Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Health & Nature

Vice an Depravity Cause Diseases
Our physical and mental healths are greatly influenced by vices like untruth, anger, jealousy hypocrisy violence, duplicity, slander etc.
Telling a lie reduces life energy and viougur. The heart is increased while speaking the lie and brain is overstressed. This weakens the heart and neurons. The one who speaks lies has greater predisposition to heart diseases, stoke leading to hemiplegia and insanity.
The brain spends much ojas shakti during fits of anger. The brain in anger requires much blood supply. Increased blood flow to the brain makes the eyes and face red. As the high voltage power supply blows out the bulb same way anger destroys the neurons of the brain. An angry person is more predisposed to cardiac disorders and brain diseases. Jealousy aggrlovates the pitta which results in the burring of body and mind.
Hypocrisy aggravates kapha, which results in heaviness of body dullness of intellect and retarding of the activity of senses. Violence aggravates the (the three doshas, vata pitta and kapha).
Slandering causes increased releases of neuropathies which causes hypercholesterolemia the main cause of high blood pressure an heart attack. Duplicity harms the body like a slow poison. Same way vice like conceit envy greed etc. are destroys of the longevity strength. And vigor. Just as the sugarcane becomes worthless after its juice is extracted same way life with out virtues good conduct and noble thoughts becomes sorrowful, miserable and diseased.
The secret Of Health
What is the remedy to eradicate diseases? Answering this question of Agnivesha sage Atri told his disciple.
When one transcends body and mind then due to nonexistence of body and mind, which are the locus of sufferings the diseases also becomes nonexistent.
The in balance of the destiny (the past actions) and the self effort (the present actions) give rise to diseases and equilibrium between these two lead to eradication of diseases.
One who takes wholesome foods and leads healthful life style acts thoughtfully, does not get attached to the objects of sense pleasure: words touch etc.. is charitable, maintains equanimity in happiness and misery, is intent on speaking the truth is patient and keeps faith in the works of the elderly and acts accordingly he remains free form disease.
One who has intellect which gives happiness, who does actions which are conducive to happiness who speaks pleasing words possesses a self refrained mind, sinless intellect and those who are inter on doing penance the attainment of knowledge and gaining perfection in the yoga (union with metal or physical) disease And even if they contract any disease due to inevitable destiny then also they remain unaffected by it. Therefore one desirous of happy and health life should pracits righteousness’ in his life.

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