Learning makes us humble and modest. If even after getting education one continues to be conceited of what use is that education? Such learning neither brings goods to oneself nor is of any use to others.
The incident relates to the time when Madhava sigh was the king of jaipur. Before acceding to the throne. Madhava sight was the son of an ordinary feudal chief. Right from the childhood, Madhava sigh was very naughty and wayward. He has no interest in studies.
Sansar Chandra was his childhood teacher. If Madhava singh could not give correct answers to his questions he would be severely punished. A ture Guru cannot tolerate the ignorance of his disciples. The same wayward student few up to become the king Jaipur.

One day, Madhava singh was sitting in his court. Somebody came and complained against Sansar Chandra though he was absolutely innocent.
Madhava singh summoned Sansar Chandra. Sansar Chandra appeared in the royal court and stood fearlessly. Madhava singh said Guru you must be remembering that there was a time when you were my teacher and I was your student. Sansar Chandra tarried to recollect. Madhava singh continued whenever I failed to give correct answers to your question I was beaten up with a cane. Your would be at my throat.
Sansar Chandra was with fright he thought, Madhava sing will definitely get me hanged his cruelty is well known. But regaining his composure he said your majesty the intoxication of power ruins the man. Had I known that your were going to become the king of jaipur I would have give you more were severe punishments. To make you capable of becoming a king I would have punished you more. Had I done that you would not have disgraced the learning you received but would have rather reflected it in your behavior.
The entire assembly silently praised Sansar Chandra fearlessness. Madhava singh too become repentant for this cruelty. He begged pardon of Sansar Chandra and sent him back respectful.
The learning that aggrandizes one ego and evokes perverse behavior is no learning . Learning in fact develops humanness and such learning is received by sitting near the pious the feet self realized saints.
Great was Sansar Chandra’s frankness and great also was Madhava Singh’s ability to shed off egotism appreciation Guru’s good intentions. Like Chhatrapati shivaji who respected his Satguru giving up royal egotism this sagacious king too exhibited his wisdom. Will you the readers too make good use f the harshness of you well wishers? Or will you disregard it by given excuses in defense?
The incident relates to the time when Madhava sigh was the king of jaipur. Before acceding to the throne. Madhava sight was the son of an ordinary feudal chief. Right from the childhood, Madhava sigh was very naughty and wayward. He has no interest in studies.
Sansar Chandra was his childhood teacher. If Madhava singh could not give correct answers to his questions he would be severely punished. A ture Guru cannot tolerate the ignorance of his disciples. The same wayward student few up to become the king Jaipur.

One day, Madhava singh was sitting in his court. Somebody came and complained against Sansar Chandra though he was absolutely innocent.
Madhava singh summoned Sansar Chandra. Sansar Chandra appeared in the royal court and stood fearlessly. Madhava singh said Guru you must be remembering that there was a time when you were my teacher and I was your student. Sansar Chandra tarried to recollect. Madhava singh continued whenever I failed to give correct answers to your question I was beaten up with a cane. Your would be at my throat.
Sansar Chandra was with fright he thought, Madhava sing will definitely get me hanged his cruelty is well known. But regaining his composure he said your majesty the intoxication of power ruins the man. Had I known that your were going to become the king of jaipur I would have give you more were severe punishments. To make you capable of becoming a king I would have punished you more. Had I done that you would not have disgraced the learning you received but would have rather reflected it in your behavior.
The entire assembly silently praised Sansar Chandra fearlessness. Madhava singh too become repentant for this cruelty. He begged pardon of Sansar Chandra and sent him back respectful.
The learning that aggrandizes one ego and evokes perverse behavior is no learning . Learning in fact develops humanness and such learning is received by sitting near the pious the feet self realized saints.
Great was Sansar Chandra’s frankness and great also was Madhava Singh’s ability to shed off egotism appreciation Guru’s good intentions. Like Chhatrapati shivaji who respected his Satguru giving up royal egotism this sagacious king too exhibited his wisdom. Will you the readers too make good use f the harshness of you well wishers? Or will you disregard it by given excuses in defense?
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