Tuesday, July 6, 2010

And The Youth Was Lost!

(Excerpts from pujya Bapuji Satsang)

The children and the youth of India are gradually deviation form their culture the due to the cultural decadence being effected by the western culture as well as various multination TV channels. They transgressing the prosperity of their conduct and Recklessly pushing heir lives into the bottomless pit of evil tendencies.

And old woman with hunchback went by the path. On seeing her some young girls thought of making fun of her.’
They asked, Old lady! What have you lost? What are you looking for with your stooped waist?
The old woman could understand their intent of teasing her. She said Daughter! I have lost everything on this way.

“What did you misplace? She said Going up and down this path, I’ve lost my youth. The same is going to be your plight as well. You too will lose you life similarly.
“Seeing the withered leaves of pipal tare falling. The tender new leaves burst in laughter. Comprehending the reason behind their laughter the with leaf commuted, You Shall also under go the same plight as we have gone through. Keep patience sister! In the next autumn you too will suffer the same thing.
The old lady said Girls! Why do you mock at me. My youth has withered but yours will also not last forever.’
So, Why invite the annoyance of the elderly people by exhibiting such brimful behavior? The duty of the students and youngsters to gird up their loins for safeguarding their esteemed culture. They should frail form defend food stuff, indecent or impure thoughts. By showing deference to their elders and parents and by remaining under their ture guardianship they should steer forth to elevate their life. Lord Rama used to reveres his parents greatly. Early in the morning after getting up, He would how to his guru dev and parents and receive their blessings. We can well perceive the heights He could attain!

:Rising at break of day the lord of Raghus would bow his head to his parents and the preceptor..
Children should remain extremely careful; about their behavior towards other. If they come across nay elderly, sick physically or lethally challenged in their vicinity, instead of making fun of such begins, it is desirous to extend a help to them. Rather one must painstakingly strive to earn merits by helping them.

He Who b habitually salutes and serves the old and mature, inadvertent enhances four things longevity knowledge fame and strength such are the accessed precepts of India culture where as the western culture edifies to send their elderly people to old age homes (geriatric asylums). We should desist form such vile parities. Before one youth as well as the entire life with away; it is obligatory and benediction of elder parents as well as the deprived binge of the society. One should make endeavors to arrive at the vicinity of saints in order to attain the eternal and ever lasing supreme knowledge.

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