

Mahendra confessed that he arrived in Ahmedabad form Delhi on 5-8-08 taking a flight where Avin Verma Chauhan and Rajesh sloanki were as invited. These four a had collectively leveled a shower of false allegations against the Ashram at a press conference hale in a hotel. The point to be noted is that how come Mahendra Chawla who belongs to a middle class family started flying. Form where did he get the money pay airfares? This point establishes he fact of his being associated with a big gang of conspirators.

His brothers told in an interview given to the journalists, Though our financial condition was not his studies in Paniat. He fell committing thefts. In he ran away form home stealing 7000 Rs. He had even orchestrated hi sown kidnapping and later admitted the truth. After that he went to the Ashram. We thought he world get reformed but there also he did not change his nature and how he is uttering such nonsense after becoming a puppet of the proselytizers. He must have definitely received some 10-15 lakhs. The irrelevant things that he has uttered against Narayan sir are absolutely false and fabricated.’
Brothers of Mahendra continued An F.I.R. was also lodged against Mahendra for appropriating some one’s money after he left the Ashram. He is quarrelsome and violent by nature. Actually there is gang of 4-5 people working with Mahendra who copy other arsons speech and conspire in several ways saying I am Narayan sir speaking I am and so speaking I will do the is and that..”
Finally the evil doing of Mahendra Chawla have been exposed. This deceitful compotator has been abdoandoned by his family. Along with this he is also facing reproof of the leading men of the society. May god grant a wise sense to all . It is good if they reform them selves.
The puppets dancing’s to the tune of agencies are proves to be liars. Some one is in jail while another is surrounded by problems. Still others have faille victims to the wrath of nature. And finally their master are facing stung opposition form their own community. This is a unique sport of nature. In several conspires hundreds of innocent children were abused by the clergy for so nay years. The deaf dumb and physically challenged children wren sexually harassed and that too on such a large scalawag. The nature exposed the secret an the problem becomes so insurmountable that the opposition did not stop by any means. At lat these religious leaders had to publicly apologize. The entire group of advocates of Europe opposed the child abusers. The ones conspiring the child abusers. The ones conspiring to divide India are the sleeves facing spills because of shier own misdeeds. They carry out servile kinds of calumnies but how can the dark clods cover the sun end for how long? Their conspiracies agisn Swami Ramtrirtha swami Vivekananda, Swami Ramsukhadas etc. Failed similarly they have failed in this encounter also an invited the wrath of nature which is brining a disaster to them.

-Dr. P.K. Makwana, (M.B.B.S.)

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