Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The sadhana of Resolve for Guarding Ourselves Against sensual Attractions

-Revered Swami
Sri Lilashahji Maharaj
Sensual Pleasures are more danger our then even the poison of a snake. They should not be taken for granted. What will you expect to happen if you add a drop of poison to 100 mounds of milk? Why, the whole 100 mounds of milk will surely be spoiled! One will be affected by poison only on being bitten by snake but sensual pleasures defile the mind merely on being recollected. The mind becomes impure by listening to dirty words.

Hence no kind of sensual attraction should be considered trivial. Always keep yourselves out of the range of sensual allurements. A black bee is powerful enough to pierce through even a piece of wood but the poor thing meets it won doom due to its attachment towards the fragrance of a flower. An elephant throws itself into a pit, enamored by the sense of touch. The fish gets caught in a hook due to its madness for taste. A moth itself to death being enamored by the sight of a flame. Each lone of these has a weakness for one particular sense object whereas man is afflicted with all five sensual vices. You can imagine what his fate will if he don’t remain careful.’

Hence dear brothers Be cautious. Resolves to guard yourself against the attraction of the since which you are purticautly attached to. Take a deep breath and chant the paranoia while increasing you mental power. Chant is as many times as you can, with power. And then d japa in silence for the same period of times. Resolve, I will not fall prey to that particular sense pleasure ever again or at least for a weak or for a month. Take a deep breath again and chant. Hari …

His entire life in collecting stones and pebbles rather than earning the jewel of devotion to God. What an irony.

Therefore it is give in the scriptures; one should put aside a hundred assignments to have his food on times a thousand assignments to take a lakhs a bath a lakhs to piracies charity and meritorious deeds an a crores of assignments to engages himself in attaining God realization. Satsang grants innumerable merits. We get his discrimination as to what is the ture purpose of human life.
‘Discrimination dawns not without association with saints and such association cannot be easily had without the grace or Rama .’ Therefore one should never forsake the nectar of satsang. One should attend satsnag even at the cost of leaving crores others words.

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