Monday, July 12, 2010

Method to Drink Water

The human body is about 60 to 70 Percent water. Everyday about 2.3 liters of water is excreted daily from our body in the form of urine excreta sweat etc, We feel thirsty when the body needs water. So in order to replenish of water. So in order to replenish it one should take the required quantity of water. To take water in excess or lessen our requirement take water when we feel not thirsty or avoid water when we thirsty is to aliments.

How to take water according to Ayurveda
1. Intake of water before meals debilitates the digestive fire and causes weakness in the body.
2. Luke warm water should be taken in between the meal. It facilitates the digestion of food an balances all the seven constituent elements of the body. It also enhances the body. It also ends aces the body strength. Cold water is harmful for the body. Normally drinking about one glass (250 ml) water in between the meal is sufficient.
3. Drinking water immediately after having food augments cough in the body an causes obesity. Ideally one should consume water on had a half hour after the meals.
4. Care should be take to fill up half the stomach with food one fourth with water and the remaining one fourth with water empty of the circulation of air.
5. Till the through digestion of fired and heavy food on morally feels thirsty time and agisn. In order to seek relied one should prefer to drink luke warm water.
6. One should take cold water during summer reason only. It is better to drink moraml or luke warm water in rainy an winter seasons.
7. Intake of half litre of water (kept over night) tow hours before sunrise helps in safeguarding against innumerable diseases.
8. Drinking hot water that is boiled and simmered for some time actually helps in balancing the Trdosh disorder of the three humors wind the and phlegm. Water boiled till quilt left is the best remedy for win related problem. For the bile therapy, is should be boiled till quaintly remains and when quantity is left it is a good cure of cough.
9. It is advised to drink liquids only when the breathing takes place thought left nostril. If Inhalation form the right nostril is no it is suggested to close this side to allow the inhalation through the left side of the nose.
10. It is detriment to drink water while standing. Rather one should always sit and allow sipping of water.

• if one does not take water to quench thirst the will suffer form dryness of moth, fatigue partial deafness giddiness heart ailments and weakness of sense organs etc.
Excessive intake of water makes the intestines arteries heart kidney greeters and liver toil unnecessarily, which in due course debilitates them. Too much intake of water leads to acidity dropsy head related ailments, impotency swelling urinary ailments, diarrhea dysentery etc. For the total daily supply of 2003 ml. Water drink one and half litre water and around 800 ml. Water should be take under food items like rice watery vegetables pulses brad etc. This quantity changes according to season, country time diet profession daily routine etc. During summers the extra requirement of water can be compensated by the fruit juices milk sherbet.
• Indigestion gas in the stomach light fever hiccups asthma obesity feeble digestive fire stomach ache cold running nose etc,. can be checked with hot water in take.
• Drinking of cold water is beneficial in varios ailments like a burning sensation giddiness faintness exhaustion bile humor, discharge of blood form the body and sudden fits of weakness etc.
• Drinking excessively cold water can be harmful for heart it produces back ache hiccups cough asthma and other phlegm related ailments.
24 medals at the age of thirteen.

My hundreds of solutions at the divine feet of pujya Bapuji!
I received mantra diksha form Pujya Bapuji on 14th January, 1997. My family comprise of my tow daughters and my father in law, All of us gave been intimated by rescored Bapu. With reverential japa of the Guru Mantra my elder daughter shebang aged 18 years become to National level bronze medals level archery contest. All this could become possible only on account of Grur ji divine grace.
Not only this my younger daughter shivain also tuned out to be a marvelous achier in sports that merely at the age of 10 she won a god meal in the Martial Arts National Karate championship. Therefore she contested varios other national and international championships and won seventeen gold medal four silver and three bronze melds winning a total of 24 medals at the young age of just 13 years is salty due to the benevolent blessings of Bapuji. Or innumerable lotions to adorable Bapuji’s who is the savior of millions of begins!
Mrs Samiti Karale dhar (M.P)
Phone no: 07292-232992.

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