Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sankalpa the Expansion of Thoughts

Sankalpa (the expansion of the mind’s thoughts) (towards desired objects) is the consequence of past fulfilled desires. Sense enjoyments of the past give rise to sankalpas in the future. It a Sankalpa is acceded to it will result in enjoyment of some worldly pleasure and that in turn gives rise to further sankaplas. The pleasure derived from fulfillment of sankalpa is the breeding ground for fresh sankalpas.
If we go for pleasure of wish fulfillment, desire will arise one after the other and we will always rains discontented. Do not enjoy the pleasure of wish fullfimnet and don’t revel in the peace you will derive from getting rid of desire. Then you will becomes a jivanmukta (liberated while living).You will becomes free from the pain of non fulfillment of desire. Pain of non fullfimnet of resolves is felt only if you enjoy the pleasure of their fulfillment. Sankalpa is not itself an object; it drives you to seeking an object. A Sankapa is an induction of you remote past (when you enjoyed wish fullfimnet); our it is suggestive of a future plans or its in the memory past action. The uncessant thoughts current can not be stopped by your efforts. Desires will rise but you should disassociate yourself from them. Sankalpas can be of good or evil nature.
If is with in power to fulfill a justifiable Sankalpa do fulfit in, Only those Sankalpas should be falsified which are for the good of others. That is called duty. The sankalpa that cannot be fulfilled and rise again and again is contrary to reason and it is beyond your power to fulfit it. Therefore it should be renounced.
That will make you free from all vacillation. Never think of doing what you cannot do an never do what you ought not to do what you can do and you should do, do it forthwith don’t keep it in abeyance. Thus you will attain to Yoga in the end.

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