Monday, July 19, 2010

Kalyan’s Devotion Towards Gurudev

During an awakening campaign for the common masses when samarth Ramdasji along with his disciples reached Masoor near karad in Maharashtra, His devotees his devotees had arranged for a Samkirtan Yatra. The entire entourage of supporters was marchsign ahead with the reverberation of the Lord’s pious name. On the way suddenly the religions banner got entangled in the Brach of a large mango tree. The brach was so low and wide spread that the religious banner could not be taken ahead. People deliberated, Lowering the banner would mean degrading the radiance of the supreme Lord. What should be done?

All the glances became focused on samarth Ramdasji. Samarthiji ordered, chop off their brach.”
There was a deep will beneath the spread of that brache. Many of the disciples didn’t dare to clamp up the tree. Only few devoted ones could venture to climb up. Samarthji thought of testing them. He referred you are supposed to strike at the origin of the brach while reaming in seated on the same.
Now all the devoted disciples who ahs settled themselves on the tree seemed o be nonplussed. Except one, by and large everybody started coming down,. Samarthji, new disciple namely Amends remained firmly fixed on the brach that lay spread over the deep well.
Amabds paid obeisance to his Gurudev and said As you wish my Gurudev .
Remaining perched on the brach of the tree, Sambas stared severing the saving the same brach with his axe.
Samarthji felt immensely pleased at the disciple devotion and his agility to abide by his orders but another disciple venabai said Maharaj Ambdas will fall into the well as soon as the brach gets chopped off.;

Let him fall!
Gurudev But he does not even know how to swim.
Same other people who were present around commented, Is this the way to test anyone devotion? IT the number of disciples had grown large then in plain words the Guru should have asked them to depart. On the other had absolutely unconcerned of the outcome, Ambadas was busy cutting the brach,.

Now the brach was on the verge of getting separated form the tree. Out of concern for his life people started screaming Ambads! It is enough Better come down other is you into the well.

Ambads replied so what even if I fall into the well! Our Gurudev can rader the begin thrashed the limits of this boundless rowdy ocean so this small well is of no consequence to him This takes belongs to him. This takes belong to our revered Gurudev He is duly concerned about the same.

In the meanwhile the brach got chopped off and with a thud all the three. Ambadas his exe disciples came rushing. Smarth Ramdasji also reached there. They saw that athe brach had fallen in the well in such a way that Ambads remained comfortably seated on the surfaced path of the brach as if he were sitting in a boar. He felt a if he has taken a leap on cushy an safe object. There was not much water in the well . Ambads escaped. Unhurt and unscathed. With his fall other disciples has nurtured certain misgivings about his death?
At the behest of tier Gurudev the disciples hoped Ambadas to come out to the well. Ambnads was sage and sound to the extent that even the extent that even the tiny nail of his body ramie unhurt.

Samarthji asked My lord it is all due to your benign compassion. You have showered immense hencdidcaiton upon me.
Samarthji said My child I not showered any benediction upon you. Rather you listened to my satsnag with rapt attention. You have been regular in the practice of japa and concentration. You perform each task with great alacrity. Inspire of this naught mishap my supreme benefactor has saved you life. Instead of any benediction form my side. It is your own faith and devotion your promptness and your firmness which has gritty sanities you. Henceforth I shall call you kalian.
Now Ambadas was knows as Kalyan. Once during his voyage along with Kalyan, Samarthji happened to pass by a village. They had already left the village tow three miles behind when smarth Ramdasji said you brought theses buns but if would been better if we could soak is far behind. Kalyan what should be done?
Kalyan said Gurudev you take some here. In the mean while I’ll go & fetch some milk.’
Ramdasji son! It is too late now. People must milked there cattle by this time.

Kalyan Gurudev I’ll be back in no time.
Kalyan picked up the jug to rush towards the villages in the village, a woman had started milking a lame cow. The cow was a bit unruly. As a woman treed to control the mailman it become agitated and with a sudden leap it unshackled it self to run away. With a stick in her hand the woman also trailed the cow rushed in the same direction form where guru samrthji’s direction disciple Kalyan happened to come for milk. Suddenly the steely cow fell into a pit. The woman started howling and bawling, My doomed fate! Even the unproductive cow the used to give meager quilt of milk has gone.

In the meanwhile Kalyan reached there. His mind uses What a great benevolence o my Gurudev. North the cow and her owner are close at had. He throws a glance or tow an the cow as well as
upon it owner The woman was crying and some to be some what furious also.

Kalyan asked, Mother will you give me this jugful of milk?
The weeping woman suddenly burst into laugher. She said this cow which had produced a calf about 5-6 months ago gives on one fourth of milk in the whole day and you asking for a furfural of milk!
There upon is a lame cow does not allow to mulch it easily. Alright there sits ;you mothers cow. Make nattiest to fill your jug it her milk
Kalyan was undoubtedly a ture devotes of his Gurudev. He reverently remembered his Guruji and affectionately caressed the cow. Then he requested. O benevolent O benevolent o mother cow I to soak buns in milk for my adorable Gurudev kindly get up to great me only a jugful of milk.
It seemed as if the cow was waiting to hear his words. As an intelligent person would abide by his mentor his mentor the cow also got up an kalyan availed the opportunity of mulching her to fill ht jug. The woman kept starting with a fixed look and fat astonished how the jug could become full of milk as how the jug could become full of milk as the cow would never give that much milk.

Kalyan separated the foam form the milk to fill the jug once agains. As jug become full upon the brim. He wished the woman, Mother jay Shivaram!
The woman asked please disclose the mantra of taking out this good amount of milk form the cow.

Lord shankar explains to paravatiji.

O Devi by the mere satisfaction of the Guru al penances sacristies assuterity etc. Practiced in crores of btihs in crores of become disciples fruitful.’
Blessed are such devoted wholeheartedly fore the contentment feather adorable satguru & “blessed is their unwavering belief. Nature also become favorable to help such devoted begins.
Which we understand this to that extent we will comprehend our Guru. And the degree of subtlety with which we understand ourselves and our Guru so same extent of stultify will we understand god.

Sant Jnaneshwar has said in his book. Jnaneshwar Gita in his explanation of worshipping a Guru that the part up in the word acharayopasam implies sitting near the ahcarya. Where your guru is seated you sit their . You sit there. Your guru experience s a with god. So you also expedient the same. You also establish you seat at the death a which your Guru is seated.
You don’t have to go out and sit near God. You retune form outside and go inwards, in the heart of you hear in the into spec of you internal space When we within our selves then we sit near nearer we sit to God that much nearer we sit our Guru. In reality Guru and Good seem to be different only because of our own selfishness. This matter is slightly concise but is true.

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