Sunday, March 21, 2010

Vow, Austerity and Expiation

(Excerpts from Pujya Bapuji’s Satsang)
Vow: Making a firm determination to do higher work; attain higher state is called a religious vow. Greatest of all works is attainment of God and highest of all states is Supreme self, meaning thereby that to be determined to attain God is what is vow. All the vices disappear once you set your goal for attainment of God just as all the darkness evil sprits ghosts an brimful germs get desterilized with rise of sun.
Take a vow to attain God the most compassionate, supreme friends inner self who never leaves you who is always with you in this very birth.
Once you’re a in is to attain god you will not care for fame allurements attachment hatred success failure, egotism, ridhdhi, siddhi (psychic powers) Attainment of the state of psychic powers is extremely luring but you away form its trap. Hanuman had eight siddhi and nine nidhis but he got into the unconditioned serives of Sri Rama because lord Rama but to make Rama’s experience his own he served without bothering for day or right tears or happiness. He did not bothers about Kalnemi or Lankini, neither the wrath of Rican nor the penance an counnugness of intranet.. He thought just this I have to please Rama. He took the vow to do only that which will satisfy his Guru.
Lord Shiv tells Parvati;
‘O Devi by the mere satisfaction of the Guru all opencasts, sacrifices, austerity etc. Practiced in crores of bights in crores of Kalpas (world process) become fruitful.
You will got tried of conflicting with one or tow vices. You will get exhausted while delimiting your sorrows. Its good if all vices, grief and sorrows are annulled but elimination of sorrows in not the only aim. You should also attain full to divine power. Divine knowledge are removed even the wall has no pain, even the trees getting enough water are not unhappy. Even the dogs cats donkey pigs insects germs get bodily pleasures an becomes delighted. To be happy to end sorrows is not and great achievement but attain god is the greatest achievement.
His achievement is the greatest in the would who has attained self realization.
Take a vow that you have to attain God in this life. The world will not follow you if you take a vow to get it becomes it is insert but it you simply desire to attain God he win move with nova with you. But do not deuce yourself that if you pose to attain god you will get all your worldly desire fulfilled by the great men you will get the help of God an great men. If you deceive you will get deception in return, but if you move sincerely you will attain the Truth personified God. Some people feign Bapuji’s I want to attain Go but please cure my illness, make my business run properly, my husband is like this my wife is life I need a house I need such a shop Then you actually want comforts not God. One who wants to attain God overcomes all problem. I never got any worldly problem solved by my Gurudev. There were a host of problems when I left my house. Some people used to creature problems but they all disappeared as I was dedicated to the attainment of God. The bodily discomforts troubles and hindrances becomes insihifcant. If your take any to other vow instead of attainment of God means you have throws yourself in a ditch. If an is not to attain God then we may go just any where we will do only such think. This will strengthen our bound with the world
Believe firmly that nothing can inflects my real self. Then why should I bear attachment aversion or think ill of others. May we never by mistake indulge unsoldering, may we near be jealous of anyone, may we give up lies and speak the truth, We vow to be a Brahmachrai, protector of Dharma, valiacnt performer of vow..
Austerities; To bear the obstacles and difficulties on the path of attainment of god is austerity. The austerity is of three kinds, Austerity of the body austerity of speck and mental austerity.
Those who are centered around the aunmaya body the physical sheath for them pilgrimage; Self ,mortification, asana, counting breath seeing the incoming, outgoing breath are the austerity for those who are centered around the pranayama body vital stealth. Devotional feelings, worship of god is the austerity for those who are centered around the manometer body mantel sheath. Doing meditation can contemplation are the austerities for those whose consciousness is centered around the Vigyanmaya sheath of secicen and anandamaya body sheath of bliss. But concentrations has been considered the highest of all austerities.
We should also have austerity in our life,. Take bath in the morning before sun rise even if it is cold. See how happy and sattivapure you feel. Then do japa and mediation. If the mind wanders then calm it with fast elongated and s slow japa while looking at your is fixedly this is austerely. Indeed some efforts is to be done with the body mind and wealth in satsang an righteous works but that becomes your austerity.
Expiation: Not to repeat a mistakes in the best expiation to for that. If one does not repeat a is take then he naturally becomes pure. It is of no use if one expiates and keeps entreating the mistake. This makes an indelible impression on the mind that I am liked this only. Don’t allow your self to commit a mistake again. If your do not lose hope and make efforts with patience then success will be at your feet. Indulge in righteous undertakings and thoughts so that three may be no occasion of slipping into old habit of mistake. Sheikh Mehab took Gandhji to a prostitute. Gandhji summoned God and he got a rebuke form the prostitute herself which saved him. You also entreat God in any such situations of mistake. You know your vices more than you family and the family member more than your neighbor. How you desire to correct the mistake of you neighbor when you notices it. It you wish to reform and one who commits a mistake then it is your duty to reform yourself the most.
It in not that we do not notice our mistakes nut the mind desirous of pleasure becomes liniest to us. This gives rise to a wrong habit and finally we feel that we and cannot do with out doing that mistake.
To remove the mistake your should see you mistake as you see other’s mistake and id you do not repeat the mistake then you will becomes incept and will develop reply.
Vow, austerity and expiation are potentially capable of making the vilest person great. We don’t have to become great. We have to repose unite awake in lour great self we don’t have to becomes anything. We have to commence with our self. Shiva commuting wish his own self fell into an endless and unbroken trance.

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